My son is in the military, they're all fine.
Wow six year old tweets that are still up, this surely must be the nail in the coffin.
This is pretty much true about all birth stuff in the US, America sucks for most things because of insurance regulations and other BS.
Hasn't Saudi Arabia banned all Marvel movies and pretty much all Disney movies?
I guess we missed March madness
Why would Durham drop something at a time that works best for the deep state?
Surprisingly less rare than you think. My sister in law is a lactation consultant at our church who works with new parents, she is also a dula. She'll see about 10-15 women a year who just have no supply due to medical issues or other problems. She probably sees 100-200 women a year, so 5-10%. These are women who are trying their best and are definitely not sabotaging their own supply in any way. Some women have issues with their nipple shape or amount of glandular tissue. Some women have PCOS or took birth control for too long or started it when they were too young and didn't know any better.
There are many reasons out there.
Natural News ... c'mon man.
Oh I know, but some women have physical issues.
There are also women who just have problems with supply for other reasons.
Acetaminophen is murder.
Lots of women have those issues without intervention.
Lots of women aren't able to breastfeed that long, or at all.
At a year they can drink milk and eat solids.
After this came out the Clean Label Project was exposed as a total racket. They were basically holding brands hostage for their ratings, brands had to pay to get clean ratings.
The Clean Label Project never submitted their findings to anyone else to study and did not answer any questions about how they conducted their studies.
Then SHOCKINGLY a few months later they started promoting a bunch of chinese "organic" baby formula companies.
Honestly, if they remove themselves from the gene pool, why don't we let them? Who cares?
send in ... the clowns
This tweet is two years old, makes sense it would be stickied
So now the deep state is companies and not an underground of workers who have been making policy for decades?
Seriously. It's already on the border of becoming it.
I own a dozen rentals near Disney, they'd become worthless the second disney bounced.
The big brains are definitely here, it's all politics there and discussion of the midterms.
It's always surprised me that no one put together the titles of all the photos
I don't know, Marie bungled that debate. Half way through Macron accused her of being in Putin's pocket because she has direct loans with him and she was just like, yeah you have loans too, and Macron said, yes a home loan, not a loan with a dictator.
Pretty much every left leaning person who was leaning towards her jumped ship with that.