We have Edward Bernays, the father of Public Relations, to thank for that.. and of course, I found out later that Edward is the nephew of Sigmund Freud.
I think they're trying to pull a Trayvon Martin on conservatives and garner sympathy from them so they'd look like idiots to the Left.
Some still think Smirking kid deserved the negative press and never learned about his $250 mil+ lawsuit settlements. Effing retards, the lot of 'em.
Deaf pedes too 🙋
On the upside, there is a cure for the sleeping zombies. If only they just take that damn redpill.
Say "NO" to tyranny.
Uppity purists. Leftism as whole suffers from it.
We have a little of those sprinkled in here.
Based on some reading, they directed Alec to point and shoot AT the camera.
I'm guessing a live round went thru the camera and hit the director or cinematographer.
My buddy sent me something similar to what you made. It had Scott Gottlieb like yours do.
He also had Julie Gerberding, Head of CDC 2002-2009 and also President of Merck. Plus, Michael R. Taylor, lawyer for Monsanto in 2000 and also FDA Deputy commissioner in 2010.
I'm not sure what the connections here are myself. Idk if there is any relevancy.
The Cuomo-Hochul commie swap.
BIS (Postal), IMF, SDR, UPU
I would wager that it is one or more of those.
They are in a dumpster fire with wheels sliding down into a grease fire.
I've heard of those rumors too. Oprah and even Meryl Streep are allegedly sex trafficking recruiters. Not sure how far down the ladder they're from the likes of Ghislaine and Epstein.
Having spent some time on CrazyDaysAndNights.net I've come to the conclusion that most A-List actresses are just top of the line escorts.
I've thought about this. I'm beginning to think that the rape they went thru is different from what we define as rape.
We usually think of animalistic and forceful penetration against the woman's will when we see the word rape.
I think Hollywood operate differently. Elite class rapists have a different approach from horny retard criminals.
I'd imagine they rely heavily on peer pressure first and blackmail last. Drugs and alcohol too, of course.
The more promiscuous "friends" in their clubs, the better the peer pressure would be on innocent girls trying to make a career in the entertainment industry.
Example: A new girl met a cool chick at a movie role auction. Cool chick promise new girl to show her around. New girl hangs out with cool chick, become friends. Cool chick introduce new girl to her cool friends. New girl enjoy this new experience and hang out more. Cool chick invite new girl to party. New girl shows up and all her cool friends are there. They drink and socialize. New girl walks in on cool chick riding a middle-aged man. Her cool friends chilling, do drugs and join in the sex. New girl is shocked, uncomfortable and puzzled at how much fun they're having. New girl's mind wrestle with conscience and temptation..
For many of these girls, they gave in to the temptation and end up like Rose McGowan 30 years later. I really do wonder how many cases in Hollywood were forceful rapes, coerced rapes or seduced by temptation.
Tom Clancy also got Breitbarted, I believe.
She's Iranian but don't you dar
www.Whatfinger.com and www.Rantingly.com
People be eating crops grown from humans? Is that a form of cannibalism? 🤔
My comment disappeared from this thread. Reposting..
Whoa, you're hanging in there. I'm sorry about that, I'll pray one for you tonight. I need to ask, are you a Banjo-Kazooie fan based on your username?
Whoa, you're hanging in there. I'm sorry about that, I'll pray one for you tonight. I need to ask, are you a Banjo-Kazooie fan based on your username?
His choice of words here is brilliant. If he said, "I will teach you how to win" instead, that would've turned many people off.
If I remember right, in this context, he was talking about GOP politicians but I believe he was also talking about every person who actually watch and follow his work.
The sneering jackals who dismiss Trump brought the Trump Curse on themselves. It was inevitable.
I was puzzled at that too. Could they mean some super computer viruses infecting all systems connected to the internet on the grid?
GameStop stood by their employee against Macho Ma'am Tranny Savage. They're good by me. I've wondered if that event triggered the rainbow mafia (hedge funds) to try "short squeeze" GameStop. Maybe, maybe not. ??♂️
I saw one or two float about. Was this the first one stickied or am I mistaken?
That man was ravaged by hordes of demons for decades. I think it was about 10 years ago that he finally went sober thanks to Diamond Dallas Page (DDP)'s Yoga program. He made it to 63.