Yeah, it can be a real morality twister. I’m pretty hopeful that we can get sodium ion batteries in the works as opposed to lithium here soon. We could use some new industries and it could potentially be used in conjunction with desalination plants here in California, helping our mismanaged water situation and providing electrical storage for the masses. We shall see how the situation develops though.
Highest in the nation, brother 👍 I echo the infrastructure independent aspect. I just wish battery systems were more grounded in reality and produced domestically so that I could be insulated from outside factors.
I suspect that they will use this to remove Sniffy and attempt to set precedent to keep 2024 off the table for Trump.
To be frank, there’s many who are ultra paranoid. I have a friend whose uncle went to the casino and won a 5 figure prize only to leave it because he didn’t want to risk deportation.
Everyone’s trying to be hip with the community these days so I use them interchangeably when it comes up on the civilian end.
I heard it was 3rd group.
I’m very aware. They’re not exactly bringing in the hypnotherapist, however. It’s mainly running and swimming.
The job is necessary and steals a part of you that can never be taken back, but the world would be a lot worse off without SOF dudes shaking up the worlds most evil people.
CTE is a silent killer and the hormone imbalances, often seen alongside breacher syndrome, is what I chalk that unfortunate pivot to.
Do you know any Team Guys? I assume you don’t, because the vast majority are the most solid dudes you’d ever meet.
I hate it, to be honest. It’s like telling your neighbor you see smoke and they don’t listen to you until the house fire claims the neighborhood
I just got over it and I felt like I got hit by a truck. I’m young and healthy too, so it was a bit out of left field. I think Ivermectin really kept it short for me as there was really only one terrible day out of 5.
I’m in no way encouraging you to break your convictions, but have you been to a gun range recently to shoot? For me shooting clears my mind like no other activity as it demands focus on the “now”. It’s where I go to stop thinking about the memories I can’t change. Just food for thought. Reach out anytime buddy if you’re feeling like shit and need to vent. Take care.
They have to keep counting so if Dahle pulls through he’s in. I really hope CA has eyes on for cheating and hasn’t been considered a lost cause. We really can win this.
They called CA for Newsom exactly 1 minute after the polls closed.
California needs some guardian angels right now. They are reporting less than 50% of votes and the Republican challenger for governor is only down 15%. That sounds like a lot but they are likely slow walking all the in person votes, which likely favor us.
“Anonymous official”? Hmm
It really should be case dependent. Ultimately I believe that if you’re too dangerous to be trusted with a firearm then you are too dangerous to be free at all, as weapons are everywhere and one’s own imagination is the only limiting factor. I have a good friend of mine that spent quite a few years behind bars for murder charges, which ultimately got lowered, and I would trust that dude with my life without a doubt. On paper though you’d be locking your doors if he came in your neighborhood.
Probably not, that place has major issues with terrorism and I’m not entirely thrilled with creating a power vacuum there at the moment. We’ve seen this movie before.
Yeah, unfortunately I just pay it with a few bad words along the way. It’s definitely paved the way for striking up conversations at the pump about politics.
🥲 I’m at $6.69
I will pull out the trusty old uno reverse card here. If we become the “white side” we may very well lose voters and sure as hell won’t be getting very many new ones. Yes, I’m very aware that this isn’t them screaming “white power” but to many smooth brains out there it certainly will.
Yeah, I can’t say this really helps us.
I appreciate you sharing man. Take care.
I think they’ve already backed themselves into a corner with their wokeness. I’m sure a biological male could say they’re a female who wants to transition to male and I’d bet they’d be forced to give up the juice. Personally, I identify as a Mr. Olympia in an only above average body so I’ll take that sweet nectar, Doc.