Since lead blocks radiation and most here concluded that the government don’t give a dam about our health, are there any thoughts on the real reason they banned lead paint?
Health: Beating cancer with nutrition- gives tangible hope. Red pills: Behold a pale horse- a must read for people here( free audiobook online) Survival: Readers Digest, Back to Basics- So much info, from building a log cabin to tanning hides, hell they even show you a simple method to capture methane from your sewage and have pressurized gas.
Sounds Luciferian to me. The way they snuff out any remaining remorse. They believe it’s survival of the fittest and they should have no more pity on the weak than the lion has on its prey.
Trump gets it. He really does. Start at 15 min mark if you must.
That’s my president.
Immediately thought of
Well, school was supposed to be about the three R’s; reading, writing and arithmetic. Since they got only one of three spellings right I suggest it’s best they stay away from other things like social science and biology.
Some believe cancer is a natural and beneficial process that just didn’t stop when it was supposed to. Example: the fast growing tissue that first attaches a fertilized egg to a woman’s uterus will test positive as cancer. It serves its purpose to make the pregnancy possible until replaced by slower growing cells.
The earths curvature was calculated to be .00000024 inches per foot. I don’t think you can machine anything that flat. Info may come in handy if the flat earthers take over and you must pass a polygraph.
“Jankowicz was an advisor to the government of Ukraine” No optics here; blind leading the blind
That’s what I’m talking about! Let the bandwagon turn up the amps!!
Basically the second to last paragraph seemed relevant:
Conclusions COVID19 vaccination can elicit a distinct T cell-dominant immune-mediated hepatitis with a unique pathomechanism associated with vaccination induced antigen-specific tissue-resident immunity requiring systemic immunosuppression.
The common theory I can understand is anytime your dna is challenged to rebuild, the chances of cancer (mistakes) exists. Scratch an itch= damaged cells= increased chances of a manufacturing defect (cancer).
However I would love to here the thoughts on the only thing that I understand will cause cancer every time. EVERY TIME! Radiation... is there any truth to William coopers claims that tobacco is fertilized with radioactive tailings of uranium mines?
Is there any truth that smoking 1 1/2 packs of cigarettes equals the radiation of one chest x-day.
Any old farts remember cattle mutilations? Always after the female organs? Female organs the first effected with fallout? Cooper claimed every mutilation was downwind from a radioactive source.
I sent you a message “wanting a good book to read”. Yes I have a church. I’m sure a bible is there for the asking.
Not trolling. I find myself within driving distance of your church. That’s only one of many coincidences that called me to reach out. I can go there and get it out from under a bush if you care to be so discrete. Honestly I would like to meet you but totally understand if you don’t.
Would it be possible for me to pick it up?
I need a bible
Could add: more than two kids
One of my favorite Q-proofs. Seen it for myself. Legit
HIPPA laws perhaps. They are forcing you to display your medical history to your coworkers that know you don’t like wearing masks.
Lol My choice of words got a little ...sloppy?
Sorry about that. It worked for me. I have a pic of the documents but having trouble uploading it.
Possible asset I agree. Some of the opposition is of good heart. Communist have learned that once they are victorious they must immediately cull out their strongest supporters (thinking of your friend here) because once they see what it’s really about the new “ dissident” will oppose them vigorously.
Is it just me or is there an uptick in medicine advertisements that either treat conditions known to be a Covid vax side effect or has side effects itself that are suspiciously similar to the Covid vax?