Humbled1 10 points ago +10 / -0

Babylon Bee showing that their satire is the only thing that becomes reality, faster than conspiracy theories.

Humbled1 9 points ago +9 / -0

Yes and No. I'd say there is a small percentage of Trump haters that even care about election integrity. The rest are all still happy "mean tweets" isn't in office, integrity of the system that removed him if is no concern to them (right now). This is why the election red pill isn't sinking, they honestly don't care. Mean tweeting, bad orange man, is no longer in office.

And when the MSM finally tells them to be concerned about election integrity, it will be targeted at Republicans as the biggest concern.

Atleast, where my mind is on it.

Humbled1 7 points ago +7 / -0

Reparations are great, I just pray they get their lives back! This admin is setting examples for those that disagree with their policy.

Humbled1 29 points ago +29 / -0

Biden doubling down on dividing the country. "MAGA Republicans" must be the latest catch phrase agreed on by their focus group. Don't they realize, their own actions are creating more and more "MAGA Republicans"?

Humbled1 3 points ago +3 / -0

I sort of feel, the vaxed that aren't having vax injuries, were the saline "control" group.

Humbled1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Honestly, I don't want to dilute your education in it with my lack of total knowledge. I know for me, since taking it full spectrum has been beneficial for pain relief, sleep aid, my lactose intolerance has gone away/issues reduced massively to where I can eat food made with milk again. I've no sauce to back those claims up, just personal experience.

Humbled1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Very similar results here. Lactose intolerant for the past 10 yrs, never gave up milk products though, and in the past 8mo of taking full spectrum extract near bedtime, I don't experience the all day stone. Just heavy eyelids and good sleep.

Humbled1 4 points ago +4 / -0

Part of the 74.2m myself. Pure blood, except for the thc/CBD pulsing through it. Benefits of full spectrum extract are vast!!

Humbled1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Babylon Bee with truth once again. In 2024 when Trump wins, the Libs can meet up at Mead and help get it back to level quick.

Humbled1 3 points ago +3 / -0

You think if all the electric cars went away in CA, lake Mead might start to fill back up? Pretty sure their power demand is a root cause.

Humbled1 5 points ago +5 / -0

Oddly enough my parents wernt alive to experience the entire COVID phase (mom passed last April) but my grandparents have had to live through it. Papa passed 2 months ago at 93 and my nan is holding strong at 90. I have asked my aunt to discourage her getting any more shots, she's only had 2 but that's worrisome enough.

Humbled1 2 points ago +2 / -0

2 biggest reasons, (IMO) 1- Safety standards that cause greater blind spots (wider pillars mainly) 2-people that text and drive

Humbled1 1 point ago +1 / -0

I get it, Anons we're trained not to read answers but to find them. Q spent a lot of time training Anons to search for answers. No intentions to educate anybody but those willing to seek the answers to those questions always posted. The narrative was never fed, but truth resonates loudly. It's why I am on here. I put more trust in this sites info than any other site.

Humbled1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not a doubter, but the time between deltas has always confused me. Is there a magic number for the delta? Or is it just when the dates match the comments?

And if the year delta changes, is there any significance to the difference?

Just trying to understand how deltas are applied and deciphered. Not questioning out of doubt, but because I'm fairly dumb to it.

Humbled1 4 points ago +4 / -0

Considering she's not his offspring, I'd be real curious what's written about Bill in her diary.

Humbled1 6 points ago +6 / -0

Last year my employer gave bonuses out to the vaxed employees, based on their teams vax status. 500-1000 per vaxed employee. Unvaxed got nothing. Starting to wonder if that's becoming a stone worth throwing with all this "new" science coming out.

Humbled1 6 points ago +6 / -0

"3. Shits and Giggles"

Why do you need to mention Biden and Harris?

Humbled1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Forgive me, being in southern VA....guess I've never seen a real southern Baptist church. /sarcasm. Seriously 25 churches in 5 years, not 1 was more about the gospel than their tithings intake. Your experience may be different and that is very possible, but I'm just sharing my struggle to find a "real" church. I want to converse with others on it all, but I'm not driving 1.5 hrs away to do that.

Humbled1 4 points ago +4 / -0

My wife and I searched different local churches for 5 years. We've exhausted all within 30 miles. The only thing we said we would not accept, hands down, was a church that focused as much on tithings as they did the Bible. 1 church had a 1.5 hr long service. 1hr of it was the church band playing music, 10 min of follow up on last week's financials and reminded to pay tithings, which followed that sermon.

Now, we self educate through reading passages out loud to each other, and having discussion time to come to our own conclusions. No church has ever lifted me like this has. I don't need to sing hymnals or progressive Christian rock to send praises to the Lord. And I give my 10% back, just ask the community I work with. It's not money to me, but it is to them since they don't have to spend it.

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