by BQnita
MO-Carpenter 6 points ago +6 / -0

Did you know that plastic can disrupt your endocrine system and testosterone by a factor of 10 compared to soy? Eliminate plastic food containers, plastic cooking utensils, plastic cups, anything in the food process especially if it involves warm food+plastic. A multivitamin and no soy is great but if you’re still taking in plastic endocrine disrupters your stopping a leak the size of your pinky while the floodgate is still open.

by BQnita
MO-Carpenter 2 points ago +3 / -1

That’s just as retarded as hormone blockers, fixing your diet, filtering your water and removing plastics from anything that touches your food or beverages will raise your testosterone so high youll think you hit puberty again. Giving kids pharmaceutical dependency instead of good healthy living advice is ridiculous.

MO-Carpenter 1 point ago +2 / -1

Knowing the rest of the quote doesn’t make it any less retarded to let a strategic critical domestic interest be compromised. That goes for all instances across the board not just for trump.

MO-Carpenter 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah Facebook and Twitter have similar rules, and similar censorship of “proven lies” but we all know how fact checkers handle themselves. Fact checking is just palatable censorship for budding authoritarians.

MO-Carpenter 1 point ago +1 / -0

Aren’t they using auto censoring AI at truth social? This isn’t really a burn if it’s not free speech either. It’s like Stalin and Mussolini bragging about who banned less books.

MO-Carpenter 1 point ago +2 / -1

Yeah he’s signing for Pfizer, moderna, and J&J what an absolute genius lol

MO-Carpenter 4 points ago +4 / -0

Youngkin made his bones working for the Bush Sr Carlyle Group who profiteered off of 9/11. He’s more Bush politics With a fake psyop of leftist attacks designed to make maga folks rally behind him. Just like Brett Kavanaugh.

MO-Carpenter 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah ten got hanged, and hundreds got top military positions, who do you think won the war?

MO-Carpenter 2 points ago +2 / -0

“Ivermectin has continually proved to be astonishingly safe for human use. Indeed, it is such a safe drug, with minimal side effects, that it can be administered by non-medical staff and even illiterate individuals in remote rural communities, provided that they have had some very basic, appropriate training.”

MO-Carpenter 3 points ago +3 / -0

Fighting to have your kid indoctrinated seems retarded. They’re threatening an idiot to force this idiot to teach their kids. What a silly battle.

MO-Carpenter 3 points ago +3 / -0

It just goes to show how stupid the hippies/yippies are.

Some of them are smart, but all of them were prey to the most intense MK mass conditioning. The entire hippy flower child movement was permeated top to bottom with feds, alphabet agencies, and miscellaneous spooks.

The amount of insanity from even low level levels things like the Tavistock institute popularizing veganism, all the way to the lsd counter culture, to the summer of love, from the Manson family, to the unabomber, to John Wayne gacy.

I don’t excuse their behavior but the older I get the more aware I am about the government and others hardcore influences in things I’ve even enjoyed in the past.

Classic 60s music from Laural Canyon, to LSD these spooks hit the boomer generation hard.

MO-Carpenter 7 points ago +7 / -0

Regardless of what the mainstream would like you to believe hippies were the first antivaxxers, there’s still plenty of them that subscribe to left wing woke ideology like this woman training her 11 year old daughter to take colorful cocks.

We gotta be fruitful and multiply regardless. We can’t rely upon their own stupidity.

MO-Carpenter 1 point ago +1 / -0

There absolutely is something wrong with it.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. We can hardly trust politicians to govern a city without being corrupted, let alone having these suits control the entire world. Decentralized power is the only way until we can figure out a real deathly effective system of checks and balances that could protect humanity.

MO-Carpenter 4 points ago +4 / -0

Allegedly it’s why Assange is still alive. Who knows though?

MO-Carpenter 2 points ago +2 / -0

Naw dog the FBI couldn't get into a Terry's phone because apple wouldn't help them. Please believe privacy still exists!

Ya know I’m not ashamed to admit I fell for that psyop at first. One of my computer science nerd friends just laughed at me and explained.

It was a learning experience for a lot of people.

One thing I appreciate about the government lying so much is; it has helped foster healthy skepticism in some.

MO-Carpenter 6 points ago +6 / -0

Pegasus is a malware that infects iPhones and Android

If it connects you with someone, it can be tapped traced or tracked.

If you don’t want someone tracking you, ditch the smartphone, or put in a faraday cage/bag. Windows android or iOS they’re gonna be able to get in there. It’s foolish to assume otherwise.

MO-Carpenter 6 points ago +6 / -0

There’s over 9000 deaths linked to these shots in the US. They’ve already crossed the rubicon on these. The only reason it hasn’t halted is because they are controlling the media. The average person doesn’t know the kill count yet.

MO-Carpenter 23 points ago +24 / -1

Part of their game is controlled burns, public humiliation. Notice this doesn’t happen with the truly powerful though, just the ones trying to climb the ladder. These organizations look for upwardly motivated people, who are hungry, willing, and naive. Some are led into it willingly some have too much pride and arrogance to see it.

Similarly to how Bill Cooper would talk about how the military did him with “alien” files. The gave him access. Had him digging through some plausible and some very insane fake shit, and they wanted him to spill the beans to propagate some fake bullshit about aliens. He deduced this at least. Not everyone catches on.

So hypothetically this happens to Avenatti, they show him some cool shit knowing he’s a show off and arrogant. They show him hoping he’s gonna incriminate himself. If the whole plan backfires badly, there’s an easy low level arrest that the cops can make to parade for the public, and like the Kennedy assassination we just move on and never find the rest of the team.

MO-Carpenter 6 points ago +7 / -1

Maybe they wanted someone to spill the beans at the lower tier, if things got messy they have a low hanging fruit to catch some charges, parade for the cameras, and everyone goes home and forgets about how this faggot didn’t plan his last meal let alone a missile launch.

MO-Carpenter 3 points ago +3 / -0

We need critical infrastructure manufacturing brought back to the US ASAP.

MO-Carpenter 2 points ago +2 / -0

That’s the point, they seem like your friend and they want to take advantage of that for profit and for deception.

MO-Carpenter 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good find. I see lots of circular reporting but no real meat beyond around 2012. The island is a tourist spot too so I think we’d see a glimpse of it. The island is rumored to be an old hangout of Cleopatra VII and Julius Caesar.

I went to the architects website.

If they didn’t build it they sure did plan it. Maybe it never came to fruition, but the stuff he’s got on here is definitely interesting. This architect also has built a golden pyramid home.

Edit: found the reason. In 2013 Naomi and the Billionaire broke up. Jesus I dove deep in that rabbit hole.

MO-Carpenter 4 points ago +4 / -0

Check this out. It’s a weird scene from the office featuring Jim Carrey.

So there’s underground tunnels around there. Some were used to smuggle booze during prohibition that ran from Canada to the US. They have more than their fair share of missing people. So does my area as well. Some people have mapped missing persons with our cave systems as they coincide so much. They have some odd tales about the tunnels. Kinda makes you wonder.

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