JackieDaytona74 3 points ago +3 / -0

What an odd resignation statement.

"I can't believe it ended this way."

"Good luck the next 28 days and a wake up."

Would be curious to hear what other's thoughts are on these odd statements.

If we had actual professionals within American colleges these days, they DeSantis campaign would be the subject of many polysci courses over the next couple of decades as a blueprint for how not to run a campaign.

-Absolutely tone deaf timing.

-Screw up the announcement with no backup plan if the technology fails.

-Attacking the very base DeSantis needed in order to get the nomination.

-Surrogates (like Bill Mitchell) who spent all of their time attacking DJT in a manner indistinguishable from your average leftist instead of articulating why DeSantis would make a good President.

What an absolute mess. And the topper is that maniac neoconservative Haley has twice the support.

JackieDaytona74 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not sure if I see any conflict there, HD.

I think most of the long-time UFO/ET researchers will tell you that demons (and the broader concept of "evil") are very real things in this inter-dimensional universe we live in.

I see no conflict in the idea that there are non-human intelligences that are similar to us along with negative, inter-dimensional beings we call demons; But also balanced out by a divinely good Creator that is there to assist us in battle with those negative entities.

Demons are a very real thing. What's frustrating is that there's a very, very religious subset of people whose reaction to all things ET is "all aliens are demons" and quite frankly, there's zero evidence to support that claim. We're likely on the precipice of disclosure over the next five years. We can't properly navigate those complex waters if we're not willing to look at this situation in the eye and try to understand the contours of the phenomenon.

Blindly labeling all non-human intelligences as "demons" only hurts us in the long run.

JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think some do actually have benevolent intentions for us. But I also think that there's a large section that's ambivalent towards us. And I'm increasingly convinced that there's at least one or two groups that are outright hostile, which is indeed scary and I suspect is at least one reason as to why such a tight lid has been kept on this subject.

Again, all of the above is under the "I think I think" umbrella based on thousands of hours of research and interviews, but I cannot be 100% sure of.

As to demons, I fully agree with you that they are indeed real. I am seeing a slow but steady realization among the research community that demons are a piece of this inter-dimensional puzzle and that evil is a very real thing in our universe.

Would be curious to hear more about your demon encounter if you're up for sharing it, GBA.

JackieDaytona74 6 points ago +7 / -1

That's a good balance. Some skepticism is warranted as there are a lot of very poor researchers in the field. The worst ones are those that claim to have definitive answers.

It's an area of research that demands one be comfortable with ambiguity. I have been researching this subject for 30 years now, and researching it quite seriously for the last 20.

There's literally nothing that I'm 100% certain of beyond that a non-human intelligence is interacting with us. There are things that "I think I think", but anyone who does serious research in this field knows that very little can be confirmed for certain.

We need people like you with open minds. It's the only way we'll get the truth.

JackieDaytona74 6 points ago +6 / -0

I completely agree, scrote. I've been so busy with work obligations that I haven't had time to do a little project I had been planning for my own posting.

Basically, my plan was/is to post every couple of days where the subject is highlighting a specific Q post for discussion. These drops deserve re-examination as time goes on and we have more context.

That being said, despite this being a Q board, we have a large number of people around here who seem to pick and choose which drops they want to believe in and which ones they don't.

JackieDaytona74 8 points ago +16 / -8

Interesting that someone downvoted your comment. I suspect the disclosure process is going to be very, very difficult for some people. In my experience, for every person that just wants to know the truth, there's a person that fits into one of these two categories:

  1. All aliens are demons
  2. They've bought into the 7 decades-long CIA psyop of mocking the subject + they're scared of what these beings might be and consequently, they are completely incredulous in response to any data under the guise of "healthy skepticism".

I wonder which category the downvoter resides in.

JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +2 / -0

That is an entirely separate argument.

JackieDaytona74 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not my post, but if I was the OP, I'd be more than a bit disappointed at your reaction.

This woman is going against enormous societal pressures to be a good wife and homemaker for her husband. Not only that, she's brave enough to put herself out there on social media to encourage other women to consider being a traditional wife despite knowing that thousands of other women will call her every name in the book.

And your only reaction is a shallow comment on the very surface of her being?

To the commenter and the 12 people that upvoted this comment: shame on you.

JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, some of it is definitely panic.

But remember, they always accuse us of wanting to do what they themselves desperately want to do.

Right now it's "Trump will imprison and/or execute all of us".

Tomorrow it will be "We need to talk about imprisoning and executing DJT and his supporters before they can do it to us."

JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm so sorry, KKJ. People that have never had a GSD can't understand the loss. It's like losing a kid.

