Herringbone 8 points ago +8 / -0

This implies no-one has sent her even luke-warm letters of support. If she has to fake this level of fan mail, literally no one likes her.

Herringbone 1 point ago +1 / -0

Cooper is an outlaw hero with solid brass balls.

Biden doesn’t have the brains or bravery to pull off a stunt like that.

Herringbone 1 point ago +1 / -0

So that’s how it’s gonna be played…wait a few years, wait for the “story” to grow kind of stale, then conflate any name associated with it “witness or accused.” Since it’s so broad with so many names…hope everyone is so confused no one can keep the names straight…. Lost in the murk… Guilty will claim to be heroes, and it will be much ado about nothing. Well nice try, but no dice. We’re making a list a checking it twice.

Herringbone 60 points ago +72 / -12

Fake and ghey. The reality is the best trained 120# woman has zero chance against a 190# average athletic man. It’s simple physics. This is some “The Marvels” style wish fulfillment.

Herringbone 2 points ago +2 / -0

There isn’t one central “Marine Corps Ball” Marine Corps units everywhere on both coasts hold one, as do oversees Marines. Even Reserve Units hold a Marine Corps Ball regionally at the company or battalion level. This just means the Marines of CentCom won’t have one this year. CentCom’s area of operations extends from Egypt to Kazakhstan and is focused primarily on the Middle East. Understandably they don’t want those forces nursing the inevitable three-day hangover the Ball typically provides. Having been to many Marine Corps balls, I can assure you, they are a blast…but you do need to pack a spare liver. Our Navy Corpsmen would often provide us with saline IV rehydration services the day after.

Herringbone 33 points ago +33 / -0

“Grass Roots Pressure” you mean your constituents!!?? The people who vote for you to represent them? I mean…the audacity.

by sacip
Herringbone 3 points ago +4 / -1

Not that Francis isn’t evil or anything, but with the “Emperor Palpatine” photoshop, I question the veracity of these quotes. The most normie of normie Catholics would balk at the pope saying “we need less souls.” I’d need to see the video of this statement being made before I’d believe it?

Herringbone 2 points ago +3 / -1

If you are in The Northern Hemisphere, you are entering Autumn. Given the Earth’s tilt on it axis and Earth’s seasonal movement around the sun, as we enter autumn the sun’s rays are filtered through more “atmosphere.”

The sun’s afternoon zenith is now more southerly and our days will become shorter until December 21’st. The sun’s light will appear more golden and diffuse because the light is getting to us more “diagonally” through more atmosphere.

It has always been this way, but I suspect as one who is (relatively) recently awakened…like myself… we are all freshly attuned to threats, and things that used to go un-noticed activate our early “threat detection” circuitry.

Herringbone 4 points ago +4 / -0

As false a flag that has ever been false flagged. Article is very light on details, he was “subdued” (assaulted) for what? Being a “Trump supporter?”

Who was protesting what exactly?

Herringbone 7 points ago +7 / -0

Remember when Trudeau froze the Trucker Protest organizers’ bank accounts because someone (fed) waved a Nazi flag?

They lost banking privileges and were threatened with the impounding and repossession of the vehicles they earned their livelihood with, for being at an event where someone possessed a Nazi battle flag.

Trudeau honors an actual SS Nazi with State Honors and a medal….

This guy needs to go. Yesterday.

Herringbone 3 points ago +5 / -2

Whatever. Her divorce was for similar indiscretions. She is dead to me. Set up or not, she lacks the judgement, discernment, and straight up morals to be a front-line troop. What else would she be willing to compromise?

Herringbone 5 points ago +5 / -0

My problem with “the show” is….it’s still fundamentally deception based. Just because we believe in the ends, doesn’t mean the “means” are inherently virtuous. It’s still psy-ops, and it is still causing many good people psychological and in many cases physical harm. Now I understand that this beats the alternative of civil war and societal collapse, but it’s still societal-manipulation. Those conducting it are honing skills and technology that we don’t fully understand. It means there is still a shadowy group of un-elected super-empowered individuals pulling strings behind the scenes. Even though I believe “they are doing it for the right reasons.” We are told it is all being done to “return power to the people.” I think we are all holding our breath for a cathartic “reveal” and a return to honest governance, and I take it on FAITH that such will occur, but I’ve come to accept I may not see vindication and catharsis in the way we think we will. At the end of the day it is men, waging fifth generational war against other men, and our minds (and souls) are the battlefield. I’m becoming increasingly convinced that the only way individual combatants (we he people) can “win” in this war is to simply walk-off the battlefield. Starve the beast of what it craves the most…our attention, and energy, and focus. If this really is a show, it deserves the same emotional energy and attention as Professional Wrestling. BUT in-attention to our civic duty to vote and engage, vette political leaders and involve ourselves at local levels that got us here in the first place. So the only long-term solution to this problem, is for people of faith to engage at every PRACTICAL level of local government from HOA to School-Board, to City Council and State Government. For the USA, our survival is going to be predicated on a return to Radical Federalism, and an evisceration and and starvation of Federal Government. We need to self-rescue. Grow our own food, sew into our own communities. That will require us to reconstitute our communities first. That starts with putting our own house in order.

Herringbone 10 points ago +10 / -0

Remember when Trump went off on a huge non-sequiter tangent about the Panama Canal during his tucker interview? I thought it was weird…maybe it was foreshadowing.

Herringbone 3 points ago +3 / -0

It’s scared. Can you imagine a democrat ever doing something like this to their front-runner candidate? Tick tok Dicky.

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