LessSwampMoreMAGA 5 points ago +5 / -0

So this makes me curious. We have tens if not hundreds of thousands of dogs taking monthly ivermectin as heartworm preventative. It shouldn’t be too hard to compare the rates of cancer in dogs taking ivermectin vs not taking ivermectin.

LessSwampMoreMAGA 5 points ago +5 / -0

Anyone know of good American History and general history books, audiobooks, or podcasts for kids (chapter book level, but I'll be reading to them)?

I've tried to get a bunch of them from the library but I'm literally having to read through them first to filter out ones trying to brainwash kids. So much in them is not about history but about how they should feel about certain positions, ESPECIALLY gun rights and bashing the founding fathers for slavery. It's the same propaganda used in the MSM but its in all the freaking books.

LessSwampMoreMAGA 3 points ago +3 / -0

To your demonization of a traditional female role, i would ad to that the constant demonization of actually having kids with the current generations (ie life altering and they dont want the responsibility). So many actively make decisions to not have kids. Its like there is some coordinated policy to promote things that would reduce the birth rate.

While on the topic, wtf happened from 1959-1975 that caused 40% drop in birth rate, a sudden yoy drop of about 3% per year for over a decade. Was 0.23% drop in 1958 to 2.36% drop in 1959.

LessSwampMoreMAGA 5 points ago +5 / -0

Ive seen the opposite in regard to your second point. I don't have any first hand knowledge of illegal immigrants, but legal immigrants (visas and eventually green cards) are buying property in my area (central NC).

Edit: Their positions of those i knownthat have purchased houses have been in IT, pharmaceuticals/biopharma, and management positions

LessSwampMoreMAGA 2 points ago +2 / -0

This was my thought too. I get the impression that there is ALOT more controlled opposition/psyops on p.win lately.

LessSwampMoreMAGA 9 points ago +9 / -0

In addition to that, I feel like the mrna technology is the stepping stone to the whole gene therapy "industry". With the forced expedited timeline I get the impression that this killed much of the publics trust in future genetic modification. I mean theres already talk of gene editing with CRISPR and now nothing can convince me this is a good idea.

There are so many jobs in gene therapy in central NC right now it's insane and you wonder how all these companies are funded.

LessSwampMoreMAGA 6 points ago +6 / -0

I get the feeling lately that patriots.win is primarily stoking fear that is opposite of what I was seeing with covid. There is so much on there now that are short clips, unsourced, click bait headlines, incorrect information, flooded discussion, etc... that seem to want to stoke fear and anger. It's the same techniques I see with fake news.

At this point every bit of news at a local, state, and national level feels like its intended to invoke a response.

LessSwampMoreMAGA 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm curious about this as well. Most of the time I can see the connections in my head, but then when I get to try to explain them its jumbled because there seems to be so much coordination going on and 1) it sounds improbable to people taking in media all their life and 2) the sheer volume of coordination is difficult to put in words. Funny thing is its the MSM that's convincing people that the MSM isn't coordinating and anyone outside the MSM is an unreliable source.

The media conditioning has become more and more clear lately as I rewatch old movies where they are trying to desensitize and normalize behavior to seize control of the agenda. Have the messaging what they are trying to portray then sprinkle in a little crazy and all of a sudden it becomes "You're crazy, it's just a movie, thats not actually happening" (See V for Vendetta, I rewatched that recently).

I had cable TV on for a couple minutes the other night to check out the weather, and the new Law & Order seems to be a prime target for this. They constantly have villians that are 'patriotic white supremacists' trying to initiate terror attacks and they must do whatever possible to convict them! Even if its outside ethical and legal bounds. Wonder where that came from. Add that to the 'narratives' put out after events. Pretty much every MSM has the same talking point and you cant question the facts of an event or even 'ok, how did they find that out'.

LessSwampMoreMAGA 1 point ago +1 / -0

"We are doing everything we can, uhhh, to make sure that, umm, uhh, we follow the process that's been put forth"

Lol. So no because they are doing everything to make sure its NOT secure.

