Male and female.
At this point a comment like this sounds a bit like, imagine how bad my Covid would have been without the vax!
I know that it stands for that, I'm wondering if the term comes from Q or somewhere else.
Where did the term SOC come from? I've heard it a few times from Clif High, but was it a Q thing?
Super cancer
We aren't on the brink of WWIII, we are in the middle of it.
The bottom is both a pyramid and an owl.
That guy needs to he put into retirement.
It would be really funny if all this Taylor Swift nonsense was orchestrated to get lefty and young eyes on the superb owl. What if next year Swift played the half-time show, then all the superb owl ads were videos of elites doing their nasty demonic acts. So many people would have the curtain pulled from their eyes.
It was long before that.
Yeah and most of those will be people who are close to dying already.
20x!? So about a 1% kill rate? They can go suck a bag.
That is some thiiiiick stone. It would take some serious firepower to cause that.
And the triangle they make...
Very odd considering the snow just finished melting. It is not dry here.
I would eat my dog if I had to.... meat is yummy.
Which special recording.
Not to mention all the other things Disney has been loosing lately...
Maybe after salting the earth.
Anyone of note die in those crashes?
Wow. That was very cringe inducing. Probably got the saline... saline, saline, saaa-leeeeen....
Yeah woman, go get a job at a daycare so you can take care of other people's children.
Trains back to Mexico!
How are the mouth breathers going to get their opinion of the hour?
Looks like someone trying to be a Star Wars villain ...