Gee, ya think? Ask all the tribes in Canada that had their children stolen and put into catholic schools from which the queen could have her pick. Mass graves of native kids have beem found. Documented. It's no conspiracy theory
My daughter went to school with Heather. No one believed the cover story. Even the kids knew something evil had been done and lies told. I remember my first thought was, why does her mother believe that story?
Well, anyone who lives quite long probably will have dementia to some degree. And various evils foisted upon us have increased that likelihood. Vicious!
He should enjoy being free while he still is. He's shady. So many rabbit holes, including some trafficking questions or connections in Utah. Mott Romney has "guilty eyes" and it remains to be seen, what about.
And many many more died because of them and still are.
And yet we let him own a mansion in our country and stay in it from time to time. Our weakness is nauseating.
One can hope. LG's sins are many and if I were him I would fear divine justice.
Kohl's has the baby merch
Bring back Uncle Ben's Aunt Jemima's and the Indian Princess's images. They were so nice. I miss them.
Yes. Ded. He does sound like he's fighting for his evil little life.
Fren, I beg you, get the book called The Mood Cure. Amino acid supplements can save your life. I am not kidding. Your body chemistry is responsible for the way you feel. I recommend getting on a carnivore way of eating. Find what Jordan Peterson says about how he recovered from crippling depression by going on a carnivore diet. Also please get your T level checked. Low T zaps all joy right out of you. Also, the aminos and other nutritional support can help you quit drinking. If you keep drinking you will lose absolutely everything. Your wife and your animals. My most beloved, lost me, because of alcohol. What a terrible shame.
It's true. I saw a photo of Anthony Bourdain at some elite dinner and he held up a glass container with a baby in it. The level of evil and disrespect for life on the Earth has got to be confronted before the massive sickness of humanity can be healed
Good we want them too and eventually we should as well. It is stinkin inevitable. The old ways are on there way out.
Now what. Who do we send this to? I don't have twitter followers. Post on TS?
Ugh. It's so bad. So creepy.
I am so disturbed. A liitle nauseoua. I.never want to look at or listen to her again.
Oh don't be too mean about David Wilcock. Have you looked at pics of Cayce and of David side by side? Can't deny. Sort of like how Trump's uncle and Assange look alike. Does make a person wonder. Even if David sometimes goes off the deep end or is weird the way brainiacs are, I save the wheat, and let the chaff blow away.
Which probably means if they dig into the files it will show Mitt is an investor or receives laundered money from that lab.
They certianly giggled with the mannerisms of two girls. lol. Butch chicks are sometimes still chicks ya know. So I don't know about them. Why at rhat young age would two boys both be being groomed to look like girls and one or both have had babies now, right?
This is what I have referred to many times about him.
That is how schools should be. Empowering!!
I want Russia to be victorious in exactly the ways they want to be. The alternative to that, is highly threatening. Right now Trump and Putin are the voices of reason on the world stage.
I thought we all new this all along.