LoriInNC 5 points ago +5 / -0

I do think they'll take out Kamala before and if they take out Biden. I just mentioned to my husband that I wonder if they'll pin the coke on her to taker her out so I'm on the same page with you there.

But I am not so sure that Newsome could pass Congress (there would be no one to break a tie either)

LoriInNC 9 points ago +9 / -0

I was at the most redneck cookout on Saturday. Not one Bud or Bud Light in sight. Plenty of Modelo though.

LoriInNC 5 points ago +5 / -0

I ordered my tickets online yesterday. When I ordered, they had 5 showings. When I went today, they had increased it to 8 showings because 3 had sold out. I'm so happy that it is doing well and that the Angel production company will succeed and do much much more like this.

It was a great movie.

LoriInNC 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm going to see it tomorrow at a Cinemark in Charlotte, my tickets are pre-ordered online. I'm glad to see that at the theatre we are going to that 3 of the 5 showings are already sold out! It's a smaller theatre but it's the only movie with any sold out showings for the day.

LoriInNC 4 points ago +4 / -0

Same. I was a registered Republican and changed my registration to unaffiliated on Jan 6 2021. As an unaffiliated in NC, I can vote in either party's primary. Trump is my first choice but I will see who needs my vote the most for primary season.

LoriInNC 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is what I'm thinking. They would be an absolute power house if both they ran a 3rd party together.

LoriInNC 5 points ago +5 / -0

Same except I am fortunate to have a husband who is like minded. He's a great sounding board. We have each other but I think everyone else thinks we're cray-cray.

LoriInNC 3 points ago +3 / -0

Didn't he give the J6 tape access to Tucker though? Tucker is still a wildcard here.

LoriInNC 5 points ago +5 / -0

Three failed US banks had one thing in common: KPMG Big Four auditor’s work for SVB, Signature and First Republic comes under scrutiny in aftermath of their collapses

Wonder what other banks they audited? Looks like PacWest and Western Alliance Bank are down significantly in after hours trading today.

LoriInNC 2 points ago +2 / -0

This what I think too. Lake = Water.
Meaning that movement on her lawsuit would be a signal.

LoriInNC 4 points ago +5 / -1

This is sad, he was someone's child. He needed help but instead was misguided by people he loved and/or trusted. May he rest in peace.

LoriInNC 1 point ago +1 / -0

My children are grown now. However if I had small children today, I would choose no vaccines at all. We can't trust that they are telling us what's in them or what they are doing to our children's health.

LoriInNC 1 point ago +1 / -0

Physicians for Informed consent have a lot of good information regarding childhood vaccinations, pros and cons. https://twitter.com/picphysicians https://physiciansforinformedconsent.org/

LoriInNC 27 points ago +27 / -0

Yes, they told everyone after the fake pit that it was fake ... it was apparently an attempt to draw out the bad actors and then the second event was for those who were vetted. At least that was my understanding.

LoriInNC 3 points ago +3 / -0

My husband graduated from Carolina many many years ago when it taught students real academics. It has since become a woke cesspool. I'm surprised that they are making this change and wonder why. Must be alumni donations are down.

LoriInNC 5 points ago +5 / -0

Thousands of compromised officials, judges, etc. She says this investigation had been ongoing for 3.5 to 4 years. Her team did present their findings to Gov Ducey in May 2022 -- the AZ legislature seemed to be taken completely by surprise.

LoriInNC 3 points ago +3 / -0

The lady speaking is an investigator for a law firm. She is claiming a lot.... one interesting tidbit is that they have been using recorded deeds for money laundering. i.e., fake mortgage companies recording deeds as a way to launder money to elected officials. She brings up Hobgoblin too as one with eleven questionable deeds.

LoriInNC 2 points ago +2 / -0

There needs to be a way for us to donate our blood anonymously.

LoriInNC 3 points ago +3 / -0

I have advised my kids to wait on buying, use this current time to eliminate debt and save as much as you can. Many think that they can buy now and refinance later if/when rates are lower but first there's no guarantee rates will be lower any time soon and second you cannot refi if you have no equity due to falling prices. The last real estate bubble took 4-5 years to bottom and we're just getting started on this one.

Follow Nick Gerli on Twitter he has great info: https://twitter.com/nickgerli1

LoriInNC 4 points ago +4 / -0

The ones that will be the most angry will be the ones that vaccinated their children. It's one thing to put yourself in harm's way but a whole other realm when you do that to your own children.

Of course they will deny it at first because the pain will be too much to bear.

LoriInNC 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've thought of donating too but only if it would be anonymous.

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