Make_CA_GreatAgain 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree, the speech was an escalation of some kind that we don't fully understand the details of yet.

Year of the Rabbit? What's the significance?

Make_CA_GreatAgain 3 points ago +3 / -0

There are people genuinely trying to keep the demoralization low and the board resilient and focused. We'll call them Group A, because there is no emotional connection to that kind of language, unlike "deluder" or "doomer" or "shill" or "asshole".

Group A don't want to be demoralized.

Group B are demoralized.

Group C1 are shills that pretend to be Group A to make Group A look like cunts. Appeal to crowd language

Group C2 are shills that pretend to be Group B to make Group B look like cunts. Appeal to crowd language.

Group C3 are shills that hunt for emotional demoralized users and target them for gaslighting. Depopulation of board.

Group D1 are dumbasses that reinforce C1 because they identify with the sentiment and answer the appeal to crowd from C1.

Group D2 are dumbasses that reinforce C2 because they identify with the sentiment and answer the appeal to crowd from C2.

Being Group A or Group B is fine. If you find yourselves in Group B, please shake off demoralization ASAP so you are not FOOD for group C3.

Make_CA_GreatAgain 1 point ago +1 / -0

1 way street over enough time = minimal violence victory.

The cheating is the only issue. Is that a limited use action though? Depends on optic plausibility of victory. That is also in decline, another 1 way street.

Make_CA_GreatAgain 11 points ago +11 / -0

Great picture, everyone is moving faster than the shutter speed on the lens, creating a motion blur, except Trump.

The photo makes the statement that Trump is aware of his surroundings and calm where others are niether.

Make_CA_GreatAgain 3 points ago +3 / -0

I agree. I see no reason the government or science authority should have any place regulating the breeding, cultivation, processing and sale of the product as a drug or medication or anything at all. It should not be regulated. Never should have been in the first place. Giving institutions the power to regulate the cultivation of one's own land is wrong and anticompetitive if they intend to capitalize on regulated markets. They do it for profit. No other reason. Not for altruism, or moral imperative, or betterment of societal order.

The lack of profitability takes the cultural marketing out of society. No incentives. Grandma treating her arthritis pain so she can play with her grandkids is not the same patient as a college kid who has never felt real pain or consequence in their life toking up because she needs to feel socially accepted by the group.

Social consequences are another story. If I was a chief of a village 90% of the people I have met that smoke weed habitually would be banished to the wilderness as degenerates. The other 10% would be apothecaries.

Make_CA_GreatAgain 4 points ago +4 / -0

Pompeo is RINOing his brand. We'll find out why later.

Make_CA_GreatAgain 1 point ago +1 / -0

She did a great job not doing shit to shed any light on what happened with GameStop. Assuming this is going to be the same thing. This will be a rich source of memes for the stonk apes.

Make_CA_GreatAgain 4 points ago +4 / -0

The issue I have is the THC products are bred, cultivated, processed and consumed like a drug. Maximum THC, minimum CBD.

The CBD products are bred, cultivated, processed and consumed more like a medicine. Minimal THC, maximum CBD.

And no one is really trying to grow the 50/50 low potency plant that is infact natural and healthy and balanced, just not easily enjoyable. Good medicine is usually bitter -- if we want to actually talk about God's plants, God's plants as they are, are not nearly as conducive to addiction or disruption of users. Not like the modified shit we make.

Sometimes progress is not progress

Make_CA_GreatAgain 5 points ago +10 / -5

Have an upvote. Weed smokers tend to make difficult any critical discussion of "God's most important plant medicine".

Make_CA_GreatAgain 3 points ago +3 / -0

I wonder if people can socially engineer themselves to think with some basis in game theory. I wish I had a stronger game theory base of thought before midterms. I don't like contributing to hype -> disappointment cycles. I think serious shit really did happen but my presumptions were off the mark, and disappointing.

A population that thinks better is a stronger population.

An age of confusion and psy war does create a NEED for better thinking in the population. Maybe we are being socially engineered.

In the old world all they needed to do to weaken us was make our decisions and lives trivial and hide the consequences. This new world is the opposite. Decisions have potentially fatal consequences and those consequences are not nearly as well hidden as they were.

By removing the ability to hide the consequences the population knows they need to adapt.

That's new.

