IamM 38 points ago +38 / -0

"But putin chose to invade the country that all of the western leaders are using for money laundering, one that they all want people to donate money towards despite having zero ties at all."

IamM 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm amazed that she was so heavily against invermectin too considering her brother used it to cure a stomach virus and win the kentucky derby last year.

IamM 2 points ago +2 / -0

Possibly. It's also the internet which oftentimes isn't a reflection of how society actually goes, with the quote "you don't go to the internet to find solutions, you go to find excuses" ringing far too true nowadays.

One of the better examples of this was a meme I saw from a while back comparing 1950s to now, where men in the 1950s could buy a house and feed their entire families wheras now men can't afford to do much of anything, got hundreds of upvotes with top comments being the usual "fuck china" nonsense, ignoring the giant elephant in the room of what their money is being spent on. When you use $2,000 a month a year on video games, another $3,000 on pop/coffee, and only work 15-20hrs a week unlike the 50+ they'd do, it's no surprise why you can't replicate their results.

IamM 1 point ago +2 / -1

I wouldn't really say I'm in either camp as both imply you're powerless to do anything and are purely relying on other things to happen to succeed/fail. From what I've seen if you put enough effort in, you can get most of what you want from life.

IamM 0 points ago +1 / -1

Not sure why she'd need to be bribed to leave if she was considered any sort of threat. This reminds me of the brian flores nfl thing where he suggested he was "paid to lose" so the dolphins could get better draft picks, only to then have a coach who went 1-31 in 2 seasons with the browns (hue jackson) join in on it.

IamM 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh, not only that but it could also be used a la that one twitch trick (I forget the name of it, but it's when people would phone in fake bomb/gun threats to "prank" people) in an effort to get them killed. Like imagine you're sitting at home eating dinner with the wife/kids, only to then have 50 people break into your house pointing guns at your face. If you're a jilted ex-wife and see your ex is doing well, you are 100% telling the police he's suicidal and has dozens of guns ready to use in his house.

IamM 2 points ago +2 / -0

I mean to be fair 99% of our conservatives here are liberals who only run as conservatives because they want to get votes from people who hate trudeau. There was a toronto premier, think his name was doug ford. His entire platform was just repeating everything trudy-boy said during 2020 when it came to covid/mass business shutdowns, yet because he said he disagreed with trudy a couple of times he was constantly re-elected even through dozens of high-profile scandals including one where he forced a guy to sit in jail due to lockdown violations while his terminally-ill father was sitting in a hospital bed.

IamM 2 points ago +2 / -0

Knowing the trans community they'd do it even if you told them it was toxic. If I had a nickel for everytime one of them offed themselves in the past year for a bullshit reason, I could buy an entire rope-making business.

IamM 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think that's what I miss most about the 90s, that people didn't have to constantly be attention-seeking all the time. We had this guy in our high school named randy, probably the most boring guy you could ever meet (he had zero interest in dating and had an obsession with building toy planes). 5 years later the guy got a job as a pilot, proposed to his now wife of 10 years while doing a flight to australia, and makes $130k a year working only 8 months. Yet you wouldn't have known it if you had seen him in 2004.

IamM 6 points ago +6 / -0

You have to think with a bit of rope and effort they could make them look phallic too. ATC would have a screen reminiscent of an austin powers movie.

IamM 3 points ago +3 / -0

"They are currently competing with n-sinc and their hit single "Bi Bi Bi".

IamM 2 points ago +2 / -0

She would offer an apology, but those fall nikes aren't making themselves you know. Also now that I think about it: are black people naturally racist towards asians due to their over-reliance on the shoes/basketballs made in china?

IamM 3 points ago +3 / -0

Just be glad it isn't UPS. Half the ballots would be charred and unreadable and they'd also get 8 pairs of socks destined for a small irish town.

IamM 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ask him how much he makes though, as that tells a lot. I know quite a few people who are hardcore "we must support equality no matter what it takes", they get 90% of their income from the government and the other 10% from the child support their 4 kids' fathers send them. For a large majority of what people consider the "left", they are so worthless from both an economic and productivity standpoint to society that they would rather push a lie that goes against all forms of common sense than fix their own mistake-filled truths that have come to haunt them.

There is hope for some people, the ones that can believe that hard work and a direct approach fixes all problems. For quite a lot though, especially here in canada where everything became either "free" or "mandatory", they have buried themselves with so many mistakes that common sense cannot be taught to them. One day the media could tell us that drinking battery acid cures covid, and I guarantee you we'd see large swathes of the lower class die in droves.

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