Why is anyone surprised by this?
The deepstate will never back down. They have pushed things past the point of no return. The reality is that this is a "State of Emergency" for them.
They'll never stop until the masses rise up with pitchforks and torches.
Of course they want it to go away as soon as possible so they can throw away all of the test results. They don't want any data about the negative effects of the vaccine to be released, so they have to find a way to throw out all the data. This is the first step.
This is a Red Herring. Instead of ruling in favor of Trump's plan, SCOTUS sent it back down to the lower court. This means that the lower court will waist as much time as they can. SCOTUS should have flatly ruled against the lower court and in favor of Trump's plan and put and end to this nonsense.
But did they really blow the lid off the Benghazi Scandal? Most of us have known since day one that it wasn't about some stupid YouTube video. That was the intentional false narrative to distract people from the real issue... Why was Ambassador Stevens there in the first place. Just like the intentional slip up of revealing Killary had an email server in her basement. Both were intentional leaks to distract people from what really happened in Banghazi.
Take note of the last sentence the highlighted paragraph. A backup was made that has all of the deleted data. Not only are they screwed because required data was confirmed to be deleted, but they also have the original data to confirm the true election results.
My main consideration is understanding that the Deep-State/Cabal will never surrender. The only way to break away from their chains of bandage is an all out war.
Each time humanity engages in war, it changes. WWI was unlike all previous wars because of the industrial revolution. WWII was unlike all others because of mass production techniques and of course, the bomb. After the Korean War we ended up with fighters looking like civilians in Viet Nam and again in the Middle East.
Some say WWIII is already happening, but it's so unlike any previous war that most of us don't even see it.
Consider that the Deep-State/Cabal has been pushing their agenda for over a hundred years, they've infiltrated just about every government on the planet, they own and control all the central banks, and by extension, most of the large multinational corporations. It'll be a long hard fight to get rid of them.
Consider also the fact that we have half of the American population still asleep, largely because of our education system. This means that once we've eliminated the leftists we'll have to begin educating our children properly. That'll take 2 or 3 generations. This is just the beginning of what I think will be a multi-generational battle between good and evil.
To make predictions now is nonsensical. What might work today probably won't matter in 6 months or a year.
Thomas Sowell said the only people who can affect any real change in the plight of black Americans is black Americans. Your point is well taken and on point, but...
The Democrat party has been offering blacks free stuff for so long that there are 4 generations of welfare recipients who have been told by the MSM and the Democrats that they are victims and deserving of government assistance.
They've been told that a single mother can get more money if they have more children, and no money if the father is in the picture. If you think we've all been brainwashed by our education system and the MSM, as I do, the impact on poor black communities is 10 fold greater.
Fauci is a distraction, It's a controlled burn. The DS is going to throw him under the bus to give the MSM something to talk about while ignoring the election audits. Why else would they release so many emails without redactions as quick as they did.
"It's a trap." Admiral Ackbar, Return of the Jedi.
OP, Are you suggesting that 15 years ago there was no racism?
Don't forget that the Civil Rights movement happened over 50 years ago. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have been making a living off of racism for over 50 years as well.
If you know your history you'll know that there has been racism for as long as there have been 2 or more distinct races living in close proximity. Sometimes it manifests as a simple preference to be around people similar to yourself, and at the other extreme it turn into genocide.
It's all part of the natural human condition. The only difference now is that the liberal Democrats are doing there best to create more division and unrest, put a racism label on it, and use it as a political tool.
The beginning of the end for Iran happened in 1951 when Mosaddegh was elected.
When oil was found in the middle east in the early part of the 20th century, American and British petroleum giants rushed in and setup contracts with the local governments. In Iran it was BP.
The deal was structured so BP would keep enough of the profits to cover all the cost of exploration, refining, the necessary infrastructure, and distribution. Anything left over would be split 50/50, but Iran was never allowed to see the books. They had to take BP's word for it.
When Mosaddegh was running for Prime Minister he said he would challenge BP and force them to open their books to make sure Iran was getting a fair deal. If BP refused he was going to nationalize the oil industry. Mosaddegh gained massive support from the public because of his position and won the election.
After BP refused to open the books Mosaddegh nationalized the oil industry. That move pissed off the NWO/Big Oil cartel so they sent in the C_A. Within 2 years they had caused enough chaos in Iran that Mosaddegh was deposed and the Shaw was put in place.
