Johnnyquest 1 point ago +1 / -0

Man I would almost be happy with an AI rendering as if it was realistic enough

Johnnyquest 2 points ago +2 / -0

When my fiance and I buy our first house, we're going to try to build a tropical greenhouse out here. We're going to have a thermal mass heater in there like a giant thermal mass heater and everything's going to be buried partially underground. That way we don't have to rely on a grocery store and imports for inferior quality produce that was picked too early in order to survive shipping. Lemons can almost taste sweet when they are picked off the tree in your backyard at the peak of their ripeness.

Johnnyquest 0 points ago +1 / -1

Wait was George Bush a sleeper agent? Seems like a lot of the stuff that he put in place which many of us were vehemently against because they were tyrannical violations of our rights is now in our hands. And at every event that him and his wife have been to, where the other presidents have been, they were the only couple that actually looks like they were together. They were the only ones that actually looked like they loved each other. Even Trump and Melania looked completely distant, like they have separated behind closed doors and like sleep in different wings of the palace or something. I mean their body language is so cold to each other. I would hate to eat dinner behind closed doors at that house. I mean I'm not going to lie he's the greatest president at this point in the history of the United States except for maybe George Washington or Thomas Jefferson but I can't help but imagine that being under siege as a family for this long has strained their personal relationships immensely.

Johnnyquest 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah there are a whole lot of judges and prosecutors and police officers who would be facing the death penalty if we actually started enforcing The whole conspiracy to violate rights law.

Johnnyquest 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well yeah there's student loans, but also I get a good amount of grant money too. Honestly the student loans give me about $2,500 a term, and then I get like $4,500 a term in grant money from the Pell Grant, the Oregon opportunity Grant, and the grant from my college that pretty much matches the pell. That and I live very very frugally and my fiance works to cover her half of the bills as well. I don't really go anywhere, I don't really eat out, I just pay my bills and stay home and do homework all day. It really helps that I am taking online classes instead of in person, because I'm saving a lot of money on gas.

Johnnyquest 5 points ago +5 / -0

I don't know, I kind of feel like these guys need to get their asses beat by an angry mob. I kind of feel like that's the appropriate reaction for every single one of these guards at this point.

Johnnyquest 5 points ago +5 / -0

If we didn't have a society where daily life was such a struggle that the prospect of just numbing yourself until the point where you don't even give a shit if you die actually sounds attractive, then the demand for drugs would dry up

Johnnyquest 1 point ago +1 / -0

They don't need a fucking search warrant for a public goddamn building. Search warrants apply for houses and bank accounts and shit like that. Not a fucking public school or a fucking public university.

Johnnyquest 1 point ago +1 / -0

When I lived in a tax credited low income apartment complex, it wasn't 80% illegals. It was mostly low income white people. Most of them worked or went to school. Problem with the low income apartment complex idea is that they cap your income so that the reduced rent is still a severe burden. You don't get a chance to get ahead while you're there. Problem is there's like 20% of the people who live there who are basically crackheads or welfare bums who have nothing to do with their time except make everybody else miserable for fun, and the property management company wouldn't do jack shit about them. These people had homeless friends who would hang out in the parking lot and sell drugs and break into cars and harass the residents, and they were just allowed to camp out there basically. The low income apartment ended up basically being home base for a bunch of fucking criminals because they could just camp out there without consequences.

Johnnyquest 2 points ago +3 / -1

I can't help but think that there are multiple factions who have some kind of dirt on Mike Johnson. That dude is a political prostitute.

Johnnyquest 1 point ago +1 / -0

No point in working hard if the system is set up so that there is no bare minimum standard for quality of life in return for that hard work. Yes, someone working full-time for minimum wage should be able to afford a studio apartment on their own. There is absolutely no fucking good reason that the cost of a roof and four walls in the shitty part of town should be in excess of 30% of what a full-time worker is making on minimum wage. You want to know why people aren't working hard anymore? Because working hard and being a good employee just means you get more hours for the same fucking pay as somebody working less than you. It means that if your boss finds out that you have something going on outside of work, he will deliberately schedule you so that you have to miss it. It means that you will be treated worse than the lazy employees. Our culture is completely fucked up with how we treat our workers and how we treat the people who keep the entire fucking system standing. People work like dogs to get less than table scraps while somebody who basically lives like a parasite on society gets to make out like a fucking bandit. Where's the incentive? There's a lot of disincentive but not really much good reason to actually work your ass off. The name of the game is to work smarter not harder now

Johnnyquest 5 points ago +5 / -0

I mean they are doing literally everything from the old Playbook at the same time. That's what's telling me that none of it is going to work. They're just trying to throw shit at the wall at this point to see if anything sticks.

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