I’m so sorry to hear this. That can be such a difficult thing to witness as a parent…so, so heartbreaking. I witnessed the same thing 20 years ago, when my son was damaged by the vaccine cocktails (that my former, naive self allowed him to have), and it was like night and day when I saw his brain change. Through his life, he’s been high-functioning, but his autism was a major challenge for him in building friendships and being successful in conventional learning methods.
He found his way, though, and now as a 20-year-old, he’s making almost as much money as me, working in the trade industry, and he’s one based and honorable man. He doesn’t follow conventions, because he knows the system failed him, and he is more powerful for taking control of his own life. He’s been such an inspiration to me.
God has been good to my son. And he will do the same for your child as well. Blessings to you.
May God bring justice to all the parents and children everywhere who have suffered at the hands of the big pharma and cabal.
God is the way — the only way.
Absolutely 100%. No doubt Q was a psyop, but this is the day of reckoning — was it a psyop run by white hats or was it a massive distraction psyop orchestrated by the cabal to create a deeper divide, and keep patriots dormant?
I see no other option, given the post-midterm timeline. People in AZ are torn, hopeless. Kari Lake has alluded to fraud, has not conceded and remains quiet. Is she waiting for Trump’s announcement? Jan 6. hangs over our heads, preventing a sizable enough group to take to the streets, etc..
It’s going to be a long day waiting to hear this big announcement. But this has to be it for me. If a nothing burger, or just Trump announcing 2024, then I have to throw in the towel for good…
Yuma!?! Why Yuma and not Maricopa County?
This could be huge. Praying that it is. 11.11 (11/11). Everything in this drop lines up to today, and the heat is rising in Maricopa County, which is becoming the epicenter of obvious fraud.
And which company is that?
Those are the “wolves in sheeps clothing” the evil MFs who say they’re jews (the khazarians, e.g. Rothschilds), but using that front as a guise of innocence. Real Jews are good and decent people — or as much as the rest of the world, anyway, some pricks, some awesome.
Please enlighten…
Ugggh…I regret I clicked on that thing.
Well, the hand gesture for Mauna Kea is true. Seems like a distraction
Umm…I’m 45, and am ashamed to say that I don’t know what this refers to? Please school us who don’t get the reference….
How do we know that’s his niece in the background?
Awesome synopsis. Thanks!
If anyone doubted that the WWG1WGA song actually played in the background (as opposed to being dubbed over), here’s the original speech (music starts at around 2 hours and 2 minutes in): https://youtu.be/MM64qYQm4Qk
It seems to have played for real. The finger thing is odd. I get needing a symbol of unity, but at what point do you say it’s creepy and not okay?
Could you please elaborate? I don’t remember from hunger games if that was intended to be a symbol of the people rising up (in which case, a good gesture), or the people succumbing to an evil leader (like a “hi hitler” style symbol, obviously a bad thing).
Yerba mate is my drink of choice. So many health benefits, and doesn’t seems as addictive or give me the jitters like coffee. Been drinking it for 20 plus year.
Does anybody else want to see him hang from meat hooks on his rolls of neck skin? Zaaat voood be greaaat.
Mat 7:16 Ye shall know them by their fruits.
The documentary “seven” by Dylan Avery: https://www.bitchute.com/video/LsQEoQE6ee8f/
Very well done, and documents the study done by the U of Alaska Anchorage. I keep this one in my back pocket for all the normies. No dark music, and amateur videography. Just very well done.
What is that around her neck!?! Her style choices themselves should be criminal.
Ahahah…she says Trump is in “Q-ier territory”. I love how they sound like imbeciles making up new words. Q-ier, not to be confused with queer.
I love how he writes out the number 300 billion…really puts into perspective how much money that really is. So, like three hundred thousand millions! Or like $1000 per American.
That’s my guv’nuh!!! 🤩
My experience exactly!
…as she posts on Twitter, most likely from her phone. 🤡🤡🤡