Upper cervical chiro! Palmer/Blair method. Very nearly saved my life.
I really love this man like family.
That's my story too. I mourn what I can never have again in California because I doubt I can ever return. It's geophysical beauty. I miss it.
Could you post re the Fourth Turning?
In the meantime, on youtube there are some very current videos. If there is a new one from Gregg Braden or Trey Smith I'd watch. If I find one that is superior I will share it.
Yes the level of empathy, the compassion for both people and animals. It is the most painful part of being alive and aware. Unbearable at times. I cry every day and I know I'm sure not alone in this.
What a great day it would be when NATO and the UN are recognized as nothing but cabal operations. The day will come when it will be entirely obvious that by heeding God, Trump, Putin and "The Alliance" / White Hats are saving the day
While also being cynically aware that WEF planned cyber attacks. These things are no mystery.
Yes, fren. And how long has Earth been oppressed and her people suffering... we are alive for this most significant spiritual evolution and it is speeding up. It does seem overwhelmingly powerful at times. I have never prayed more for God's guidance and support than I do now. Suggestions like being barefoot outside and getting 10 min of sunshine and getting plenty of D3 and C vites and good quality water with a little pinch of sea salt in it etc seem simple but they are more important than ever now.
I saw that too that the schuman resonance of Earth has incresed gradually but steadily to a much higher frequency over a period of monitored years. No decrease mixed in, just steady raising. And living things respond to the changes. And many people do feel this is Earth moving to 4D over-all. Also said is that there are areas of our planet already in 4D. I don't remember where I read this but it was while researching things to conspiratorial sounding for GAW.....
To rub salt in the wound, this is the ugliest fkg flag ever designed. The combining of the pastels with the pure primary and secondary colors is just worst than ghastly. No artistic skill or design sensibilities whatsoever. It is clown-world artifice.
And yet no investigation onto the misrepresentations about that day. Really evil. Every bit.
I knew the Morgellon people were not crazy.
Our twenty years of not succeeding in ending opium sales. That's hysterical. Our own soldiers were assigned to guarding the safety of the opium poppy fields. What a sickening exploitation of our military people. No wonder they came home depressed disillusioned and furious.
Speaking Of CIA capabilities there is supposedly a whole culture of clones. I say this not because it is sci fi theory I enjoy embracing but because the data is starting to come out saying there are a great many cloned humans on this planet now. Programmed. Chipped. Replacing the OG. And that they lack souls. And that the black eye thing we see is what happens when there are new downloads as the downloads are done via the eye socket. Preposterous you say? I freaking hope so, but honestly? There is much tech capability hidden from us. I shudder to think. But do you remember that Britney Spears said that she had been taken someplace and talked to about being cloned during her years of abuse.
Considering the horror and freak out in the usa town currently infested with crickets (just passing tbrough) and how every step is a cricket crunch and they also smell dreadful, the appeal of eating crickets is seriously non-existent.
That's right. We are NEVER shielded from the truth by gov and media to protect US. It is to protect THEM from our reaction to hearing actual truth. Just imagine.
Spoiled people really resent lessons about personal accountability and Trump illustrates tbese lessons every single day.
And that is exactly what I do for news about how we are viewed abroad.
That sentence should be saturating everything from him online. He is a very courageous man. Driven, and with good reason. I pray for his angels to do their job.
Truth, fren. I remember the day of that schism very clearly. Even as a naive teenager my instincts told me the world literally did change, that day.
Look at his expression. What I see in his demeanor, is defiance. Resentment of the position he was in at that moment. Meaning?
That dr. of yours gets kickbacks from vaxx companies. They all do. And for vitamin k shots. Also, all doctors and fnp's follow the SOC. Standard of Care. If they have documented proof that they prescribed the SOC to a patient or guardian, they are protected in a negligence lawsuit. If you refuse SOC, and you are harmed by treatment, they could be sued as liable. The vite K push is because doing it has become SOC for newborns. I know this from being in the medical field for 22 miserable years. You are right not only in refusing the vite K crap shot and the hep B shot for your baby but for being suspicious that they will give the shots without your approval. Be careful what you sign. Also don't let them assume you want a boy child mutilated by circumcision or that you are willing to let the dr. Withdraw cord blood with a syringe (unless you sign an ok) They do it sneakily sometimes, I saw it happen. Distract you with talk while taking the blood. You might want that, if you want to have it's stem cells stored for future need (healing etc). If they withdraw a big syringe of your cord blood, that blood is worth big bucks for them from a stem cell lab or treatment place. If you find a different dr or hosp, get what the they tell you in writing re shots etc. Verbal is not good enough. Good for you for being a tigress protecting your cub. Who will do it if you do not? Remember, SIDS is from the vaxxing newborns get. "Sudden innoculation death syndrome" really!