Platinumbubble probably can't answer that with any certainty seeing they believe the Bible is a tool of the Matrix control and, therefore, can't be trusted.
Once one starts down this path, how does one establish the validity of the "truth" that one thinks is exposing the lies? How do we know that the "Truth" that is bringing the "light" isn't a part of the Great Lie (i.e Matrix)? After all, Satan disguises himself as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:4). He is literally the "Light Bearer" for all the mystery schools and Occult.
There is only ONE other site in America similar to the Air Force Maui Optical and Supercomputing (AMOS) site, located on Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico (right next to Texas!), and operated by the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)
Isn't Texas and Hawaii two locations that house Energy devices like this? I thought I read that somewhere on here once...lemme see if I can find it...
<<<EDIT>>>: Found them:
There is only one other site in America similar to the Air Force Maui Optical and Supercomputing (AMOS) site, located on Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico (right next to Texas!), and operated by the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL). Both sites are used to advance space domain awareness (SDA) technologies, which involve detecting, identifying, and tracking man-made objects in space, such as satellites and missiles.
They use various sensors, telescopes, and computers to collect and analyze data on near-Earth and deep-space objects. They also conduct research and development on topics such as atmospheric compensation, resolved imaging, astrodynamics, sensor development, laser propagation, and high-performance computing.
The AMOS site has some unique features, such as its location at 10,000 feet above sea level, which provides excellent viewing conditions, and its sodium guidestar, which creates an artificial star to sense the atmosphere. The Kirtland site has some unique features, such as its adaptive optics system, which compensates for atmospheric turbulence, and its laser communication system, which enables secure and high-speed data transmission.
I'm not a fan of how long that sounds like it will take.
Revelation 18:17 says the Harlot’s destruction will occur very quickly - “one hour.” The turning (awakening), however, appears to be the variable.
Not so fast!
In 1823, the Rothschilds took control over the financial operations of the Catholic Church, worldwide. They became the official bankers of the Holy See and managed its debts, assets, and investments.
The Rothschilds arranged a loan for the Holy See, which was in financial distress after the Napoleonic Wars. The loan was for a sum of £400,000 (equivalent to £4 billion in 2021) and was negotiated by James Mayer de Rothschild and Alessandro Torlonia, acting for the Pope Gregory XVI
In 2020, the Rothschilds formed an alliance with the Vatican of Pope Francis, under the name of 'Council for Inclusive Capitalism with the Vatican'. The alliance claims to promote a more sustainable and equitable economic system (code words for NWO).
Catholic Church = Jewish controlled
Taking this a step farther - and this is the punch line - Jerusalem = the Harlot in Revelation 17. She rides (controls) the Beast (Kings of the Earth) until the Beast turns on her and destroys her. We are witnessing this turning (Awakening). We are witnessing the destruction of the HARLOT system, not the BEAST system.
The Beast system wins. And THEN the Antichrist appears promising world peace and prosperity.
Spiritual discernment is needed.
Those who are incorrect struggle long and hard to ignore the TRUTH:
lol...okay. Yes, yes, you are the sole possessor of the TRUTH.
Don't you realize that all those verses you cite as support of your position have all "been changed?"
The irony alludes you.
I can clearly see you have a slight reading comprehension issue, or are working really hard to avoid the point of my question because you can see it's implications. Either way, you are free to continue to believe however you wish. Have a good day.
Why do the powers of the World always want control ?
This isn't the question I asked. Read carefully what I'm asking you here:
Also, if Christian doctrine and books were the "control" that the "system" wanted to force upon the people, then why were the early Christians persecuted and killed for their beliefs and teachings for the first 250 years of their existence?
You mean like Torah changed by the Talmud ?
My fren, the Talmud was written several centuries after the Torah. And we still have the Torah to compare the changes, otherwise you wouldn't know it was changed, now would you?
Tell me how you know the Gnostic texts weren't changed or tainted over the past 2000 years. Lets hear your best argument.
Don't forget to answer this in detail.
Also, if Christian doctrine and books were the "control" that the "system" wanted to force upon the people, then why were the early Christians persecuted and killed for their beliefs and teachings for the first 250 years of their existence?
...and address this please.
But yes stretching your mind to see what the system wants to hide from you is hard.
Tell me how you know the Gnostic texts weren't changed or tainted over the past 2000 years. Lets hear your best argument.
