JesusMaga 7 points ago +7 / -0

They are saying the child had just had a successful surgery and was on their way home to mexico. 4 crew members, 1 child patient, 1 patient escort

JesusMaga 10 points ago +10 / -0

We’ve had one Christmas, yes, but what about second Christmas?

Jokes aside, orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas on January 7th instead of December 25th (they use the Julian calendar). But the Ukrainian government has had the Orthodox Church move Christmas from the 7th back to December 25th to reduce Russian influence in Ukraine. About 60% of Ukraine is orthodox Christian.

JesusMaga 5 points ago +5 / -0

3 most important bits of evidence:

1: photo from fake id killer used at nyc hotel. Does the photo match Luigi? If so he is at least guilty of forgery, but would prove he was in the area at the time of the shooting proving he had the opportunity to do so.

2: was Luigi arrested with the same caliber gun and suppressor on him (or at his home, not sure which)? If so it is possible he could have killed the ceo because he had the means to do so

3: was Luigi arrested with the manifesto on him (or at his home, not sure which)? If so he would have a motive to kill someone important in the healthcare industry, if not that particular person

Any of the discrepancies can be explained in a way that would seems reasonable to the average person. As an example, if One photo shows him in a jacket that looks similar but different to the jacket he’s wearing in another photo can be explained by him wearing 2 different jackets on different days. Same with backpacks. I’m not saying that’s the case, just giving an example.

JesusMaga 9 points ago +10 / -1

Not at all, Canada is completely independent with the monarch of GB no longer ruling over Canada and no longer receiving taxes from canada. But the monarch of GB is also the monarch of canada and receives funding from canada whenever they are acting or traveling as the monarch of canada. Completely separate and independent.

JesusMaga 6 points ago +6 / -0

Not to distract from the rest of the weirdness about his arrest, but Him lowering his mask was irrelevant. There was camera footage of him that they used to trace him back to the hotel he was staying at, where they had a copy of the fake id he used on file. The name and address listed on the id were fake, but it had a clear, unobstructed view of his actual face on it. He had no chance of getting away with it after that. They held back the photo from the id and released the one of him lowering the mask, but they could have always released the photo from the id instead, and they likely would have been forced to release it if they didn’t get any tips from the maskless photo.

JesusMaga 1 point ago +1 / -0

In the uk, whichever political party gets a majority gets to choose who they want to be PM, as long as that person is currently or is about to become a minister of parliament (MP). After they pick who they want, they go visit the king and everyone allows the king to pretend that he picked the PM to run the government. The king technically has the power to chose whoever they want, but if they ever tried to use that power, parliament would change the constitution to take the power away (just like every power the king has on paper but is not allowed to use in reality)

JesusMaga 1 point ago +1 / -0

I doubt it. I think Trump is using his mandate from his landslide election victory as a position of strength to bargain with. He’s asking for way more than he will be able to get (closing the DoE) so when congress makes a counter offer from a position of weakness, it will be a much higher offer (reforms and reduce size) than it would have been if he asked for something reasonable from the start.

JesusMaga 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think he would be better in education

JesusMaga 9 points ago +9 / -0

This is what’s going on, Cocaine Mitch moves the election forward to force a quick reaction, he puts forward 2 completely unacceptable choices which force you to pick the seemingly tolerable 3rd choice. The 3rd choice ends up being the choice Mitch wanted all along and tricked you into thinking it was your idea. This is not a new concept in politics, it’s been around for a long time.

Here’s an example from the old British comedy show “Yes Prime Minister”


JesusMaga 11 points ago +11 / -0

The inside of that home looks like a standard flood damage tear out. People sometimes confuse Red DCert tags with a building being condemned but it is not actually the same thing. I didn’t notice any DCert tags or Condemnation Notices on the doors, which ARE required for EVERY entryway into a building that has been inspected by the state after a disaster (so people don’t enter unsafe buildings unaware of the danger). Haven’t worked with fema though so I’m not sure of their process or what tags or marking they use, but all I noticed was a “No Smoking” sign.

JesusMaga 4 points ago +4 / -0

That speech was something called a limited hangout, which is when you have a secret that people have figured out or are about to, so you partially reveal the truth mixed with disinformation in an attempt to distract from the really important parts of the secret that you still want to keep hidden.


JesusMaga 7 points ago +7 / -0

No, I just didn’t add the /s because I thought it was so obvious that nobody would think I was serious instead of mocking the mainstream media but I guess I was wrong

JesusMaga 1 point ago +6 / -5

This bombshell filing is the beginning of the end for Trump and the walls are closing in on him now

Edit: /s

JesusMaga 6 points ago +6 / -0

If those two towns just now removed fluoride from their water, then they are not the first. Cities across the us have been removing fluoride for years.

Here’s a link to the cdc. Just select your state then county and it has a list of towns/ cities and wether they have fluorinated water

JesusMaga -1 points ago +5 / -6

The guy wasn’t put in a chokehold and arrested because he didn’t have a beach tag. That happened because he was he was told he was being detained and if he tried to leave he would be arrested, but tried to leave anyway.

The officer had reasonable articulable suspicion that a crime/ violation had occurred and was legally allowed to detain that guy. whether the officer was correct or not about the surfer needing a tag to access the water isn’t actually important outside of a courtroom.

JesusMaga 8 points ago +8 / -0

Some things I noticed:

Officer was telling others that he told SS at the meeting the Tuesday before rally that they needed to post people at that building, was told not to worry because someone would be, but they were posted inside the building instead of the roof.

at one point they are asking about which local officers and/ or SS were over in the area pointing at the water tower

later they were talking about a guy in red, seemingly detained, who was either a witness or was “with him”, referring to crooks

JesusMaga 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not military, but my understanding is that a blue falcon is a snitch or someone that causes problems for the rest of the unit, like if they volunteer to do something but leave early forcing someone else to do it instead

JesusMaga 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not just the puffs, but you can see the flames just before the collapse and they clearly expand outward at the start of the collapse.

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