JackieDaytona74 1 point ago +1 / -0

So for argument's sake, let's say your assertion is true.

What actionable steps should a person take?

Completely abstain from having a computer? At which point you're now off the digital battlefield in the fight for waking people up.

The NSA already captures all data traffic at every backbone facility in the Western world. If for whatever reason you've done something to get on their radar, they can already get into your computer via multiple backdoors at the OS and Hardware level.

We are forced to live knowing that we have very little privacy. There's little things you can do to improve that privacy, but we have to accept that fact for right now rather than live in a state of constant paranoia. It's why we need to work to enlighten the sleeping idiots out there so we can get back to a government and intel community that isn't spying on every single American and European.

JackieDaytona74 3 points ago +4 / -1

A few things here:

-I'm assuming this post is in reference to the pagers exploding in Lebanon and Syria. If so, would be good to reference that for people unfamiliar with the story.

-Those pagers were almost certainly not stock devices. Israel likely made changes to them at some point in the supply chain, inserting a small amount of explosive material.

-While it is not difficult for someone with privileged access to many battery powered devices to initiate a battery cook-off, the result is far slower and far less explosive than the pagers overseas.

-Most importantly, there's enough for people to worry about in this world without driving them into a paranoid frenzy that their Roomba is going to blow up Fido.

We all compartmentalize what we know of the REAL world from the phony, concocted world that we're forced to spend much of our time in, and that's difficult enough already. There are risks we accept in part simply because we have to be able to function in those two worlds. Looking at every device as a bomb is not only factually incorrect, it's a useless endeavor that causes more harm than help.

JackieDaytona74 3 points ago +3 / -0

I was not pleased when Ron ran against DJT for the nomination. But the guy is a good governor. Maybe the best one in the U.S.

JackieDaytona74 7 points ago +7 / -0

Not even remotely surprising and yet so, so disturbing.

I can think of few other better examples of the pain associated with being awake and aware.

I shudder to think of where we'll be at a decade from now when the full impact of the Jab will be felt in regards to fertility and life expectancy.

JackieDaytona74 5 points ago +5 / -0

Same strategy as Roe V Wade. Chip away at the edges a little bit at a time. Absolutely love it.

JackieDaytona74 5 points ago +5 / -0

Indeed. It's expected around here that people support their assertions. Utterly confounding that this was stickied.

JackieDaytona74 10 points ago +11 / -1

I have to confess, I'm looking at this event a bit differently.

If we truly are watching a movie, I'm imagining the conversation among members of the Q team:

QTeam Member A: The leftwing sheep out there still aren't waking up no matter what we make these traitors do in front of the camera. Maybe we could have a little brainstorming session on new ideas.

QTeam Member B: Put a f***ing MAGA hat on the old bastard.

QTeam Member A: What? C'mon man, quit screwing around. We're trying to save the country here.

QTeam Member B: Awww f*** it, let's just do it. We've been trying to stay grounded in reality with this script for years now, having the DOJ relentlessly attack the Boss, absurd levels of bias in the media, hell we've been hiding Camelface for months to let Lefties know she's incapable of uttering a single intelligent sentence, and NOTHING is sticking. So put a f***ing MAGA hat on the old fart and be done with it.

QTeam Member A: I can't tell if you're f***ing with me right now or not.

QTeam Member B: (presses mic button on radio) Joey B, hope you're having fun getting lit up by those firefighters at that meet n' greet. We're gonna need you to put on a MAGA hat for the cameras. (pause). Yeah, yeah I know but yeah I'm serious as a heart attack. Put on the f***ing hat or the deal's off. (pause). Good dog.

(turns back to QTeam Member A) Obviously I'm serious.

QTeam Member A: You're crazy, man.

JackieDaytona74 1 point ago +1 / -0

Man I'm so happy to hear you got on T therapy but it fucking kills me that you had to. You're doing everything right.

I'm hopeful that the RFK Jr. influence on the DJT campaign is going to really wake this country up on restoring good food and water to the citizens.

And brother, you have my sympathies on the hell that is low T. I'm 49 now, but 20 years ago, I had double pneumonia (almost died) and a 103-104 degree fever that was undertreated by multiple doctors.

Fried my eggs. I spent a year at low T after being higher than normal T my whole life. Was hell on earth.

Been on injections once I found the right doctor (Zyosted is wonderful btw) but I know your pain. Damn glad to hear you're feeling good again. T is life.

JackieDaytona74 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ugh. I'm so sorry man. You're doing everything right and I completely agree, it's almost for certain environmental.

If you don't mind me asking, how's your ability to add muscle mass and how is your libido?

I want to be cautious with my suggestion but you could get mild T therapy, though add the risk of shutting down your batteries a bit which could be a problem if you want to have kids in the future.

