I can’t believe that people are still believing into this lie. That people are still falling for the “low fat” scam. It should be a given now, that whatever is promoted by these corrupt fucks, the opposite is usually true.
You can only control what you can control. Being a warrior is a good thing, spreading information, and helping others. My greatest lesson in this fight was that I nearly lost myself in the process the first two years of the fight starting when they deployed the scamdemic that I never looked after myself. What do we have full control of? Ourselves. Something is coming, and I don’t know what it is. If you’re not mentally and physically prepared for it because you’ve been too busy being on your knees believing someone will save you, then your survivability is going to be low. I’ve been working on myself nonstop, mentally and physically. My body is as ready and is getting better everyday as time passes. I’ve got plans, I’ve got goals, I’ve got my divine purpose to fulfil. Should a major event happen, I’m going to hope that my efforts will help my preparedness for what is about to come.
The government, filled with pedophiles and pedophile protectors, are the criminals complicit in this crime, with big pharma as their employers. No amount of acting and pretending they do will save them from justice. Same goes for all legacy media in all mediums that promoted and enforced this poison on its people. Let us now forget that. They can’t just turn around and suddenly pretend “oH oUr bAd, nOt oUr fAuLt.”.
I’ve been mistaken for a 20 something a couple of days ago by a tennis coach. I am in my 40s.
I lift regularly, walk regularly, ride my mountain bike, and most importantly. All my food comes from the earth and living things on the earth (and I give gratitude every day). Nothing what I eat as my meals comes in a box or a plastic bag.
If the universe is indeed getting ready to wipe out humanity again, it’s likely because it gave their sub human species a second chance and they failed. And perhaps it’ll do it this time and no second chances for these parasites.
It’s already begun, the deaths.
Violent? Time will tell. It’s my observation here in the prison island of Australia anyway. It’s been business as usual here, 99% of the population are drones who are more worried about the traffic than the poison injections forced upon us by pedophiles in suits.
The Great Awakening is already in motion. Nothing can stop it you faggots. Absolutely nothing.