The Shaw was a NWO/Cabal puppet. He reinstated all the oil contracts and ran Iran the way the British and American governments wanted. This was the first time the C_A overthrew another government, but it wasn't the last.
Setting aside religious beliefs, Iran did what every other nation on the planet should do. They kicked out the cabal. There is no Rothschild owned central bank in Iran, that's the real reason the MSM and the NWO Globalists are pushing the narrative that Iran is evil.
Jussie Smollett won't kill himself.
Imagine if Smollett is convicted and sentenced to some amount of prison time. This pampered and privileged Hollywood actor with connections to elite Democrat politicians will expect some one to come to the rescue and save him, or maybe he'll be afraid of going to prison that he'll sing like a bird.
Since January of 2018, when I first began following Q, I've been making an argument that the challenge we face is not about removing a few dozen, or even a few hundred corrupt politicians. The problem is not about power hungry politicians, it's about a system of government that was purpose built to be easily corrupted. It's about an environment that allows power hungry politicians to find success.
The "Deep State" is not a collective of people, it's a bureaucracy. It's a system so corrupt and perverse that it doesn't matter who administers it.
Roughly 75% of all monies allocated by Congress to be spent on all social welfare programs, Social Security, Medicare, Obamacare, Food Stamps, et al. is consumed by the bureaucracy established by Congress. That means that only about 25% of the monies allocated by Congress to help people in need actually gets to the people it's intended to help.
Though the percentages may vary, virtually all government agencies and departments consume most of our tax dollars with their bureaucracy. This has allowed our government to become over bloated and unsustainable.
Along with become massive in size and consuming the wealth of hard working American taxpayers, our current government has also over reached its Constitutional power and authority. We can thank our public propaganda schools and the MSM for convincing to many skulls full of mush that this is a good thing.
The only way to correct this problem is to metaphorically burn it to the ground. We need to go back to the pre Civil War Constitution, prior to 1871, before THE UNITED STATES was incorporated. Prior to the 17th Amendment, back to the original interpretation and implementation of a "Corporate Charter."
In the beginning, We The People were sovereign. It was the Sovereign People of this nation that created a system of government that was intended to be subservient to the people. A system of government that did only what we asked it to do. A system of government that was asked to do things only a body above the free and independent states could do. Provide for a national defense, a common currency, standardized weights and measures, settle interstate commerce disputes, and little more.
Look at what we have now. A massive bureaucracy that claims the authority to regulate and control virtually every part of our lives. Aside from the thoughts rolling around in our heads, there isn't anything we can do that isn't regulated and controlled by the governments, both state and federal.
Now add to that the influence of the Crown. The Brits have been trying to regain control of these United States of America since they lost the Revolutionary War. The Federal Reserve is partly owned by the Rothschild family, The Bank of England. The IRS is the collection agency for The Fed, with its charter in the City of London. Our US Patent Office is now administered by British owned offices in the UK.
The Rothschild family either owns outright, or has a controlling interest of every nation's Central Bank on the planet. Through the manipulation of currency and interest rates they can create conditions ripe for prosperity, or abject poverty. They can create conditions that lead to war, or provide peace. They can do these this things at their leisure, for any reason, or for no reason at all. Looking at our world today it's easy to see what their choices are.
I truly believe that a second revolutionary war is on the horizon. I believe that it will be our grandchildren's children, or maybe our grandchildren's grandchildren that will fully realize the freedoms we're fighting for. I believe it won't be just an American Civil War, but a global war.The 21st Century will be forever marked in our human history as the century all peoples regained their freedoms and ousted the tyrants, or the century we lost everything.
There is no easy fix or quick solution. It will be long and hard. Blood will be shed on a massive scale. If you're not ready and willing to make the sacrifices necessary, then why are you here? If not now, then when? If not us, then who? With freedom comes great responsibility. We need to accept the challenges and the responsibility for ourselves, our families, our communities, our lands, and most importantly, our future.
Traditionally, at the end of a Congress, Congress will adjourn and suspend all business sometime between Thanksgiving and Christmas. This always happens during an election year, every 2 years. This year they never adjourned, Not yet anyways.
I think it's because they know they'll be arrested. During the Thanksgiving weekend I predicted Congress will stay in session right up to the last minute, just before the new Congress opens. So far, my prediction has been correct.
And the fact that HRC had a private server in her basement while she was SOS was intentionally leaked as a distraction from what the hearings were supposed to be about, Benghazi and Operation Zero Footprint.