Makes my heart glad.
Elon needs to respond to the lifetime SS aspect and Trump too and right away.
And paying for transporting trafficked human beings all over the world, IMO
I want every ripped off taxpayer and struggling ss recipient to receive 10k. Barely a dent in the losses and tragedy of the scamdemic. We have been crushed and tortured.
Spent on castles and yachts.
Yes it's time that immortal vampires stopped getting social security.
Include people on social security in that.
I knew who you meant 😆
AI is just a tool, the most elaborate one available to rhe masses. It can be misused or used to uplift. As usual, it is the intent of the user that makes a thing good or evil. God made humanity very inquisitive and creative. My belief is that this means we are given the ability to make our inspirations materialize. "Whatever the mind of man can believe and conceive, it can achieve".
And the Vatican, we understand.
Great interview. Will the French, tolerate Macron remaining in power?
Candace Owens has discussed her problems from having received Gardasil.
I keep waiting for Mayorcas to be charged. He is a haughty self-righteous little bitch who knew exactly what he was doing and felt completely insulated.
Second chip will be for use of limbs.
I remember Christopher Reeve saying he prayed for such technology. As do millions of damaged people today.
Elon's chips are the proverbial baby not to throw out with the bath-water.
There is an actual large demographic of women with the enhanced lips surgeries that are so alike in the style of surgery done that it is like recognizing a separate race of humans. And the wealthy men always pick one of these women for their new trophy wives. Duck lips and big boobs and lipo'd thighs. I love men but my God they don't seem very cognizant...or just don't care how groteque their status symbols look, as long as they represent wealth. Having a wife that looks that way supports the delusion that the man is virile young and rich, even if his own younger look is through his own plastic surgery. But I must say those hair transplants can look pretty good. If your entire life and career is based upon how you look, as show biz does, it is a different standard.
That's the biological imperative, to select a female mate based upon how fertile they look and a male on how capable they look for protecting their young. Funny how skewed it is, for decades the Hllywood idea for women was great big boobs but body like teenage boys. Now the hourglass has come back. And just like fake boobs for the first ideal, now enhanced butts are desired. Ugh. How about just healthy?
All adult people in this country that are not illegal should possess an ID card from the DMV or a driver's license. With birth certificates required to obtain either one. Someone asks for proof you are a citizen. Show the card. Is that so complicated?
When the day comes that we have normal skies again it will seem such a validation. We are not deluded. It was real.
Black-ops hole, you mean.
If the protein content is enough grams, they can have minimal vegetable. Do not replace daily required animal proteins and fats with plants. In 30 years of pet rescue sanctuary, I have learned this.
They SHOILD go bankrupt for pushing vegetarian pet food.
All the Vatican gold we appropriated?
Do we know what agencies received it, but not how they spent it? As in no ledgers, no receipts, no paper trail?
The black ops hole?
Candace Owen's website is down too. Her expose on Birdshit Macron is too spicy this episode, for youtube, so have to watch on her website but no worky
My family's hardships and loss since 2020 certainly far exceeded $5000.00. I think a larger amount should be sent to households.