I thought you would go on some Gnostic crap tirade. No one brought up K James other than you, my fren. Sounds like you have an axe to grind. KJ used the best manuscript and textual materials he had at the time. Since then there have been numerous manuscripts and copies discovered making the more modern translations more accurate. KJ isn't the only kid on the block, bud.
You appear to be an expert at Hermeneutical gymnastics in order to twist what the text says in order to make it fit your Gnostic framework.
Tell me how you know the Gnostic texts weren't changed or tainted over the past 2000 years. Lets hear your best argument.
Don't forget to respond to this in detail.
Also, if Christian doctrine and books were the "control" that the "system" wanted to force upon the people, then why were the early Christians persecuted and killed for their beliefs and teachings for the first 250 years of their existence?
..and at the same time (4am) the MSM get's their talking points.
Real stretch here.
Seems like the majority of your diatribes are pointed at the Catholic Church. You might not find much disagreement with me on that issue. But you do make some claims without any supporting evidence that appear to be foundational for much of your position on the formation of the biblical cannon. Let's discuss some of those.
Jesus (Christianity) is created by the Vatican
Hopefully you're not implying that Jesus didn't even exist here, are you?
Also, Christianity existed long before the Catholic Church or Councils did. So it appears you have the cart before the horse here.
The early Christian community already had a high view of Jesus divinity long before the Councils came around. Even according to your own research the Muratorian Canon which is dated roughly around 170AD shows the high view of Jesus' divinity already in existence.
In the Muratorian Canon, Jesus is repeatedly referred to as “Lord” (Romans 10:9; Acts 2:36; Jude 17) and is equated with God (John 1:1–3; 20:28; Philippians 2:6–8). He took on human flesh (John 1:14; 1 John 4:2), died in the place of sinners (1 Corinthians 15:3), and was soon raised bodily from the dead (Luke 24:36–40; Acts 1:3; 2:24–35; 1 Corinthians 15:4). A person can find forgiveness of sins only through faith in Him (John 6:47; Acts 13:38–39; Galatians 2:15–16).
These central doctrines represented Christian orthodoxy for the early (before the major Councils) church. The existence of the Muratorian Canon demonstrates that, well before the New Testament canon was officially recognized, early Christians already had access to authoritative documents carrying apostolic authority. It was from these apostolic books and letters that the early believers derived their central beliefs about the person and atoning work of Jesus Christ.
So your assertion that the Catholic Church created and was responsible for the deification of Jesus kind of falls on its face right at the start.
“The Bible was constructed by the same bloodline families that founded the Illuminati.
What is your source for this outlandish claim? Remember, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence - and don't simply point to your 656 page PDF as your "evidence." Give us some concrete evidence.
"..among you."
Take a look at the note [j] right next to "within you" in the Geneva translation (which you favor):
That footnote explains the phrase "within you" as meaning "among you" or "in the midst of you." It suggests that the kingdom of God was present among the Pharisees in the person of Jesus, rather than being located within them individually.
Take a look at the note [j] right next to "within you" in the Geneva translation:
That footnote explains the phrase "within you" as meaning "among you" or "in the midst of you." It suggests that the kingdom of God was present among the Pharisees in the person of Jesus, rather than being located within them individually.
What do you mean, fren?
Everything in that link has been throughly dealt with and left wanting.
Anywhere specific you’d like to start?
I’m going to have to respectively disagree with you here, fren.
While Blavatsky's teachings are open to various interpretations, she did express views that suggest a significant difference between her understanding of Jesus and the traditional Christian perspective:
"The Christ that is in me is not the Jesus of the Church." - Helena Blavatsky, "The Secret Doctrine"
"The 'Son of Mary,' as a man, is the personal property of the Christians, but the 'Christ' is the 'Son of God,' the common property of every Initiate." - Helena Blavatsky, "Isis Unveiled"
"The Christ of the Churches is but a puny imitation of the Grand Ideal of the Inner God in man." - Helena Blavatsky, "The Secret Doctrine"
"It is not Jesus, the man of Nazareth, but what he is generally taken for [God in the flesh], that we quarrel with." - Helena Blavatsky, "The Secret Doctrine"
“The ‘Church’ is ever ready to sell her birthright of divine truth for the mess of pottage of human dogma.” - Helena Blavatsky, “The Key to Theosophy”
“The ‘Christ principle’ is universal and eternal, and the ‘Son of God’ but one of its various manifestations.” - Helena Blavatsky, “The Secret Doctrine”
“The ‘Christ-spirit’ is always seeking to incarnate in humanity and to express itself through the instrumentality of a purified and regenerated people.” - Helena Blavatsky, “The Secret Doctrine”
These quotes suggest that while Blavatsky acknowledged Jesus as an important spiritual figure, she saw him in a significantly different light from the traditional Christian view, emphasizing a more symbolic or universal interpretation of his teachings and role. To put it plainly, she viewed him as an ascended master.
