Sat with a bunch of vaxxed friends at dinner tonight. They all talked how they got their boosters recently. Then one mentioned that her 66 year old cousin dropped dead while mowing and they can’t figure out why, he had just been to the Dr two weeks prior. (Maybe to get his booster??? 🧐). I just sat there dumbfounded. Yeah, they think I’m the crazy one.
You’ve got a good doctor.
I took it to mean they are still testing every inpatient whether you have symptoms or not? And if you happen to find it - give ‘em the Run-death-is-near. It’s staggeringly stupid. Or evil. If you can’t tell it from a cold, it’s A DAMN COLD FFS!
In the physician lounge of my hospital this week there was an announcement on the monitor about treating “incidental” COVID with remdesivir. Incidental??? REMDESIVIR?? Wtf.
Only if they are a bunch of sheep. This makes me hear my dad’s voice in my head, “Those people can get married without me.” 🤭
It’s a new way to get out of plans.
Just watched a video of Steve Kirsch talking about how the Amish are unvaccinated and have no autism, ADD and many other issues. That should be enough for anyone to want to look into it further - I mean really look into it, before giving it to your children.
Listened to him on JBP yesterday. He’s definitely dispensing some red pills. If people can stand to listen to him talk. 😔 He’s been censored since 2005 on most platforms.
“400lb bulldyke” 🤣🤣🤣
Ick. I followed your link and now I feel like I need a shower. Hope you find a better workplace. We are in a great spiritual battle, for sure.
Praying the right place becomes available for you. I just precepted a PA student who was going to be kicked out of the program but then not forced to take the shot. She is a <25 year old who is fully awake- quite refreshing. Her program asked me if I would take unvaxxed students and I not only said yes, I told them I was gratified to know they were allowing their students autonomy over their own health care decisions. ( I take multiple students, so they didn’t tell me which student, but once we figured out we were both based she about crapped to find out I had said that to her program director 🤭) This school is affiliated with my organization which has been accepting religious exemptions. It’s a seventh day Adventist health care organization. Maybe check one of them out.
This community is WELL above the average IQ. You do not suffer fools easily. Things obvious to you are NOT obvious to everyone. You have interest and drive to research and educate yourselves on this. Many do not. I think remembering this is critical to having some sense of how far we have to go yet and why this complete mental contagion (trans) is sweeping our country like a wildfire.
I’ll give you an example. I can spend 45 minutes talking to a newly pregnant patient about what to expect in their pregnancy and give them valuable folder full of literature and resources, etc. Staff goes back in room after the visit and the folder is in the trash. Same girl will call next week asking what to do about her nausea. Seriously infuriating. But reality.
To those of you saying that Peterson is stating the obvious: It is not obvious to the ignorant masses you all are always complaining about being asleep. I have a patient on testosterone who was given this crap without ANY counseling whatsoever. She was not even told the side effects from the testosterone she currently suffering from (came to me to ask about it, I’m like who prescribed this? They need to tell you these things. It’s egregious) and she still desires transition surgery and is completely unaware of the things Peterson just listed.
Jesus is the way, the TRUTH and the life. His followers will always be targeted over all false gods/religions.
At least he didn’t kill himself/s
Omg. This is gold. 🤭
No, didn’t forget that — but sometimes it seems nobody gives a damn about ANY of these things anymore. In a society where abortion is just a shrug of the shoulder, who will raise an eyebrow about child sacrifice?
Trans people think they’re special. They’re really not.
I overheard a conversation in the physician lounge of my hospital yesterday about how the oncology dept is overflowing with patients, they can’t keep up.
Came here to say this. My lord these people are obtuse.
Username checks out. Kek. Congrats. Sounds like a grand time.
This was a non-apology. “I should have communicated better”. Means I’d still say the same thing, just “nicer”. He hasn’t changed his mind.
He is risen indeed! I chuckled at “I’m pretty good at sinning.” Recently I feel like God has been telling me to stop trying to know everything. We aren’t meant to. And trying to do so makes me become just like Eve, partaking of forbidden fruit. It’s a way of trying to wrest control away from Him and become gods of our own. It has been a freeing thought. Accepting this gift is sometimes hard. Thanks for this post. Happy Easter!
“..the first of a provocative series..”. Oh brother.
Sorry for Instagram link. Not gonna give 1440 my email.