LessSwampMoreMAGA 1 point ago +1 / -0

As someone who isnt in crypto yet (but trying to understnad it to do so) BTC is down 5% so far today but still up 10% from a week ago.

LessSwampMoreMAGA 8 points ago +8 / -0

When covid started i was conviced the people would put an end to the shutdowns and masks after 2 weeks.

It woke me up pretty well. To the point of completely questioning the morality and ethics of my line of work.

LessSwampMoreMAGA 1 point ago +1 / -0

Im working on one myself but I would suggest an index that you can search for topics and dates (could just be an excel file)

Im new to this so if anyone has better suggestions im all ears.

LessSwampMoreMAGA 9 points ago +9 / -0

My understanding is that the smallpox vaccine didnt start until 1796 with basically the intentional infection of cowpox. There was only a 3 year overlap with the concept of vaccination before Washington died in 1799.

This paragraph was in a chapter covering Washington’s time at Mt Vernon from 1750 something to 1775.

Not only does it read like a wishlist of vaccine promotion but the timeline doesnt match up.

LessSwampMoreMAGA 4 points ago +4 / -0

They've already started backing away from it, citing that Americans that make under $400,000 will be better off due to additional tax benefits outweigh the increase in taxes (as there is an increase in nearly every tax bracket). This line is bullshit as the tax benefits based on spending close to if not more than $100,000 on electrical and energy efficiency upgrades to your house or EV purchases. The "No one making under $400,000 will see an increase in taxes" is a lie and they are trying to hide behind "well for most people its a net benefit"

From the website they are shilling (https://www.rewiringamerica.org/app/ira-calculator) I got:

*Rooftop Solar Installation (30%) *Geothermal Heating Installation (30%) *Battery Storage Installation (30%) *Community Solar Subscription (30%) *New EV Purchase ($7500) *Used EV Purchase ($4000) *And Various Home Efficiency upgrades (Combined $14000 Upfront Discount whatever that means)

LessSwampMoreMAGA 1 point ago +1 / -0

I dont get this and is one of the most frustrating things about the judicial system. You have the most unprecedented judicial event with the execution of a search warrant on the previous president and we’re over a week into it and the judge says:

“Yeah, I can fit this into my schedule in 2 days”

LessSwampMoreMAGA 1 point ago +1 / -0

Amber alert system. A majority of amber alerts i have seen have been a parent trying to get their child back from the state, and thats just from the official narrative published by the news.

Here in NC we have seen a number of news stories (cops killed, amber alert) stemming from “involuntary commitments”

LessSwampMoreMAGA 3 points ago +3 / -0

Tip for searching for something that you know is there; use site:website.com and filter results by dates

LessSwampMoreMAGA 5 points ago +5 / -0

The problem is these mechanisms were known in 2020. Going through the courts before the election = no standing, after = moot.

LessSwampMoreMAGA 14 points ago +14 / -0

Didnt Greg Phillips mention foreign gov related to the Pit today? Would be interesting if it is UK/Aus related.

LessSwampMoreMAGA 7 points ago +7 / -0

So many underestimate the need for people to see what's going on. Even now people still throw out the term "conspiracy theorist" when talking about the government trying to gain power after 2 1/2 years of 'mandates'/'dictates', lockdowns, and firings over what is a cold for most of the population.

This FBI raid has the makings of waking ALOT of people up to the corruption within the FBI. Sadly, many will still see it as justified 'for the greater good' of keeping Trump from the presidency and 'whatever it takes'.

LessSwampMoreMAGA 8 points ago +8 / -0

It could technically be true but its a short sighted view (which happens alot in science). Cooking food (and going out in the sun) solves more problems than it creates.

Im now inherently skeptical of any cancer studies, they are almost never verified, are based on uncontrolled data review, and just the delay from events to diagnosis eliminates the observation part of the event.

LessSwampMoreMAGA 6 points ago +6 / -0

Is this like the “study” that basically showed cooking meat causes cancer? Either implying people shouldnt cook their food or eat meat.

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