MahaYoshi 29 points ago +29 / -0

It took 3 whole years for the entirety of the left to stop responding to the mere utterance of Trump with shouts of “insurrectionist!”.

Even now, if you go onto the Reddit or Facebook battlefields and defend Trump’s policies, you’ll be met with a reminder that you “tried to overthrow the country”.

And yet it’s already like the assassination attempt never happened.

They are clearly terrified of it. This whole “weird” shtick they’re playing at is just playful cover to distance themselves from calling Trump Hitler and inciting and celebrating an assassination attempt.

Don’t let them do it.

MahaYoshi 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean, I get it. I have a family member’s bank account set up with mine so I can quickly transfer money when she needs it, and it’s REALLY easy to accidentally choose another account from the little drop down box where you choose where to transfer the money.

I mean, I almost hit the “Zelensky” account from the drop down just a couple weeks ago by mistake. Now THAT would have been embarrassing.

MahaYoshi 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is all just a deflection from the fact that they’ve been inciting and cheering on assassination attempts.

The left knows how bad they look lately for jumping on the Hitler / Nazi rhetoric so hard.

So, they’re trying to memory hole their rhetoric for a bit with something benign and almost whimsical to give cover for their literal calls to arms over the years.

MahaYoshi 4 points ago +4 / -0

I have the same discussion. Constantly. Even with friends who are recent self-professed converts to Republicans because of Biden.

But it’s so hard for them to break from their programming. Media says there’s two parties, so for them, there’s two parties.

MahaYoshi 7 points ago +7 / -0

Late night thoughts about this whole trend in which Dems are going around on social media saying “Republicans are weird”:

I think this is a clever attempt at deflecting responsibility for the assassination attempt on Trump.

For at least 8 years, they’ve been using violent, charged language to incite and justify an assassination (amongst other things).

Now that they’ve tried and failed, and been called out for creating this environment, they are trying to redirect to something light and whimsical.

So instead of Trump being Hitler and MAGA being the end of the world, now we’re all just “weird”. Can’t blame them for the rising temperature of the political climate, because all they do is call us weird, right?

Just one more way they take control of the language and avoid responsibility.

MahaYoshi 6 points ago +6 / -0

Good reminder that not all vaccinated are alike.

People in those first two groups you mentioned, were misled and deserve justice. I still wish they’d wise up and take responsibility for their own health, but they were at least keeping a personal decision personal.

People in that last group? Those are the ones for whom I struggle to have sympathy. Those are the ones that will march you into the detention centers and act like they are being heroes, only to claim “just followed orders” when caught.

MahaYoshi 3 points ago +3 / -0


After January 6th, it felt like I couldn’t go two seconds on news sites, TV, or social media, without being told I was an “insurrectionist”. For months, if not years!

Any attempt at discussion of election anomalies, no matter how well reasoned or evidenced, was met with knee jerk “insurrectionist!” shouting.

We are now only a couple weeks out from Trump ALMOST BEING ASSASSINATED on LIVE TV, and after about a week of leftists feeling comfortable enough to openly celebrate, now they’re all pretending it never happened.

And it feels like we (“we” being conservatives, not necessarily us frogs here) are just letting it happen.

We need to take control of the language. We need to take control of the discussions happening.

MahaYoshi 15 points ago +15 / -0

I’m already getting together some T-shirts to print the orange fist on. Time to make being a revolutionary non-fascist again!

MahaYoshi 4 points ago +4 / -0

I just say “he must not be a racist dictator after all if he liked what Kamala was promising in 2011.”

And “since then, we’ve all seen what a disaster she’s been, and none of their promises were kept.”

For the normies, of course.

We all knew she was always a disaster from the start.

MahaYoshi 10 points ago +10 / -0

Then they register 8+ million illegals to vote. They don’t need them to actually cast a ballot and risk getting caught. They just need that name on the voter roll so they can pump out a fake ballot and throw it in a dropbox undetected in a few key swing states.

This is one of the only people I’ve seen acknowledge this, but it’s 100% true. The illegal immigrants don’t need to actually vote, in fact it’s probably better if they don’t.

They only need to exist, to help obfuscate census, population, and voter roll numbers.

The left doesn’t even need to not get caught cheating, they only need enough plausible deniability for the hive mind to not see any red flags.

MahaYoshi 1 point ago +1 / -0

How did I not know Vivek said this?

I’ve been cold on the guy. Still am… but dang, that’s based.

MahaYoshi 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think more and more are… but it’s disheartening how many people still completely outsource their brain to the media.

We just witnessed a literal planned coup in which the media created a fake narrative to replace him, in front of all of our own eyes.

And many people still don’t see it. I don’t know how we overcome that barring a full media industry collapse.

MahaYoshi 25 points ago +26 / -1

One of my more out there predictions has been that AOC will turn against the dems, and I still stand by it.

Whether she will become an actual Trump / MAGA supporter, I kind of doubt. I think she’s too proud for that. And I think she likes the attention too much.

But I also think she’s not just going to go along with the bull💩. I think she has just enough of a conscience not to.

MahaYoshi 2 points ago +2 / -0

Can anyone confirm that CNN actually was carrying the feed live?

Because I know they always have cameramen recording the event for clips to use later, but it’s rare for them to actually air it live. If they did, that’s pretty damning, I just haven’t been able to confirm if they actually did.

MahaYoshi 2 points ago +2 / -0

It’s such a joke. They have Laura Ingraham, of all people, heading up much of the commentary.

They keep peddling Newt Gingrich and the rest of their stable of liars on there. All pretending — suddenly — that they think Trump is brave and strong.

Clearly the dog cut during Guilfoyle’s speech was intentional. They know what message they’re trying to send, through fake smiling faces. It’s disgusting.

MahaYoshi 12 points ago +12 / -0

Good find.

This all makes me sick to my stomach. I hope to see justice done to these people.

MahaYoshi 2 points ago +2 / -0

To be fair, the camera can make this a bit deceptive.

Like, the roof on the left might actually be a degree or two steeper than it looks.

And as we all know, the difference between a 2 degree incline and a 4 degree incline can be the difference between “I barely notice this at all” and “holy cow — it’s hard to tell, but my front foot feels slightly elevated above my back foot”.

And you can’t expect people without special training to know how to deal with that.

MahaYoshi 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have a fear of heights, am not very good on ladders, and in a past life doing construction / repair work, I often struggled on roofs that others thought were just fine.

So trust me, when I say this is easily one of the least worrying, most non-issue looking roofs I’ve seen, I mean it.

MahaYoshi 7 points ago +7 / -0

They do look similar. But honestly, these guys all look so much alike, I can’t tell the difference.

MahaYoshi 9 points ago +9 / -0

“Saying it out loud feels so freeing”

Time for everyone to be freed.

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