Jackdagger 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’ll Google that. Haven’t seen it.

Jackdagger 1 point ago +1 / -0

They do definitely like hurting people in these events.

Jackdagger 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah that was insane. Part of me secretly hopes that part of the plan is to flip that lawsuit and prove 100% it was a false flag. That would be a massive red pill suppository.

Jackdagger 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hmm that would be crazy if Stephen king wrote them. It does seem odd too that so many weird events happen in the New England area. Sandy hook, Boston bobbing, that odd bowling alley shooting in Maine recently, etc. I wonder if they have a lot of assets there or if it’s just easier since a lot of areas are less population density.

Jackdagger 2 points ago +2 / -0

Spicy and loose. Kek. I like that.

Jackdagger 2 points ago +2 / -0

Never thought about that angle. Maybe they did dump real bodies. If I remember correctly it was all closed casket funerals

Jackdagger 1 point ago +1 / -0

True I remember one of his videos that covered a lot of inconsistencies and supposedly they went state police from CT down to Florida even to harass him which is wild.

Jackdagger 1 point ago +1 / -0

Curious is it because of photos or do you know because of a connection like friends or friends? I wish some of the kids or someone would blow the whistle.

Jackdagger 1 point ago +1 / -0

You think they just faked pics and claimed they were in prison?

Jackdagger 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah he only claimed that when the lawsuits started though. Before I remember he had a former incident response guy who gave a lot of interview about inconsistencies in school response, etc.

Jackdagger 1 point ago +1 / -0

I didn’t know about the house payoffs. That’s the other reason I wanted to see what anons think. It’s impossible to get everyone to remember each of the weird details.

Jackdagger 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah DiCaprio isn’t a good example but the climate change voices have been quieter too. Even others like Oprah, Ellen, and big names that were around a good bit have basically gone silent.

Jackdagger 10 points ago +10 / -0

Dude idk why this concept is so hard for people on this board. It’s obvious they have been happening. John Mcains daughter and John kasich both said he was executed and that was a LONG time ago. You think they just magically stopped tribunals after one person? Hell no. I would wager most of the evil corrupt people we know of are already dead.

Also no one said we would witness executions. And also where do you think all the loud obnoxious assholes went? They used to be in the news near daily and you don’t hear a peep hardly. (DiCaprio, Obamas, Clinton’s, bush’s, etc.) they literally dominated the news cycle and now you see them allegedly a couple times a year and usually never up close.

Jackdagger 5 points ago +5 / -0

Stone said it was Johnson who went forward with it and he had asked Nixon personally. Nixon told him “I wasn’t willing to kill for the job” about the presidency.

Jackdagger 6 points ago +6 / -0

I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about the 99% and there are only a few things I can think of.

1: something along the lines of Soylent green being real and everyone has technically been a cannibal

2: earth actually is hell/purgatory. If you look objectively there are moments of peace and beauty but honestly even if you have the best life possible there is tons of pain and sorrow and brutality and sadness.

3: religion as a whole is wrong. The majority of the world is religious but what if the truth is that all religions are sort of correct but no single religion is correct? so technically almost everyone in the worlds core beliefs including atheists are incorrect.

4: this kind of ties into 2 and 3: what if we literally are trapped in a prison planet where we die and reincarnate and repeat? And currently know one knows how to end the cycle? Not even Q.

I know this board will say “Q is Christian.” however what they fail to think about is if this actually was the case then Q wouldn’t publicly disclose the truth of religion or the world because it would damage the fabric of society.

Whatever it is has to be so shocking that it is less digestible than frazzledrip. Or another more positive option is that people on this board who are awake and open minded to almost any level of evil are the 1% and the 99% is everyone else who will never be able to fully accept or comprehend the evil.

Jackdagger 2 points ago +2 / -0

Also random fact the conspiracy theory host in that show was based on Alex Jones so they were making fun of him..or maybe dropping red pills.

Jackdagger 5 points ago +5 / -0

I don’t think that was the plan. I think it’s more likely Ukraine had some things that had to be cleaned out that we don’t know about.

Jackdagger 5 points ago +5 / -0

Personally I think he is spot on. Clearly Q was right about a lot and clearly there are also things that were likely wrong or misinformation or they changed course.

Also the posts about Gematria and wildly loose deltas do make shit look crazy. I think there were a couple deltas but overall future proves past doesn’t mean shit needs to like up exactly.

I also believe Trump authorized the operation but has VERY LITTLE knowledge about the day to day. If you are running the US and multiple companies and running a campaign and spending time with family then you would be lucky to get more than a 30 minute briefing once every week or two and anyone who thinks you would have time to dig and be in the know probably has never even tried running a small business much less America or the world.

I also think that is the beauty of it. Because Trump doesn’t know everything he comes across clueless with plausible deniability and it takes way less acting and effort.

Focus on the wins, it doesn’t need to all fit together in a perfect timeline puzzle for us to be winning. (Also if it truly was meant to be a puzzle we would have been given a much more clear way to decipher it and not cryptic posts)

Jackdagger 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not just that I’m convinced Biden admin pays one of those business social media management companies that is like 500 dollars a month to take his message and ghost write shitty posts. If you own a small business you probably know what I’m talking about. Medium quality posting job but sounds super mechanical.

Jackdagger 1 point ago +1 / -0

Super short summary from my understanding the OSS was precursor in WW2 to the CIA and they allegedly hoarded the nazi gold and paintings and such. They then brought this model to the US with the oldest of the Bushes quickly rising to the top through the ranks once JFK met a swift demise. Basically the fbi and CIA have always existed to get around the law and do what they want. It’s actually insane if you read about it. It basically was a ton of trust fund baby elites that did wild ass shit. I believe last podcast on the left has a series about the beginnings of the CIA.

Jackdagger 3 points ago +3 / -0

For me it’s the “so and so ages 7, 9, and 11 in the hot tub for your entertainment” who the fuck would ever say that for any reason?

I’m paraphrasing but it was super creepy to anyone paying attention. 65k hot dogs and weird symbolism just added to the weirdness but that one email should have made everyone in the worlds eyebrows raise

Jackdagger 7 points ago +7 / -0

The founder of the FBI was literally a cross dresser and he was abusing the agency then. It was never even remotely unbias.

Also any agency that has to be featured in shows as heroes is bad (cia, fbi, etc)

Jackdagger 10 points ago +14 / -4

That’s possible but I do think there are some very large lies we have yet to uncover. The Q statement about over 90% of people not being able to handle it would have to be something that we truly all believe beyond a shadow of any doubt and are wrong about. I don’t think FE is that particular subject, but it has to be something we are all convinced of. Religion maybe?

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