LostSailor 3 points ago +3 / -0

Three letter alphabet has to start taking down its own targets cause they have no money so all this money they seize replenishes the coffin.

LostSailor 2 points ago +2 / -0

One of her tours require a booster shot 🤣

by BQnita
LostSailor 2 points ago +2 / -0

If a jogger gets bail after 24 hours after shooting 4 people using the great affluenza as an excuse. Does this person even go to jail?

LostSailor 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you need money, take out a loan (not a withdrawal) from your 401k.

If you are eligible for an early retirement. It’s obviously utilizing your 401k as a retirement fund. Never seen a business provide pensions and 401k.

Next to that, retirement includes medical? Well Mr. NCPatriot I’m writing this letter on behalf of our medical plan. We will now be requiring the vax in order to provide you health benefits. Expect that to come soon, it’s about to happen to Medicare.

by BQnita
LostSailor 2 points ago +2 / -0


by Quelle
LostSailor 4 points ago +4 / -0

Agreed. I won't lie. I'm not a great leader but damn if someone gives me orders and I believe in the mission. I'll be your #1 and if this shit ain't fixed in 2022 I don't think I can keep pretending like everything will be okay.

LostSailor 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for the info. Went ahead and paid the $10 since I'm in the same.boat. The VA won't do shit about coof other than tell me to get the shot. The only thing I'm worries about is that LabCorp is located inside of a local hospital here that's been one of main hospitals spreading all the lies about the ICU units and producing fear videos and Facebook's feeds so not sure how much I trust these bastards considering I have to go inside a hospital to get the antibody test.

LostSailor 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fuck fuck fuck

Now I got toilet paper. I never could figure out the seashells anyways

LostSailor 1 point ago +1 / -0

Actually. It's the not for profit hospitals that are the worse. Have a outstanding bill at both and see which one uses more legal threats to obtain said debt.

LostSailor 11 points ago +11 / -0

Umm. I guess I am a whistleblower as well for Missouri. I have evidence to support the county health departments are adjusting the numbers submitted by the hospitals

Their was doctors at our local hospital on Facebook screaming about ICU units being overran by covid patients still as of Sept 2021.

And we also have billboards all over the town that the hospital CEO purchased begging everyone to be vaxxed.

Landmark hospital in Joplin does not even have an ER or an ICU but the Jasper county health department reported them at "max capacity"

LostSailor 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just like Mereks disease.


LostSailor 1 point ago +1 / -0

300k is the max payout for the CICP which is the only federal compensation fund currently approved to payout for covid19 adverse reactions.

LostSailor 2 points ago +2 / -0

Also why is the J&J shot not approved? It's the only one that is exactly like the flu shot as far as treatment. It don't use this fucked up mRNA bullshit.

LostSailor 2 points ago +2 / -0

It’s gonna be hard seeing Tiffany serve me drinks at the bar. I’ve seen everything. I know her wild side.

Now Tiffany. Wash those hands 20 times before making my drink. I don’t want herpes.

LostSailor 1 point ago +1 / -0

So if the airborne had to run up and down a three miles mountain in order to get their jump wings.

How tall of a mountain does someone assigned to a mountain division have to run?


by Quelle
LostSailor 4 points ago +4 / -0

But we can’t keep Hunter away from crack so it’s possible he may lose another laptop so we went with “scant”

LostSailor 2 points ago +2 / -0

NSAM 57. Go over to Afghanistan and pretend like your the taliban.

And the military sir? Pretend like you pulled out of Afghanistan and leave your stuff behind so the “taliban” can seize it.

Trump laughing His staff laughing The real operational readiness center laughing.

Oh guys. Yes Sir! When you take over the capital. Make sure you leave a maga hat in the picture.

LostSailor 1 point ago +1 / -0

Eating some kind of special lobster dish tonight. Spoiled rotten and all they had to do was play dress up.

Btw did you see them dancing to drake? Isn’t that how they would dance to drake? I was told yes.

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