I miss all of my dogs that have passed on, but it's not the same for my GSD. He was my boy.

JackieDaytona74 8 points ago +8 / -0

Arturia wisely points out in the comments: "most will get stuck on ALIENZ~!". And Mister_Winston, I love how you've framed the context of this post.

I would encourage people reading this post to set the non-terrestrial intelligence element aside on this subject and focus on the executive order and intelligence community side of this topic, specifically what you can extrapolate from the data.

In 1947, the National Security Act was created and the result was the creation of a State within the State.

As Grusch points out, The Atomic Energy Act of 54 created a new compartment within that State within a State. The most classified data in the U.S. government resides with the Dept. of Energy.

Think logically about these two facts, even if it leads you to areas that may seem preposterously big and/or crazy.

A senior analyst (and my professional mentor) who has spent his entire life with a certain agency that has a very large presence in Utah once told me:

"Novel energy concepts are more tightly controlled than anything else. The government is less concerned about people knowing that there's been non-human life coming here for thousands of years than they are about the public learning of free or nearly free energy technologies."

On its face, that statement seems ridiculous. But think about it. The government could give you limited disclosure (and in many ways, they already have) by telling you that non-human intelligences are interacting with the planet and just leaving it at that. But you have two big problems (if you're a corrupt government or breakaway civilization) if your citizens get access to free energy:

  1. You lose an immensely powerful control mechanism if your average person can take a box that's smaller than a beer keg, buy some land in the middle of nowhere, and have unlimited energy to heat and light his home, purify water and run basic farming equipment. That's true freedom. Can't be having that.

  2. The density of some of these power generation technologies is such that some young, mediocre genius hillbilly could blow up his county by doing a little tinkering in his backyard.

Bringing things back around: This is just a component of the bigger picture. The National Security Act and the Atomic Energy Act allowed for the creation of a hidden, unaccountable and extremely well funded core of our government. Over the decades, that State has been expanded into the private sector for increased secrecy (Intellectual property is easier to keep secret than government documents) and at this point, the tail is wagging the dog.

One of the simplest, but most brilliant concepts is Richard Dolan's proposed "Breakaway Civilization". The idea that the people with access to advanced offworld tech and possibly the off worlders behind that tech, would inevitably self isolated. Now tie this concept to the powerful, insanely rich and ancient families that we know has enormous sway over world events.

Yes, the concept of non-human intelligence being here is the biggest story in the history of human civilization. But we need to understand the power structure that was built around that fact if we want to have a chance at living free, sovereign lives.

JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +2 / -0

First of all, the Dreamcast was freaking awesome.

Secondly, how can I support you and your work?

I still have a working Dreamcast!

JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +2 / -0

On a related note, if you're on Twatter/X, I'd highly recommend following this account (Mike Benz). Once you dig into his backstory, you'll understand why I recommend following him.

JackieDaytona74 3 points ago +3 / -0

The big thing that jumps out at me here is that the human excrement that peddles young lives would not be taking the risk to post this stuff on Etsy if the FBI was actually doing their job.

This type of horror show would be on the dark web exclusively if that was the case.

JackieDaytona74 4 points ago +4 / -0

I wish I could find this funny.

Think of how many major news personalities have made this same claim. These people always project what they themselves want to do to their political and ideological enemies.

First it starts with "Don't elect that mad man, he'll have us hanged if he's back in power."

Then it becomes "We need to look at capital punishment for him and his followers before they can do it to us."

JackieDaytona74 3 points ago +3 / -0

Kudos to the pharmacist. I only take issue with the "no variants" statement.

Every virus evolves and creates variants. There's trillions of copies inhabiting millions if not billions of hosts.

Plus a close friend was on the South African team that first sequenced the Omicron variant. As an aside, he strongly suspect that variant was engineered by "the good guys" due to its high communicability and dramatically decreased lethality.

JackieDaytona74 1 point ago +1 / -0

Or perhaps he's just a well-meaning but flawed man.

JackieDaytona74 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oh man... what a dream it would be for Kash to be running the CIA.

At the same time, I'd fear for the man's life if he did. I don't think anyone can reform that hydra. Only solution is to starve it of cash.

JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've wondered about this as well, HB. More in a general fashion in terms of the election not happening.

This scenario certainly doesn't seem impossible, though there are plenty of others of course that could play out.

I hate saying this because so much of my statement is based on gut feeling rather than data, but I've had the feeling for a long time that we're not going to have an election next November. Whether that's for better or for worse, I won't pretend to know. But I can't escape that feeling.

JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have a similar mindset for DeSantis supporters: "Imagine living through the last 7 years and learning nothing?".

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