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I want to see Rob Reiner set himself on fire.
The disgust for these two groups can be split evenly because they are one and the same.
Good old Teddy sure looks like he likes little boys. Jus sayin
That was absolutely Outfuckingstanding!!!
What is there, like 20-25 jagoffs? Sounds like time for a beat down.
Fuck Joe Biden and while I’m at it fuck bj prickster too!!!
Gotta hide those man hands.
That lefty judge was probably thinking about his buddy’s place when he valued MAL
$18 Million dollar mansion. Hmm, sounds familiar.
Sure would be nice if this Tick Tock started the clock on suicide weekend
Just fuck off…
I joined X after the “Go FuckYourself”incident. I just asked to join this group with no history on X. Would love to see this group get legs.
Way too many cool things to see in this country while driving that you miss while flying. Screw the TSA and the airlines.
Two minutes early. Hummmm
Fingers crossed.
Help me!! Help me, I got a cold and I’m panicking, baaaaaaa.
I bet he ends up running the class.
Terrible Teddy, the Reverend Atrocious Theodocious, the one and only Ted Nugent.
If if if if if…..fuck you.
Wow, you guys are good! Thanks for all you do.
Um… June 14
Ridin’ bitch huh Barry?
Couldn’t even get a player to catch what that hag was throwing. Had to make the mascot get up there and risk touching the same thing that piglosi did.
Have a grateful Memorial Day for those who didn’t make it home.
Will there be any symptoms this time? Maybe my pinky toe will hurt for 5 minutes or be mildly irritating when I comb my hair. Jeez, give me a break.
I want to see Rob Reiner set himself on fire.