Litecola2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Serious health question, pedes: what is the best local source of clean oil, liquid oil (like to make mayonnaise, marinades, dressings) in the Carolina-Virginia areas? I'm working on stable sources of animal fats, but those are solid. Importing pricy avocado or coconut oil isn't sustainable. Peanut oil from Georgia? Can't trust corn oil?

Litecola2 6 points ago +6 / -0

True, but we called it early on. Little girls in distress are pulled from school, or it's actually family. Parents are at full fault either way. Friends are now traumatized also, as should be their own parents for not noticing, not listening. I'm assuming school staff are always at fault too...

Litecola2 3 points ago +3 / -0

Agree, they've been emotionally and psychologically manipulating sections of the populace for a very long time now. I think the great toilet paper hoarding could have been a subliminal message through cable/tv, haven't seen anything yet to disprove that theory. The people doing it would get deer-in-headlight looks when asked directly, because they honestly did not know why they felt compelled, and no one we knew who had "cut the cord" suffered from that compulsion.

They plant ideas and stir fears, inspire unreasoning hate, mob rule writ large, but they're directing it. Kash, Bongino, Ratcliffe and the whole team will have a heck of a time dismantling all of it.

Litecola2 1 point ago +2 / -1

I think NASA has engaged in multiple hoaxes through the years but that doesn't mean FE. Just means they've been radically stealing our money along with every other federal group out there. Hair spray and harnesses and ridiculously slow movement when there's supposed to be no-friction vacuum, and actual bubbles caught on video have thoroughly destroyed their credibility. Yet there are satellites and heavenly bodies possibly observable with personal devices that move in ways FE cannot explain reasonably.

Debating points of reason, fact and observation should be allowed; unfortunately those folks don't seem to be able to do that, and they carry a lot of other crazy baggage with them, but maybe that is their reason for being, to demolish logical debate.

Litecola2 2 points ago +2 / -0

The one thing I haven't seen is where Noem 'invited' Rice, as opposed to Rice asking for a talk.

Litecola2 1 point ago +2 / -1

Leave the cults and return to the one holy Catholic and apostolic church, help cleanse it and make it what Jesus intended when He ordained Peter

Litecola2 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'll pray for them still, but there's no need to "go easy" or enable their dementias.

Litecola2 4 points ago +4 / -0

Some said he was when there was a hologram glitch of him on the balcony during the plandemic. Regardless, we need Viganó in charge.

Litecola2 1 point ago +1 / -0

So, not a black pope now? And how is an outwardly invisible result of an operation the same as a deformity of shoulder or foot? Not following, sorry.

Litecola2 13 points ago +13 / -0

This man is the Pope that we do not deserve, but desperately need. He tried to start cleaning out the Vatican bank, and was punished, then started telling truth out loud, and was excommunicated. He sees clearly and has the will to cleanse the Church, but God's will be done.

Litecola2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Got certificate error blocks until today, but looks back to normal now...

Litecola2 2 points ago +2 / -0

I assumed he meant Congress crimes, where Killary was lawyer, first lady governor, Mena, stock fraud, suicides, Epstein, Haiti, state department...

Litecola2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Brave browser is not allowing GAW, but I'm here via communities.win... Anyone else having this issue?

Litecola2 2 points ago +2 / -0

If a real election were held though, not a selection as many believe has been happening for quite a few popes, who could become pontiff? Absp. Viganó??

Litecola2 1 point ago +1 / -0

""Earlier this month, a report in Hebrew from the Israeli Public Broadcasting Corporation (Kan) added an entirely new dimension to questions surrounding the origins of the Nova Festival deaths. The article provides excerpts from a transcription of a discussion between Israeli police officers and Ido Mizrahi, a representative of the IDF’s Chief of Staff who was assigned to investigate the IDF’s conduct regarding the Nova Festival. ""

""Chief of Staff Representative : The first bullet fired in the Nova area, not in the compound, was at 09:10. At that time, they overwhelmed the area of the axis, massacred everyone who was still on the axis , because there are quite a few vehicles there, the only force they were unable to overwhelm was Oron Solomon, his son, and a few other policemen with whom they were sitting behind the tank. There is also the incident of the tank, which was still moving around there, this is also a bizarre incident. Basically, from 09:10 the whole thing opened up, they were able to enter the compound and they massacred in the compound, 220-230 bodies came out of it. That is the order of magnitude that we evacuated from the compound itself, associated with the party a little less. In other words, a lot of bodies during this 24-hour period were dumped in this area, I have no idea why

Police Officer : What you're telling us is that some of the bodies found there didn't belong to the party?

Police Attorney : As if they were brought there""

Note/significance: 364 deaths attributed to the massacre but on the scene they only had up to 230 on that day, with more bodies appearing later.

Litecola2 1 point ago +1 / -0

There might be a baseline standard, like seashells were for some tribes, but isn't the point of barter to be able to exchange whatever you have for whatever they have?

I vote for eggs as a baseline.

Litecola2 2 points ago +2 / -0

You may still have to take probiotics to return the good bacteria to you gut.

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