JohnnyMagnum357 6 points ago +6 / -0

Tippy Top.

Of all the words and phrases in the English language, that one is probably up there with the rarest used.

When Trump publicly spoke that phrase, he didn't just connect himself to Q, he fulfilled a direct request from an anon.

Trump has not only connected himself to Q, he has established himself as specifically Q+, many times over.

JohnnyMagnum357 2 points ago +2 / -0

Linux must be adopting the original Unix time clock.

I don't think Linux was even around til the 90's, maybe Im wrong. But it was definitely not around in 1970.

JohnnyMagnum357 1 point ago +1 / -0

That might explain the overtly paedo symbolism on anything Debian or OpenSUSE.

Lots of commie symbology, too.

What's with Linux and its socialist/ commie tendencies?

I love using Linux, but I never understood why the connection.......

JohnnyMagnum357 1 point ago +1 / -0

You literally have no idea what you're talking about.

MAGA is the TEA Party platform.

It was never "right wing" (whatever that is), it was always Constitutional base. Is that right wing? No. Its BASELINE.

Trump was TEA Party and he simply re-branded the platform, since fuckin weenies all wrongfully (through propaganda) that it was "right wing", it was stigmatized, but the ideas still stand.

He knew better and literally brought the platform to the Presidency.

Please tell me, what is different about MAGA than TEA Party?

What is different about Occupy than Antifa?

There are no differences.

JohnnyMagnum357 1 point ago +1 / -0

its 100% NOT true

Were you even in politics back then?

I was. I remember clearly. I was heavily involved in TEA Party. I faced off with OWS. They are GD Antifa! What are you even on about?

You are trying to rewrite history.

JohnnyMagnum357 1 point ago +1 / -0

Occupy was not a MAGA pre-cursor, TEA Party was. Where are you even getting that idea?

That's some re-written history right there.

JohnnyMagnum357 4 points ago +4 / -0

Occupy Wallstreet is what is known today as Antifa.

MAGA today is the EXACT same platform as TEA Party

Same ideas, different branding.

I was in the trenches of the TEA Party days, Occupy are not populists. They're Antifa.

JohnnyMagnum357 3 points ago +3 / -0

Trump speaks though his ties. Learn the code.

JohnnyMagnum357 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sounds like a Herman Cain, Godfather's Pizza Deal.

Remember when the left ravaged him for his "9-9-9" plan? A plan that was seemingly viable, too.........

JohnnyMagnum357 4 points ago +4 / -0

You could read about this topic to no end on the Qresearch board on 8kun.

I was similarly disappointed when I not only realized what these things mean, but that it was fuggin damn-near every one of them in the industry.

I mostly listen to music that has no words, now.

But hey, Yanni, Manheim Steamroller, and TSO are prolly part of it, too. There's no escape.

JohnnyMagnum357 8 points ago +8 / -0

Sue the city for forcing their ritual humiliation onto the public. Giving traveller/commuters no choice but to have to drive over their satanic energy field......

Fk them. Next time someone "donuts" this abomination, they should accidentally drop a bucket of paint on that sh** while they're at it.

JohnnyMagnum357 13 points ago +13 / -0

We are the MOST awake. No two ways about it.

JohnnyMagnum357 5 points ago +5 / -0

I noticed APMEX is moving its price to reflect.

This is the first time Ive seen silver move (domestically) on a National Holiday.

Price is cool and all, but Im curious as to why its even moving at all, today?

JohnnyMagnum357 9 points ago +9 / -0

I saw someone else mention how strange it is that once a "conspiracy theory" gets banned in Tennessee, suddenly the "conspiracy stripes" disappear from the sky.

Remember, mods did a FK ton of censoring and ridiculing/mocking on this subject.

They were/are abjectly WRONG.

JohnnyMagnum357 2 points ago +2 / -0

The ChiComs must be getting some savvy evasion tips from the local civilian girls who successfully sneak into the barracks day in and day out.

JohnnyMagnum357 5 points ago +5 / -0

Well, defend our border and they'd never make it to "your base" in the first place, would they?

JohnnyMagnum357 14 points ago +15 / -1

I have a feeling that the dyke park ranger wouldn't say shit if they were Ukraine, Rainbow or Israeli flags. Not a peep. You know it's true.....

JohnnyMagnum357 0 points ago +3 / -3

They don't like "THIS particular guy", but they have no intention of changing the mindset that brought us to this point.

They 100% will vote for the first (next) ubama who comes along.

They're anti-Biden and pro-Trump for all the wrong reasons.

JohnnyMagnum357 2 points ago +2 / -0

Pretty balsy of them to be hanging out anywhere near Ft Bragg.

Chances are, you're f'ing with a Special Operator.

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