JackieDaytona74 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't trust any woman with such a serious case of RBF.

After Friday, she should immediately have been put on administrative leave pending a full investigation into the decision making and (lack of) execution by the SS team on the ground.

But this is clown world and we're expected to patiently wait 70 years for the documents to become declassified.

Well fuck that. This is no different than justice for the C19 hoaxers. We accept nothing less than a full investigation and proper penalties for the guilty.

JackieDaytona74 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think the subject of protecting the VP is a bit more nuanced than what you're laying out, but where I do agree with you is your trust in DJT because I do as well.

I would be far more concerned if this were any other Presidential candidate selecting Vance as their running mate.

However, I trust no one blindly and I would like to better understand the Vance decision. Because on it's face, it's a head-scratcher.

JackieDaytona74 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm going to disagree on your initial assertion based on the events from 72 hours ago.

JackieDaytona74 20 points ago +20 / -0

I am deeply confused by this pick for myriad reasons.

For better or for worse, Vance has almost no political experience. Part of the value of a strong VP is being able to help navigate quagmires (gigity) in the Senate to get the President's agenda passed.

There's a steady supply of interviews, essays and sound bytes from Vance that are highly critical of DJT. That data will be presented ad nauseum between now and November 5th (if there's an election).

I do not see Vance opening up any new demographics that President Trump couldn't already capture himself.

I can see only two scenarios here:

  1. There's a reason(s) for this pick that's neither obvious nor public.

  2. Vance has a role to play in the interim and is not intended to actually become VP.

JackieDaytona74 4 points ago +4 / -0

Copy pasta from the CNN article:

Forensic analysis suggests that as many as three weapons were fired at the Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania on Saturday.

The FBI said Sunday that the shooter acted alone.

The first three shots were consistent with alleged weapon A, the next five were consistent with alleged weapon B, and the final “acoustic impulse” was emitted by a possible weapon C, per audio analysis by Catalin Grigoras, director of the National Center for Media Forensics at the University of Colorado in Denver, and Cole Whitecotton, Senior Professional Research Associate at the same institution.

Audio analysis has also confirmed that the gunman was about 360 to 393 feet from the podium, according to forensics expert Robert Maher.

This conclusion aligns with CNN’s analysis that the gunman was on a rooftop 393 to 492 feet from the podium when shots rang out.

The shots exemplify a “crack-pop” sequence, typical when a supersonic bullet passes a microphone, before the “arrival of the corresponding muzzle blast sound,” Maher, who teaches audio forensics at Montana State University, told CNN.

The time between these markers places the shooter 110 to 120 meters from the microphone, Maher said, assuming the bullet is moving at an average speed of 800 to 1,000 meters per second, the equivalent of 2,600 to 3,280 feet per second.


Now, there is a possibility that CNN is just creating hype here out of nothing, and that those other two weapons were from SS/PD counter snipers. But it's implied that the other two weapons are not counter-snipers. I'm still working to find the source material.

This may be something, or may be much ado about nothing.

JackieDaytona74 6 points ago +6 / -0

Completely agree. We all need to do our part to protect DJT now that it's apparent that the people that are formally charged with that responsibility aren't doing their jobs properly.

JackieDaytona74 4 points ago +4 / -0

GREAT point, Henry. Had not thought to connect that development with the assassination attempt.

JackieDaytona74 7 points ago +8 / -1

I'm a little bit worried at the lack of critical thinking in this thread.

To imply that Q predicted yesterday's horrific event is to imply that a father was knowingly allowed to die via a stray bullet.

I get frustrated sometimes that people don't pay more attention to the Q source material. But there's a happy medium, folks.

JackieDaytona74 3 points ago +3 / -0

Noticed this a couple of days ago on X and it got me thinking on a more serious element to this amusing store front.

For years now, the Dems have gone out of their way to appeal to and manipulate the misfits of this country. I call it the "Table 9" plan for those of you familiar with that old movie, "The Wedding Singer".

