I mean shit is it a legit gripe when you are a Russian sympathizer in a bullshit war your friends are dying in and your politicians all hate you and won’t let you out? Remember a lot of Ukraine has been part of Russia the past century more than its own country. I believe last vote more than 50% wanted to side with Russia and weren’t allowed. Someone probably said, “let bro cook” and he thought they meant cook hand grenades. Rip.
According to the CIA’s John Brennan it’s called stratospheric aerosol injection. SAI. Name your chemtrails properly good sir so that Brennan doesn’t call you a conspiracy theorist.
I used to think the same of twitter but after hitting almost every conspiracy it’s just degenerate enough to find new ones: Taylor swift is a man? or the daughter of satanist Anton Lavey? Trump is an evil Jesuit zionist or the antichrist? Tucker Carlson is CIA? The world has already ended we just snapped to a different dimension in 2012? You name the theory and there is hours of deep dive just waiting.
Most of GAW isn’t ready to open their 4th eye. Just their 3rd. Jk Kek.
Depends what service I’m sure. I knew someone whose son was fish and wildlife and he had unlimited work access to 25k 4 wheelers, boats, etc.
I can only imagine what they should have access to.
I disagree. Temporary blackout would be so disastrous it’s almost unfathomable. Within 3 days the whole country would fall apart and within 1 week average “nice people” would be murdering others.
Also this has always been a ridiculous idea because you wouldn’t actually know who is in control. We would assume white hats but how would we know 100%? What if we woke up in a prison planet.
Even limited blackout would be incredibly bad.
He probably can’t attend because he has been disposed of by white hats.
Being a veteran myself, probably someone who knows nothing about graphic design or symbolism made this shirt. I do think bring the storm wording is fascinating and likely significant, but generally shirts like this are formulaic with a generic catch phrase and “cool” clip art which is probably the reason behind Celtic style 6 pyramid.
I wouldn’t assume the symbolism to be nefarious in this case.
Glad someone is bringing attention to this I knew about wayfair but Etsy and some of these other companies I didn’t know had some of the same sketchy shit going on.
I’m calling bs. The 1 to 1 currency would fuck half the world’s population and I’d honestly think it was black hats consolidating.
Fuck just now? If we are still waiting for people to flip we are in deep shit to be honest.
They don’t call her big Mike for nothing. It must be witnessed.
This is some pretty wild claims with almost nothing backing it up. I have been down UFO rabbit holes and everything in between and never heard of someone saying the moon was a 6950 floors of an aircraft. I have heard rumors of dark side of the moon, but this guy is living on the wild side and needs a little more than just drawing on a whiteboard.
They took them so they can show that a lot of the nazi narrative was bs and prove holocaust deniers correct. Kek. Jk. But my guess is they kept them for evidence.
I think you will be surprised at the end, there was one, maybe 2 Q posts that mentioned him and one of them said move on. Which tells me there is a chance that he is part of the plan.
But the hard truth about AJ is that even if you don’t like his style he has been at it 25 years talking about NWO, vaccines, etc. he has technically woken more people than Q and was absolutely instrumental waking myself and other folks especially in the military community.
He made some bad calls but I don’t think exposing an ass ton of bs long before we had a common cause to rally behind was a bad thing by any measure
William Benny was a famous 3 letter whistleblower awhile back and had proof it was downloaded inside the building because the investigation or hardware inspection he was privy too showed the speed of download was fast enough that it could not have been a remote download where you usually get slow speeds.
Then all the weirdness that came after with his parents suspecting foul play, dems hiring the top crisis manager that next week, and then the parents going quiet saying they want to be left alone and it was a murder.
Also the guy who took over the investigation was shot randomly in a parking garage and hit by a car and lived…just another random incident I’m sure
I would love to see a random conspiracy each week and what anons think. I did a post about sandy hook opinions last week and a lot of great info and opinions in the thread. It would be cool to pick one and crowdsource opinions and links (Vegas shooting, parkland, Lincoln assassination, etc.) focused on real events that may or may not be false flags, not so much esoteric like aliens and stuff
Okay I’m crazy but is this a comm about him being killed. “Flail arms and bob head wildly” 12 inch step stool above podium. (Hanging).
Ron along with Nicki dropped.
I’m kind of joking but also kind of thinking the wording here seems a little odd.
Thank you. Just had a comment about this the other day. Until that shit can write itself without any human intervention we aren’t even close. Also ChatGPT is cool but you can still tell a pretty big difference between human and gpt in my opinion.
This is replacement Elon. I think they whacked the one that had a baby with the insanely Illuminati grimes and dreamed up neural link. They don’t even look close to the same.
I’m a contrarian but my opinion 1: no one has ever created an AI that wrote itself..which is basically the definition of AI. It’s them programming billions of datapoints to pull from but it still can’t write itself. Just like you can program pro chess games but it doesn’t learn how to play chess without inputs
2: if we really think there are counter plays like encryption hacks going on then we can’t simultaneously believe Q is in control. It’s been YEARS. If they somehow are surprising us at this point we already lost.
We go with it because he doesn’t talk or look the same. And like I said in a different post the other day, we already know McCain was executed almost 7 years ago. You think they just halted hearing and executions? Hell no.
They are both legitimately old as shit. I’m not sure if this one is to surprising or even planned. While lots of mega rich people are bad it’s entirely possible that not all of them are. But either way 99 is almost 2 decades past average life span.
I work in cyber and 99.9% of the time it’s monetary reasons. Holding hospitals and schools for ransom or collecting data for selling for others to spam and exploit the ones affected, again for monetary reasons. To be completely honest if it had another nefarious purpose I would bet money they would never disclose and still says it is monetary related.
Yeah jones (while I don’t agree with his stance on Q) had a great rant that stuck with me many years ago about how the cat is already out of the bag and you are just going to see bigger and bigger waves of libertarian/freedom minded politicians and populous. And the more they try to stop it the bigger the next wave will be. Barring a global catastrophe, there is no way the establishment wins. Doesn’t mean it will all be clean or peaceful but you will never be able to get that level of control of populations through lies again.
A sick part of me says let’s gooooo. Let’s do it again and watch the tide turn 10x faster. At this point it would just accelerate the demise of the old order.
I’ve done a deep dive on this after Tucker said UFOs are the topic he can’t fully touch and I think it is because UFOs and what we think of as aliens are actually demons. I’m not saying it’s the end of the world but if a lot of UFOs are aliens then the same tech would be similar to angels too (war in the heavenly realms)
Ai I don’t have comment on because I don’t think it is advanced enough to truly be called AI. At the root of it is human programmed “if this then that” software until it can learn to write itself completely from scratch which has not been proven to exist (publicly at least).
I don’t like Tim pool. I would take jones over pool any day of the week. But there convos being more public is a big deal I believe.