JackieDaytona74 5 points ago +5 / -0

Very interesting stuff, Lupe. There's long been bits of speculation from honest physicists about the possibility that the laws of physics may not be a constant in other parts of the universe, or at other times in the universe.

The difficulty of course is that until we have a proposed mechanism for that inconsistency, it's impossible to test the idea.

These days I'm not well read enough on the newest papers to know if this proposal is unique, but at least for me, it's the first time I've seen a proposed mechanism to support the idea of changing dynamics/laws in different parts/times of the universe.

I am surprised to not see any references in the paper to dark energy, which according to current estimates is a bit less than 70% of the composition of the universe. I mention this because dark energy does not appear to dilute as the universe expands, while one of the fundamental elements of this paper is that leptonic matter (electrons, muons, taus) is decreasing in mass.

Even more interesting to me is that this mass reduction is not occurring with baryonic matter.

I'll be curious to see if this paper gains any traction. This information is well outside my field and I certainly can't grasp the intricacies of the information. But there's a pull here for me in that I've long wondered if we can safely assume that the laws of physics have indeed been constant across the universe and throughout its lifetime.

What we do know is that the current cosmological principle fails to predict observable phenomena. The paper actually calls out a couple of them ("The Big Ring" & "The Giant Arc), both of which are excellent reading for those that are curious. Both structures are enormous in size, are approximately 9 billion light years away (and consequently 9 billion years old at our current viewing time) and fascinating to read about.

JackieDaytona74 4 points ago +4 / -0

Not a coincidence that T levels for young men have been steadily falling for the past two decades, most likely due to chemicals in our water and food.

Just one more battlefront in the war.

JackieDaytona74 3 points ago +3 / -0

For those curious about the author of this video, you can follow him on X at @originalmarkz

JackieDaytona74 7 points ago +7 / -0

Thanks for posting this, P80. Had watched this yesterday and had meant to post it, but time makes fools of us all.

Very disturbing study and observations. I strongly suspect that for even the most cynical of us regarding the jab (and I count myself as one of those people), it will be years before we fully understand the effects, impact and scope of the Jab.

Every day the story gets worse.

JackieDaytona74 3 points ago +3 / -0

Would probably be good to file a police report if you haven't already. Just to make sure it's being tracked in the system.

It's depressing to hear stories like this. We continue to have millions of people in a state of brainwashed psychosis. I don't know how we wake them up. But perhaps worse, I don't know how we live with them on the off chance we do.

JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +2 / -0

I did a longer post below on this, but if she does win, I don't think that's a sign that the plan has failed. I think it would be our "pushed to the brink" moment. The scary thing there is how people will react.

If Kamala is "elected", there will need to be strong direction from DJT and/or Q to prevent patriots marching on Washington.

JackieDaytona74 1 point ago +1 / -0

I may be wrong of course, but I don't think her "election" will be a sign that the plan failed.

Q emphasized that people must be pushed to the brink to truly change. I've always had the impression that this meant leaving a psychic scar on the country, one so great that future generations would understand how precious this Republic truly is. Things are bad right now and for some folks, catastrophically bad. But the country has not been "pushed to the brink" at this current time.

I just can't see a fair election; I cannot envision President Trump back in office next January. A lot of people have woken up, but so many are still asleep. Too many.

I think if she wins, it will be according to plan. If that happens, I sincerely hope that there's some direction to prevent well-meaning patriots from marching on Washington if that happens.

JackieDaytona74 6 points ago +6 / -0

I am becoming increasingly confident that Kamala Harris is going to "win" the election.

They're doing the setup with the fake polling (If you think it's neck and neck, I have some waterfront property on the moon to sell you).

20+ million illegal aliens and a majority of states not demanding proof of citizenship to vote.

It's becoming clear to me that her election will be our "pushed to the brink" moment.

JackieDaytona74 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's becoming increasingly unclear to me what you're looking to get out of this interaction.

JackieDaytona74 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not sure how I can get more specific than "Electrogravitics", publicly published research papers and the entire field of research disappearing from the public sphere after extremely promising results.

Do you want me to do your job for you and actually curate a list of these papers?

I have direct experience with the Federal Government when they decide a breakthrough energy technology is too disruptive to their monopoly.

Become familiar with the Inventions Secrecy Act and how it's been used thousands of times (and that's just what they will admit to).

I'm not sure where your hostility is coming from unless you're involved in a scientific field yourself and you've been restricted to the hum-drum malaise of "mainstream" science. If that's the case, I can assure you that there's a much bigger, stranger and more exotic world out there if you know where to find it.

JackieDaytona74 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am so very obviously not talking about those instances.

But hey, hopefully it felt good to get up on that high horse.

JackieDaytona74 3 points ago +3 / -0

Started in the 50's."Electrogravitics" are all over research papers in the early 50's, then suddenly around '55, the references disappear.

The research obviously went black.

Every now and again, some naive scientist will post something publicly about promising research and they either mysteriously die or just disappear.

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