Welcome fren I’m keeping up best I can since Friday
Also anon posted 👇🏼
There's also going to be a town hall meeting for East Palestine residence on Wednesday at 7pm to discuss the event that took place. I hope someone livestreams it.
Chans have about 38 open threads on this so much info
Here’s some : good luck fren tons out here since Friday
Yes it’s been spoken from listening to many spaces on the releases but his account still there > taking down the pedo accounts is something makes me scratch head as to why so many including this crap is still up / some theorize as agents still entwined there and allowing
Exactly !! could be the fbi spooks that are still in tact as well - no idea but allowing the many Pedo accounts still on there should concern all housecleaning should be more swift fast and dealt with
Some more info of the Ped0 scum fren
Twitter's former Minister of Truth @yoyoel maintained a "secret dirty Twitter account" known as otteriffic where he could practice his PhD in Grindr. That account has now been nuked, but it turns out that he actually would've preferred the handle otterific with one F. What do you know!? There happens to be an Etsy by that name. And in addition to Blue Check sweatshirts, it has a lot of blood-soaked clowns. Like a lot. That's pretty much all it is… I wonder what Dr. Yoel was trying to say here? Well he certainly knew, because he scrubbed it today. Except "someone" put it all into the Wayback Machine yesterday! Too late, fascist pervert, the internet is forever!
⛓https://web.archive.org/web/20221212140431/https://www.etsy.com/market/otterrific ⛓https://www.etsy.com/market/otterrific
🐸@FTFoYGL <<< HT
And the fact his account active says enuff for me
Green is the new RED
correct seems to have been put out while back (not w Penisse) but in past cannot find either documents or filings as welll
Ty for these fren I’ve been sharing adding to file appreciate the updates
RIP George >> this never gets old to us oldies 😎
Married to another rodent banker
I’m ready for that 🥳
the Gloves are Off 💯 600 plus days and counting is gonna be wild ride anons ):
Excellent interview
Boom - Ty fren >>> “doggie howls”
shocked no error code thrown kek
Huge thread kek - CHATGPT bias 1-20 Link : https://twitter.com/crabcrawler1/status/1622299126921560064?s=46&t=7dRr0Ib4D1o5xlhCsrSdtw
Yeah jannie commies got Pepe:( wAr I tell ya sucks 😂
This ^^ though I agree with Purkiss in the question asked ..
Gonna HT /@sleepydude here
“When Q or Trump talks about pluses, they are talking about puppets.
If you know their name, they are simply a puppet. The REAL people in charge pay a lot of money such that you never know who they are. Strings are being cut, and the last one to go down is Soros.”
Ty fren (: