As far as planting charges, there was I believe a new security firm or some maintenance firm hired months before the event. The company was gone almost over night after the event. Very sus
Very interesting and apparently iron clad proof. I wonder if nuclear fusion was used along with super thermite as independent researchers claimed that the smoking gun was super fine thermite dust covering everything that day.
Larry Silverstein for one. AND he was approved for terrorist coverage by plane months before the event. 🙄
That’s a good view, I haven’t seen that one before. I would love to see how that came in and from where. It seems impossibly close to the ground before it hit and seems like it should have come down at a much steeper angle.
Yeah, although tons of lies coming out of her mouth, I would have hoped she would stumble more to allegations, but she seemed to easily circumvent them.
I can’t stand listening to the lies and hubris coming out of her mouth.
Seriously, who’s gonna actually do something about him?
I’m a cat dad. Come near my babies and there will be a blood bath 😬😑
I totally pictured all the desert rats chasing the tanker in Fury Road 😂
That’s some class A revelations.
Well, I don’t think any infant or adult remembers being circumcised as an infant and I sure as hell know it hasn’t hindered any pleasure on my part. I’ve never heard that from anyone but you.
It’s gonna come down to paper ballots, day of election only, military watching polling stations.
Yeahhh, I don’t think cutting off a piece of skin hinders sperm count.
Did I say that? I said women act on their emotions too much.
It’s most likely more toxicity than deficiencies. I could go on all day about each, but look into different ways to detoxify the many heavy metals and effects from poisons in the food and water supply in your body. You should also do an anti fungal protocol and anti parasitic as these can also play a huge part in overall health. Also, if you happen to be a male over 40 then your testosterone is also be depleted year by year. You should definitely be doing testosterone support therapy as well. Unbeknownst to many, many “vitamins” are actually poisons posing as vitamins if they are not from a natural, non gmo organic food source. Most vitamin companies all get their raw supply from companies in India and the bags literally declare their toxicity and potential harm in human consumption. And as others have stated, make sure you’re getting plenty of good water each day as well.
It’s not an attempt at division or denying anyone rights. It’s a valid conclusion based on a long history of observation, including many women themselves admitting as much, including my wife.
Well she’s not wrong. Women are way too emotional and act on those emotions.
My wife often says women shouldn’t vote because they act too readily on emotion.
Downvote me if you want, but I could actually see Trump doing what she claims in this video. He needs the optics of the border staying wide open under their administration. I don’t think he wants the border shut down until HE shuts it down.
Just to let all of you know, I recently saw a friend healed completely of stage four cancer with my recommendation of fendbendazole and B17 from apricot seeds. Joe Tippins is famous for having done the same with stage four cancer and given months to live.
I just did, that’s crazy. I never knew sunflowers followed the sun from a mechanism called heliotropism. Very odd what’s going on.
Finally someone of note acknowledges this atrocity and says it will be stopped. That’s the one thing that has me convinced patriots have NOT been in control or it would have already been stopped. Make it happen people!
What about also: •Thousands have been arrested and justice served for treason and conspiracy to commit treason? •Chemtrails have been stopped. Those in charge of carrying out mass chemicide on the American people have been tried and hung. •5 G towers have been dismantled and outlawed •Hundreds of “food” manufacturing plants have been shut down for adding poisonous ingredients to the food chain for decades •Big Pharma has been turned upside down, hundreds arrested, and natural cures that have been hidden for a hundred years are now being presented to the public for free. Just for starters anyway.
The IRS will most likely not exist a year from now.