MAGAbot2000 6 points ago +6 / -0

From the UK I use a contact I found via Indiamart. £45 for 100 fenben + 100 mectin

MAGAbot2000 1 point ago +2 / -1

This is definitely what kicked the whole debacle off 10+ years ago from a business perspective. It was initiated by PNAC's color revolution flowchart, aimed at destabilizing the countries around Israel, to help strengthen Israel's security.

Without US aid, Israel is a basket-case. It has made no attempt to make friends and remains hostile to all surrounding countries. Trump's gambit was to change that, with his peace plan - but Nutty Yahoo had different ideas.

Ukraine has been Israel's lifeboat for some years. Shit goes down, Jews move country. Putin doesn't want Israel 2.0 on his doorstep, so shut that shit down. I think a deal has been done whereby Israel gets instability in Syria in exchange for Russia getting the Oblasts that voted to leave Ukraine. Who gets Odessa is still up for grabs.

MAGAbot2000 4 points ago +4 / -0

This tracks who founded America. Now trace the double-headed eagle to source, and find where that fits in. Next follow the trident. Then the shield. If you can figure this lot out, you'll know who the players were, who they are now, who controls what assets and what it is that Trump is trying to achieve.

Hint: the Movement of the Eagle sits upon a throne with the number '17'. Each of the players is aligned with a different number. Go figure.

MAGAbot2000 2 points ago +2 / -0

Certainly could be read as 'big black cock' cameo.

MAGAbot2000 3 points ago +3 / -0

Starmer is an empty vessel and he's fully comp'd. None of the decisions he makes are his own. He was installed as Labour leader, for sure. I'm inclined to think that he won the election due to a combination of Tory hatred, apathy and the first past the post system. Sunak didn't help - he was ordered to lose. So in this respect, Starmer was installed, but by vote. We have a change of batter. Starmer is there for a specific purpose. There could be a second pandemic coming, but I think this is a feint. War is more likely. Could be coming in Ukraine, or it might be the ME. It won't be long before we find out though.

MAGAbot2000 1 point ago +1 / -0

The City of London and its agents run the US via infiltration of institutions, and of course $$$ sent to Israel, recycled back as bribes. The UK DS is very resistant to change and used to looking out for itself. If the country burns, they'll simply move country and appear somewhere else.

MAGAbot2000 3 points ago +3 / -0

The UK DS will demand that Labour support the Blue Star State and this is what Starmer, the empty vessel, will do. He still has many Corbyn supporters in his party, who are pro-Palestine. It will be fun to watch the party tear itself apart.

MAGAbot2000 5 points ago +5 / -0

I think you're right. There were dozens of components to the NWO plan, and many dependencies between components. Some had to finish before others could begin. Trump stuffed a spanner in the gears and wrecked certain key projects. They decided to carry on regardless, and the longer this goes on, the bigger the wreck at the end.

MAGAbot2000 4 points ago +4 / -0

Labour won because people wanted the Tories out and either voted against them or were too lazy to think about real alternatives and then get out and vote. By this I mean Reform.

MAGAbot2000 12 points ago +12 / -0

It was Bill Clinton that pioneered tungsten cores. The theory is that he and his gang plundered US gold reserves and covered up the crime with gold foil-wrapped tungsten bars. Some were later shipped to the Chinese, who discovered the fraud. Hence all gold entering China must now be melted down and recast. There are definitely fake gold coins coming out of China, and these are being sold on eBay - usually as fake coins, but there is nothing to stop them being sold as the real thing.


MAGAbot2000 4 points ago +4 / -0

There is a subtle difference between an atom bomb and a nuclear bomb. A dive down the rabbit hole suggests that fast nuclear fission, as purportedly used in an atom bomb, is not possible, but slow nuclear fission, as used in a nuclear reactor is possible.

A nuclear bomb that's built using a traditional explosive core with a uranium or plutonium payload is still easily possible. In fact, given the performance of DU ammo, I suspect that 'tactical nukes' are in fact state-of-the-art nuclear bombs. Trad core surrounded by finely milled uranium, which is directed by the explosion and has a radiation footprint. Easily sold to the man in the street as a nuclear bomb. This is what a limited nuclear war will look like.

MAGAbot2000 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yes, Biden is a "double". My working hypothesis is that the Big Guy died some time ago (circa 2014), but the family business was entirely reliant on him being alive, so a double was used (his brother) to keep the graft going. The plan was to quietly melt away and retire. Then Trump happened. Whatever took place in the background, the fake Bidan was forced to the front of the stage and the Dem nomination. Clever Trump - put the perp in the spotlight. Bidan did not expect to win 2020 and neither did the Dems. They were gearing up for lawfare and a long drawn out case against Trump - basically cobble his presidency a second time.