Look at Antifa mugshots and you know exactly what I mean. The Dems and the Cabal have long taken advantage of these useful idiots for their vote and as foot soldiers.

Now, none of this is news to most of you. What matters here is what has the Republican party done to appeal to the misfits of society? This is one of the great failures of the captured Republican party.

For almost a decade, there's only been one man who has articulated the Republican promise of raising everyone up by improving the economic environment, by making sure illegals aren't taking your jobs, by ensuring that we have an egalitarian legal system.

Even the few GOP politicians that I'm pretty sure aren't compromised do a lousy job at articulating this vision. I would argue that even President Trump could stand to do more Ronald Regan-style speeches that are uplifting and articulate that with a fair, but smaller federal government, there is more room for the citizens to rise.

I catch myself getting very focused on what the Leftist conglomerate is doing, but the GOP shrinking away is just as big a part of the story, imho.

JackieDaytona74 1 point ago +1 / -0

Haven't gotten to that part yet.

Though that's something I would expect Leftists to adore.

JackieDaytona74 6 points ago +6 / -0

The Project 2025 hysteria that the Dems (and their surrogates) are trying to drum up is rather interesting.

After President Trump posted on TS that he had no involvement with it, I got curious about the contents. So I've been trying to set aside an hour every night to read through the plan.

For those that don't know, Project 2025 is a very large, detailed and multifaceted plan/recommendation for the first 180 days of President Trump's new administration. There's over 900 pages in total.

Now with the rather large caveat that I'm nowhere near close to being done reading it all, a few thoughts:

-The plans are broken down in a very granular fashion (White House Staff, department of labor, the pentagon, DHS, etc).

-There are some serious heavy hitters that have written plans for specific areas of government. As an example, the reform suggested for the department of defense is written by Chris Miller.

-I have yet to find anything "extreme" in the plans. Probably the most "extreme" is the dismantling of DHS. Otherwise it's a lot of reform and of course, a lot of trimming down of the federal government. If anything, I don't think some of the reform goes far enough in shrinking and reducing the power of federal departments, but I suspect most of us would feel that way.

So what's the bottom line (in my opinion)?

I think the bottom line here is that based on what I've read so far, there's nothing controversial or surprising in these plans. However, Project 2025 is the perfect boogieman for Dem pols and pundits because no Leftist/Dem voter is going to actually READ THE PROJECT 2025 PLANS.

Can you imagine your average Liberal actually taking the time to investigate 900 pages of reform plans, even if their favorite propaganda channel is telling them it's a literal threat to their existence?

I know I can't. Consequently, I think if they're able to get any traction on the Project 2025 fear, we're going to see a lot more of it all the way through to the election (if we have an election).

JackieDaytona74 6 points ago +6 / -0

Fraudulent polls are the precursor to fraudulent elections.

There's no way in hell the race is this close.

JackieDaytona74 19 points ago +19 / -0

So sad to hear this.

Undine53 and I had a private chat a few months ago and that wonderful woman was an anti-authoritarian through and through. She was the one person on GAW that I would have loved to have met in real life.

Highly intelligent, cultured and thoughtful.

To Undine53's daughter (in case you're reading these comments): I am so sorry you lost your mom. It only took a brief bit of communication with her for me to understand what a special person she was.

JackieDaytona74 4 points ago +5 / -1

I've wondered about this too, TP. I can't say I share your level of certainty, but I'm not far off either.

I've long felt (not thought, to be clear.. this is something intuitive rather than cognitive) that this would be a year of black swan events. I am surprised that we haven't seen one yet at the halfway mark, but I have little doubt they are coming.

My question is who will be engineering those black swan events, the Patriots or the Cabal? If there was one question I could ask Q, it would be a status update on how much agency the Cabal has left.

I, like yourself cannot see President Trump returning to the Oval Office. Either due to the creation of a new Republic, or a desperate effort on the part of the Cabal to keep him away from the Presidency.

JackieDaytona74 6 points ago +7 / -1

I would argue that the subject here is far more nuanced than this.

