The left will never consider he knows more than he says or that he thinks strategically. His extemporaneous style serves both ultimate transparency and disarms his opponents.
It's like seeing a little ghost on TV, he's a Dead man and he knows it.
My understanding is that many countries already practice this. Want to move to Italy, or Switzerland or something you have to invest multi millions into the country through bonds etc. Not sure if trumps idea is cash into the coffers or investment obligations but it's a good idea. Also, reciprocity, if I can't buy real estate in your country, you can't buy in mine.
I can't stop laughing at the thought that after a long day of murdering coworkers, battling paparazzi, play acting like trump, he has to go home to a woman named hilaria and listen to her nag in a fake Latina accent.
The end goal of global mass migration. Take dey shit n shit.
They won't be on the Kennedy center stage
But he still voted no on tulsi and rfk?
He sounds calm, like he was saying you're talking to the wrong people. Like he was in a different plane
They don't sound very anxious for being in a nosedive.
Poor neighbors.
How can we expect a helicopter to operate in a theatre of war, or land on a moving ship, or perform rescue maneuvers in inclement weather if we can't count on them to simply not crash in routine, controlled air space?
So true.
If warm cat piss were sentient.
I'd like to read it as well, but my eyes were burned out by acid rain.
So he immediately turned himself in, and most suspicious, he didn't use a cellphone to radicalize on reddit- he stopped at a library?
Yes you should be clamping down on sex tourism, even if you're doing it for petty spiteful reasons.
Sniper training school
If I've never heard of your office reporting endless democrat corruption and malfeasance, i don't think you have a leg to stand on. Bye bye
This is the only evidence I've seen that michelle might actually be a woman.
He's volunteering to be the first high profile arrest. Good for him. Declaring a sanctuary city or state is essentially the same action that provoked the civil war.
Pattern recognition specialists
Ironically, a case could be made for taking out netanyahu, adl, aipac etc in the name of anti-semitism. Nobody's manufacturing jew hatred more than those guys.
If anything happens that day, you're first bebe.
I'm black and I eat pussy, how dare you question me?