They are probably just prepping to make it global cooling again. Let’s not get too excited.
Super short summary from my understanding the OSS was precursor in WW2 to the CIA and they allegedly hoarded the nazi gold and paintings and such. They then brought this model to the US with the oldest of the Bushes quickly rising to the top through the ranks once JFK met a swift demise. Basically the fbi and CIA have always existed to get around the law and do what they want. It’s actually insane if you read about it. It basically was a ton of trust fund baby elites that did wild ass shit. I believe last podcast on the left has a series about the beginnings of the CIA.
For me it’s the “so and so ages 7, 9, and 11 in the hot tub for your entertainment” who the fuck would ever say that for any reason?
I’m paraphrasing but it was super creepy to anyone paying attention. 65k hot dogs and weird symbolism just added to the weirdness but that one email should have made everyone in the worlds eyebrows raise
The founder of the FBI was literally a cross dresser and he was abusing the agency then. It was never even remotely unbias.
Also any agency that has to be featured in shows as heroes is bad (cia, fbi, etc)
That’s possible but I do think there are some very large lies we have yet to uncover. The Q statement about over 90% of people not being able to handle it would have to be something that we truly all believe beyond a shadow of any doubt and are wrong about. I don’t think FE is that particular subject, but it has to be something we are all convinced of. Religion maybe?
I love when people still use the R word. Retarded!!!! I said it!!!
Dude the South Park episode nailed it when evil corporate Mickey Mouse is having intercourse with a bat in Wuhan. And says “what!?, it’s just a mouse with wings” I laughed for 5 minutes straight when I saw it the first time. Absolute gold.
Also when Q hinted there were really funny people talking to us I have always wondered if South Park was a method because they have some shady stuff sometimes but they absolutely railed against a ton of mainstream narratives.
Breaking bad was decent with a little propaganda in the final season but mainly good because it’s pretty fucking realistic as far as how the drug cartel world works. It also was good because it basically shows that there are no winners in all of this bullshit.
I think they killed the original and he is a replacement. He seems different to me and also he had a speech about neural link or something similar and literally looked like he had a gun at his head he was so nervous.
Also no white hat marries grimes her shit is as Illuminati and creepy as almost any music video I have ever seen.
Yep. 50/50 chance. I keep reminding people pence gave a bad ass speech for space force where he said “we are running the most complex military operations in the history of the US armed forces”…shit man if you know anything about some of the crazy operations we ran you would know Q is about the only one that could be crazier it was also odd because there was no major conflict anywhere when he gave this speech.
Also they needed a Judas goat. You think politicians would go along with treason if they didn’t know the VP would certify? Naw.
I love the IBM one considering they built the machine for labeling concentration camp victims which is quite anti simetic. Makes me think even more that the holocaust is SUS.
Wait who was the 4th family?
Nothing is surprising. They own us. We have to wait for 2 things
1: see if the plan plays out the way we hope 2: assuming it does we then have to see if Trump actually abolishes the fed and all of these corrupt entities.
If we don’t see massive reductions in taxes ASAP and the gutting of all corrupt courts and 3 letters then Trump genuinely is just another swap, new boss slightly better than the old boss. I don’t care what anyone on this board says, taxes and inflation make us slaves and also funds corruption which in turn funds evil corporations and banks which in turn fund evil elites. No legitimate person with our interests at heart can come in and leave things business as usual another 4 years.
All the alien news has to do with blue beam and it’s still ramping up.
This is just a couple examples I’ve seen out of hundreds. Mexico claims they have bodies, other mysterious lights in various countries, it’s definitely still alive and well as an option for the DS. Even today there was news about DEs that cause earthquakes
Two weeks past 5 months to stop the spread? Kidding. Kek.
It’s risky but if you honestly look in the numbers how many homes actually burn down or are destroyed by storms if you are in a safe stable area (not hurricane, tornado alley, etc.)
Statistically you should be more than fine. However homeowner insurance can also helps save you from other liability like fall injuries if I’m not mistaken
My guess is Israel has a strong hand in it because of the post “why save Israel for last? Specific reason”
Also central banking was started by the Jews (who in my mind are likely not real Jews but the synagogue of satan) but the irony of the origin of central banking was that Usury was considered immoral (because it is) and Jews were banned from many normal jobs so banking was the only thing they were really allowed to do. Very ironic
I could be wrong but I think lithium is in a lot of batteries not just EV. Also anything that improves bringing any kind of energy job here is a win
I’ve said for awhile if I had to guess the non military Q assets of which there are few Powell is one. She hit hard with the Kraken and retreated and went radio silent. Why? Because she is in on the plan filing tons of lawsuits.
Significant is an understatement. They halted multiple states and then dumped a ton of 100 to 0% ballots for Biden. We don’t have elections anymore. It’s so bad I would argue we don’t even have selections. I don’t know what word you would use to call it.
I’m not going to lie I’m kind of in the voting doesn’t matter boat. Either Q completely fucked that part of the plan up or he thought a couple steals wouldn’t make a huge impact on morale.
I’ve been watching them steal even locally since 2017 when they stole it from Roy Moore in my state of Alabama after rolling out a sex scandal from 45 years ago or some ridiculous amount of time.
So we are about to be in year 7 of watching my votes not count and all investigations of fraud being blocked. Count me out. I’ll consider voting for Trump next year but all the other shit I don’t care at all.
Because why not!? Even some Pedes like feet. Kek.
Or as I learned today for my son “grippers”. I almost fell out of my chair.
Actually though?
“They can all run naked backwards through a field of dicks” -Run the Jewels
Not just that I’m convinced Biden admin pays one of those business social media management companies that is like 500 dollars a month to take his message and ghost write shitty posts. If you own a small business you probably know what I’m talking about. Medium quality posting job but sounds super mechanical.