As for Ozempic, I would advise caution to anyone considering it for two (imo) good reasons:

-Big pharma is not to be trusted

-There's no long term safety data on the drug

-Bonus third reason(!): You're not going to feel good about weight loss and keep the weight off unless you EARN it. That means exercise and eating well.

That being said, peptides are just amino acid chains. There's a ton of novel peptides to be found in natural toxins, many with unique/useful properties. The fact that a component of the drug comes from a Gila Monster peptide is far less concerning to me than idiot scientists playing god with gene therapies that they barely understand (the Jab).

Mother Nature has build some truly amazing compounds, including some very useful peptides in natural venoms. There are TONS of great peptide therapies out there, many of which were derived from natural animal sources. Obviously, the usual cautions apply with any drug, peptides included.

JackieDaytona74 6 points ago +6 / -0

Paper for the most part but their voting system is an utter mess. It favors unpopular candidates, especially when those unpopular candidates are part of a coalition and are ethically pliable.

JackieDaytona74 4 points ago +4 / -0

Goodbye, France. Thanks for the gigantic copper statue.

JackieDaytona74 3 points ago +3 / -0

Perhaps now you people will finally start taking climate change seriously.

JackieDaytona74 5 points ago +5 / -0

I don't love the choice, but I do like it. I believe Carson to be a good man and obviously highly intelligent. And there's obvious political advantages as it will drive Leftists insane.

My only hesitancy is that Dr. Carson is very soft spoken. But perhaps his reserved personality would compliment President Trump's bombast.

I do not look forward to the attacks on Dr. Carson (if he turns out to be the VP pick) because Leftists are never so vicious to a target as when it's a black man standing up for conservative, patriotic values.

JackieDaytona74 9 points ago +9 / -0

I've said it before but I'll say it again:

I cannot think of a more obvious sign that Patriots are in control than if Joe Biden is still on the ballot come November. For me, there's no better litmus test.

Yes, we know NCSWIC. But we don't know how much agency the Cabal has left.

Joe is a controlled asset, we know this. The question is who is controlling him? That he's agreeing to a 2nd debate could be the Patriots forcing him out there as a 2nd object lesson to every retarded Leftist in the country.

Or it could be the Cabal forcing him out there to increase the urgency to replace him.

That being said, based on the current state of affairs, I cannot see President Trump just cruising to the Presidency in November, even if Biden is on the ballot. Q talked of people needing to be "pushed to the brink" to truly change.

My interpretation of Q's message on this subject has always been the need to leave a psychic scar on this nation. A situation where everyone understands how close we were to losing our Republic, and just how dark that future would have been. A scar so big that future generations will protect the Republic with their lives.

We're not there yet. Times are tough. For many, incredibly tough. But we are not "pushed to the brink" yet.

Now, one situation that I could see is that DJT does cruse to winning the Presidency, but the Democrats (and several Republicans) in Congress conspire/puppeteered into not certifying the results and installing a leftist despot. But that's a theory for another post.

JackieDaytona74 4 points ago +4 / -0

I understand the people wondering aloud if Starmer was "installed", but it honestly wouldn't surprise me if he won the election fairly.

I want to preface my reasons for this with the statement that I am fully aware that there are still many wonderful British patriots out there, many of them on this board. I salute all of you, my freedom-loving brothers and sisters.

Now that being said:

-The conservatives have squandered repeated opportunities to lead the country under conservative values. Of course, the conservatives in the UK are as paid for and compromised as conservative politicians here in the U.S., so no surprise that they would rule as incompetent Leftists.

-The UK has been engaging in mass importation of immigrants, most of which are low skilled and dependent on a large, generous, and left-leaning government. They import thousands of left-wing votes daily.

-With the exception I mentioned above, most Brits over the past two decades have become weak, pathetic worms who welcome their loss of freedoms in exchange for an all-powerful, authoritarian government. I have little doubt that most Brits want a socialist PM.

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