If companies over 100 employees do not comply then they will not push further. But if these large companies do comply then they will eventually "mandate" for all others.
But how are they going to enforce this? They simply can't so right now it is a game of chicken to see who blinks.
Some companies are simply not jumping in until they see the dust settles with a resolute outcome. Other companies are diving right in thinking a head start is some type of "advantage" to attract their "ideal" employees.
What I can surmise is that this is one giant mess unfolding in slow motion.
It is believed that viruses were mostly beneficial a long time ago to human beings and are integrated into the human genome many, many years ago.
There are many that argue that viruses are still beneficial to humans to this day as cleaners.
Others argue the viruses are a byproduct of the human body cleansing.
From what I have been taught most viruses and bacteria are beneficial to human beings. The many harmful viruses and bacteria have changed over time due to external factors (eg human engineering).
It is possible that Trump returns to office as President in 2022 and he legally can run for 2024 as well.
This was speculated months ago as a possibility.
While that seems far fetched it is a possibility because he never conceded the 2020 election.