The election fraud that took place in 2020 was planned and deliberate, and carried out by patriots in order to force the Dems into power so that other events could take place worldwide. Primarily I'm talking about Ukraine, but Israel factors in too. Both wars are necessary but unthinkable under Trump. He gifted Vlad 4 years to prepare - had Hillary got in, it would have been very different and Russia would probably have succumbed to sanctions.

The actor playing Joe is jammed in a position he doesn't want to be in. President was never part of the deal. It's unclear whether the dementia is an act and part of the movie, or the pressure on the actor has caused them to lose it. Either way, Joe 2.0 is having a terrible time while anons are living the best memes of their lives.

MAGAbot2000 10 points ago +10 / -0

In scenario #1, Trump winning by a landslide, the Democratic party will do exactly what it accused Trump of preparing to do in 2020 - it won't relinquish power. It will refuse to stand down on the grounds that democracy is under threat and an indicted felon cannot be allowed to take charge of the country under any circumstances. We may see this play out as a precipice event.

Another anon has already posited that the precipice event will likely be a nuclear standoff. This seems likely. We've only glimpsed the surface of all the corruption that's gone down in Ukraine. Everything dirty was on the table and all parties were snout down in the trough. A nuclear standoff to save the asses of politicians around the world and keep their grift going, with reveals as to what Russia has found and blanket denials that Covid was developed there despite evidence to the contrary would be an interesting scenario.

BTW this anon does not believe Covid exists. It was a set of symptoms harvested from other diseases, backed by a flaky PCR test. In the normie mindset it does exist, and the battlefield we're playing on has to fit in the Overton Window. Denying that viruses exist or that Covid was a hoax won't fly.

MAGAbot2000 1 point ago +1 / -0

Recently my feed has been full of pro-Ukraine propaganda. I only follow pro-Russian accounts, so possibly algo fuckery going on.

MAGAbot2000 3 points ago +3 / -0

🤡 strike please! This company is the Theranos of cybersecurity. Their CEO, under oath in a senate hearing admitted they had no evidence that the DNC's emails were hacked by Russia. His name was Seth...

MAGAbot2000 1 point ago +1 / -0

As the countries of the West became fat and Woke (not anons obvs), their armies became less efficient and effective. This is by globalist design. At the same time, a huge (Nazi) army was assembled in Ukraine, trained to NATO standards and equipped with NATO hardware. The planned use of this army was two-fold: cause trouble on Russia's border, with the potential to take it to Moscow, and provide units of shock troops who don't give a shit, to be deployed WW at the globalists behest, to quell trouble in our future smart cities.

In 2014/2015, Russia was not prepared to take on Ukraine/NATO. The ensuing sanctions would have brought down the economy. The election of DJT in 2016 was very fortuitous (or not) in that it gave Putin 4+ years to rebuild the economy, rebuild the military and prepare the country for war. Had Hilldawg got in as planned, the chances are that Russia would have gone down the pan. The war had to happen and it had to be Russia that prosecuted it. People are dying for real, by the thousands. Ukraine, NATO and the DS cannot win. But they will try everything to do so. One thing we've learned since Q came along is that the DS will not give in, ever. Even when it's obvious they've lost, they will keep on playing just in case something changes. They are very hard to beat, but then for them everything is on the line.

My guess is that the war will come to an end before DJT is reelected. It's happening while he's out of office for plausible deniability. This means it's to run for another 10 months or so. The DS tactic will therefore be to try and keep the war going as long as possible, so that it becomes Trump's problem. In the meantime, Russia will try to end it this year.

The Roths are descended from the Phoneticians BTW, who are the Israelites. The Jews are the Judeans, or they would be if they weren't from old Khazar. So what is Israel has no Israelites nor does it have Judeans, lol. When Zelenskyy spoke of establishing Israel 2.0 in Ukraine, he meant it. The Khazars want their homeland back but it doesn't look like they're going to get it. I haven't listened to the Tucker interview yet, but I bet the history of Rus and Kiev includes something about this.

MAGAbot2000 11 points ago +11 / -0

I've been thinking for some time that they'll wheel out Big Mike and do a gender reveal, then try to label anyone who won't vote for [insert pronoun of choice here, i.e. IT] as a transphobe. If it happens it will be the most outrageous timeline ever.

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