Future hiring should be interesting. The phrase "I didn't hire you because you need a job, I hired you because I need the job done" is going to shock most of them. The ones that can adapt to do a job will be ok. Those that can't, well we might have another homeless epidemic on our hands kek.
All neccessary yes. So many small business people have their life savings in their places. Praying that we don't lose more of them. Most are piling on debt just to stay afloat. Neccessary casualties? Let's hope not. I'll be pissed if that's the case.
Full empire is what gets me. If we stick with the constitution and the founders ideals, then that shouldn't happen. Spreading US style gov't around the world is another story. I could see a 1 world gov't happening based on those same principles later if it did spread worldwide. That would be the best of all outcomes IMHO.
And so much more nonsense that I see on GAW. It's almost as if the drama queens have nothing else better to do lol.
Crawl back in yer friggin hole.... for 2 moar weeeks!
Need a meme.... Goodfellas laughing with them saying "We gave them $750, but they need to get on a computer or phone to get it" Obviously there isn't any way they can.
Need to check into citizen's arrest laws. But the cops might just let them go anyway. At least the DA's would, and we'd probably get prosecuted. SO....
Just logged in and called them. Seems fine in the southwest
They've been talking this for awhile, a few months at least. Nothing yet.....
Nice Boots MoFo.
Yeah the last patriotic beer put out was pure crap. Tell ya what.... cause I know ya read the boards... if you want beer people will actually drink, message me, and my brewery will help put out some real beer, not some watered down contract brewery special....
Been having conversations with various folks about why Americans in general don't stand up and take care of business in their communities. In NYC, and other areas, if someone is caught poking a child for instance, they are beaten on the streets by the neighborhood, no delays. But, in most areas in the country, people rely on the authorities to be called, come out and take care of it. THIS is why america is seen as weak by outside forces. When was the last time you saw the locals taking care of their own? I realize Q said that counter measures are in place, must be done by rule of law, etc. And I believe in that, however, there is a time and a place where the native (read American) communities need to stand up and say enough. Part of this convo is viilantism, and if it's correct or not. But I have to wonder where that line really is. When it takes LEO's 30 mins to arrive (or in my city) they only come out if there is gunfire..... Again, where, really, is that line. No one respects you if you always back down......
Chinee national?
Theory fagging here.... what if those IPs were "outsourced" from the fed to set something up, and are now being brought back into the fold once certain things were created that are now of use to the WHs that now need them in an offical capacity? Dunno, I'm prolly too many beers in at this point lol. ;)
While I agree... also.. as General Sherman once said: "Be ruthless in war"....
We're a constitutional republic... if we can keep it. (yes I know the obvious)
The brings to mind the "Necessary scare event", et al..... I'm figuring there is more to come that will wake up and unite more folks. Remember frens, we don't know the whole plan, we can only narrate on its habbenings. I'm not trying to number fag, but it just may be possible (quick math) that the hard core leftists are really only in the 1 to 200,000 range... Stay frosty
What's with the bot voice? Anyone else catch that?
Go shill somewhere else...
Ahh yes, no democracy has lasted over 200 years so ours must fall..... It's the same flawed thinking. Go shill somewhere else.
Leaves a bad taste behind for me. Enlightened Monarchism goes against most principles of the republic. Keep "brainstorming".
Notice the Fasces symbol on their flag? Link BWAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!
Started watching it. Noticed Kirsten Dunst as a lead.... Started getting suspicious and came here to read comments. Thinking Hollywood Construct likely?
LOL, I read that as Nathan Wade pulls out of Fani....
Call me skeptical... 1 helo landing somewhere... no troops getting out. Military markings no obvious. Oh wait, it's Red Green isn't it?
Calling BS lads and ladies.