by IAmOne
Letthepiecesfall17 5 points ago +5 / -0

The worst perpetrators in this photo are the parents themselves (probably taking the photo). Sick.

Letthepiecesfall17 1 point ago +1 / -0

How do you suggest that one could invest in these companies or processes? Thank you fren

Letthepiecesfall17 9 points ago +9 / -0

I’ve never read or heard this full speech before, only clips of the “New World Order” reference. When you read it through, it actually appears quite beautiful, that countries will unite, that the strong will take care of the weak, etc.. it’s really too bad that the New World Order is expected to be run by a select few, because the concepts of world peace would be so goddamn wonderful. The evil one tends to appear as the “angel of light”. Enter Q….

Letthepiecesfall17 1 point ago +1 / -0

By this logic, it makes republicans shit, democrats pure evil, and rinos complete fucking scum of the earth.

Letthepiecesfall17 3 points ago +3 / -0

Umm…that looks like MJ as he would look today, as if he never died, grew facial hair, etc.. Where is that picture from?

Letthepiecesfall17 3 points ago +3 / -0

I love this thread. We’ve learned from our mistakes…the best thing we can do is teach younger generations to do prioritize parenting.

Letthepiecesfall17 3 points ago +3 / -0

I would love to be able to watch that zoom session. The tic toc ‘stars’ feeling all important for being invited to a club, and just absorbing everything they’re told. I’m sure there were very few, if any, critical questions asked, just surface level, ‘how can we relay your message?’ Bullshit to regurgitate to their mindless followers.

Letthepiecesfall17 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don’t believe Jesus “violently attacked” anyone, first of all, and evil exists everywhere. Stop singling out.

Letthepiecesfall17 3 points ago +3 / -0

It doesn’t appear to contain explosions and such, so not of interest to the MSM.

Letthepiecesfall17 3 points ago +3 / -0

Right…a nationwide strike just hurts the everyday Americans, like kicking us while we’re down.

Letthepiecesfall17 15 points ago +15 / -0

I think from now on, I’ll say that someone “died of chemo” instead of “died of cancer” because that really is the nail in the coffin. If cancer cures are being withheld, then the cancer is not what killed them.

Letthepiecesfall17 13 points ago +16 / -3

Exactly — this argument makes us sound crazy, when people talk about their lost taste/smell symptoms. I’m not saying I can prove the Rona exists, but saying it doesn’t makes us look bad.

Letthepiecesfall17 1 point ago +2 / -1

Yep, the increase in cancer patients is due to the lack of available medical care for them during the pandemic (says the local cancer society…seriously, you can’t make this stuff up).

Letthepiecesfall17 3 points ago +3 / -0

I use yellow because I try to use emoticons for communication, not to make things about skin color. Damnit! Who knew that focusing on skin color made you less racist!?! But wait, isn’t that the default? So tech tards who don’t know how to change settings are ALSO racist!?! Such a complicated world, I should go watch more NPR for clarification.

Letthepiecesfall17 1 point ago +1 / -0

Who’s to say they couldn’t speak in code? If pedos can use pizza to speak their intentions, then truckers can use their own code to do the same.

My question is, can CB radio be shut down using some type of scrambling device, or to broadcast interference, etc.? Seems like something the deep state would do.

Letthepiecesfall17 3 points ago +3 / -0

My son and nephew both were supposedly likely to have Down’s syndrome. Both are normal and in their 20’s. I’ve spoken with several others who were told the same bullshit. How many moms out there take that stuff seriously and have their babies aborted, thinking they’re doing their child a favor?

Letthepiecesfall17 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yes! Great way to refer to it. Going to change my vocabulary. “Mainstream” or even “legacy” give it too much credence. “Corporate” is a constant reminder who funds and delivers it.

Letthepiecesfall17 2 points ago +2 / -0

I work in a profession where I go into people’s homes and meet with them one on-on-one. Many have their giant flat screens blaring in the background (especially the types that have that thing on 24/7 as constant background noise), I love to steer conversion to the TV, and brag about how the best thing I ever did was cancel my cable TV. They always stare at me so dumbfounded, and ask “but how do you get your news!?!” I would refer them to GAW, but, you know, baby steps 😆

The one thing I miss about cable TV is being able to watch an occasional live game that I’m interested in. But then it’s just a great excuse to hit the local sports pub, have a good beer and interact with the crowd. Oh, the ability to stream a movie every once-in-a-while ain’t half bad.

Letthepiecesfall17 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well said, but I’d say this applies to ALL professions, and the media being at the top of the list. Truth is like a steam roller coming our way at a 100 mph, and you’d better be on the right side of the street or you’re f’ed. Maybe there’s still time to dart to the other side.

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