This is the New Age occult/Gnostic teachings that are entirely incompatible with Historical Orthodox Christianity.
While this article is very insightful, I think the author misses a vital distinction:
Black magicians vs. White Magicians.
Alice Bailey was influenced by Blavatsky's teachings (whom the article discusses at length) and was involved in the Theosophical Society for a time. Blavatsky was one of the founders of the Theosophical Society in 1875 and is considered a key figure in the development of modern Theosophy. Her writings, including "The Secret Doctrine" and "Isis Unveiled," were foundational texts for the Theosophical movement.
Bailey, on the other hand, came into contact with Theosophy later in her life and was initially critical of some aspects of Blavatsky's teachings. However, Bailey's work later diverged from traditional Theosophy, and she founded her own spiritual movement, focusing on what she called the "Ageless Wisdom" teachings.
While Bailey's teachings share some similarities with Theosophy, particularly in their emphasis on esoteric knowledge and spiritual evolution, she developed her own distinct body of work and did not consider herself a successor to Blavatsky. Bailey's teachings have had a significant impact on the New Age movement and other spiritual traditions, but they represent a separate stream of thought from traditional Theosophy.
In Alice Bailey's teachings, the concept of white and black magicians is used to illustrate the spiritual polarity and ethical choices that individuals face on the path of awakening and spiritual evolution.
White magicians (White Hats), in Bailey's terminology, are those who use their spiritual knowledge and power for the benefit of humanity and the greater good. They seek to align themselves with the divine will and work towards the upliftment and enlightenment of themselves and others (these are the leaders of the Great Awakening/Truther Movement etc..)
On the other hand, black magicians (Black Hats) are depicted as individuals who misuse their spiritual knowledge and power for selfish or malevolent purposes. They may seek personal gain, control over others, or the manipulation of spiritual forces for destructive ends (these are the Globalists).
For Bailey, the awakening process involves recognizing and choosing to align oneself with the principles of light and goodness, thereby becoming a white magician in service to humanity and the divine plan. This entails cultivating virtues such as love, compassion, and selflessness while actively working to overcome egoic desires and tendencies.
By contrast, those who continue to indulge in selfishness and manipulation, seeking power and control over others, are seen as aligning themselves with the forces of darkness and becoming black magicians.
Yo know who has aligned themselves with the Theosophical Society and it's teachings?
General Michael Flynn
Flynn has been associated with the concept of the "Seven Rays," which is a Theosophical and esoteric belief system that posits seven metaphysical principles or energies that are said to influence all life and consciousness. The concept is rooted in the teachings of Theosophy, as expounded by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, and further developed by later Theosophists such as Alice Bailey.
In a tweet from July 2016, Flynn shared a photo of a book titled "The Seven Rays of Life" by Alice A. Bailey, with the caption, "Love this. Thank you for sharing. #ABookForThoseWhoSeek."
Flynn also quoted a Theosophical prayer in a tweet on July 4, 2020. The tweet included a photo of a family praying with the text of the prayer superimposed over the image. The prayer reads:
"Breath of the Divine, Creator God, Source of all that is: Breathe into us the Holy Spirit, that our thoughts may be holy. Move in our hearts, that we may love only what is holy. Strengthen our bodies, that they may also be the temple of the Holy Spirit. Guide us in our work, that we may do it only for the love of Thee, and in the service of Thy creation. Amen."
This prayer reflects a Theosophical perspective with its emphasis on the divine presence within all things and the call for spiritual guidance and alignment with divine will.
Furthermore, General Flynn during a speech in a Christian church, where he let unaware Christians chant channeled material from Elizabeth Clare Prophet's 'Pearls of wisdom' which she claims to have received from "archangel Michael". New age & Occult. Doctrines of demons. False light. Listen here.
Cyber polygon
Standby for End of the Age finale...
"Leave the World Behind"
Wait a's illegal to point out the illegal things they're doing!
Could Ai be the new and improved Ouija Board??