Make_CA_GreatAgain 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just checking in. Read Part 1 when you posted it, and decided to wait till the series was longer so I could read more at once. (Did the same thing with Game of Thrones).

Do you mind if I reformat this so I can repost/email it? It's turning into a good foundation to build off in explaining more specific concepts that relate. And all in language I think common people (like myself) can understand without too much initiation into econ, government and finance.

The comparison of your process to terrain was excellent. I do a similar comparison when explaining what social engineering is and why governments military and big business do it. Population as psychological societal terrain, to be transformed to impede/enable operations/counter-operations, or to create farmland, or to plant and protect important trees (systems, organizations) so they can grow to become substantial features themselves in that terrain with roots and branches. The powerful terraform the population and social structure as you would terrain on a battlefield. It's a work in progress, but I want to explain how ordinary people can utilize the same concepts the elite utilize to terraform themselves and plant their own trees.

Keep up the good work, you have readers here. 👍

Make_CA_GreatAgain 1 point ago +1 / -0

I checked my status in AZ and CA yesterday. If any discrepancy were found I would have documented it to the best of my ability and sent it on to TrueTheVote.


Make_CA_GreatAgain 17 points ago +17 / -0

From a certain perspective this looks like a hostage crisis and the people are the hostage and the gun being held to our head is war. "Do not do DECLAS, or we pull the trigger."

But that is "two-pronged" -- because if they push for war according to their playbook (metrics indicate next course of action) then threat of DECLAS will hold them back. This is mutually assured destruction. They are held in CHECK. Blackmail system is the King and can be put in CHECK with exposure.

I wonder what the key metric is, that we are below, without chance for recovery.

And the Ohio speech he also put the King in CHECK, and this speech he also put the King in CHECK. Both times he referenced North Korea (and iirc Iran).

Decades though, he plans to keep us out of war for decades. The only President committed to keeping us out of war for decades.

Make_CA_GreatAgain 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yup. Trust that the silent majority is on point and not following the bipolar herd one way or the other. We have many purposes for being here, each of us having a perspective within the big picture. Best to keep eyes on your purpose, the last thing, the current thing, and the next thing are probably not any of our thing.

Oakland sucks, even if nothing was happening Oakland is cause for dooming. God doesn't give weak soldiers hard battles and Oakland is a hard battle. o7

Make_CA_GreatAgain 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's both. They take an organic thing within the community and carry it furiously into community-destructive directions.

The ones that are anti-doom to the extent of making it a community problem are shilly.

The ones that doom to the extent of making it a community problem are shilly.

Other things they do this with:

  • moderation and free speech
  • Jews
  • minorities
  • glowies and paranoia
  • flat earth
  • aliens
  • operation trust

Etc etc

They play both sides of every controversy to the extremes to cause stress and disrupt organic contributors and participants.

Make_CA_GreatAgain 2 points ago +2 / -0

Odd that people here took this one as a slight. People like to wear the shoes that fit but I don't think that's what is going on here. This is just people being hyper defensive of the board energy right now.

My take, Offline, the normies are supremely sheepy.

They don't think they can change anything because they are isolated by so much programmed bullshit thought problems. Like:

  • Their worldview is that they have the best worldview (deceived + narcissism) and no one is at their level, which is:
  • isolation, "I am only one man, what could I possibly do against this?", which is:
  • demoralization, which limits the energy one would need to stop, reassess, and move in a different direction.

Much more complex than this and more factors contributing to the state of isolation and demoralization in the population, but you get the idea.

They have imposed on themselves a powerless character, powerless to make change and so passively they wait for change. For them this happens in the narrative news cycles. They latch onto the news that changes things.

We here can fall into this trap as well, albeit we have our boards that work to counter isolation and demoralization, which is a crucial difference.

Make_CA_GreatAgain 9 points ago +10 / -1

This place is great because it can take a punch and recover quickly. Quicker probably than ANY OTHER community of patriots.

I'm not disappointed. I'll even double down on it. Shit is happening off stage. We just saw a huge "Look at muh right hand over here" we looked and saw a big nothing burger. Unnecessary. So what was the left hand doing? What's happening off stage and out of sight. Something.

This is early mid week and the weekly news program is off balance for the rest of the week, and it's only Tuesday. 72 hours left in the week.

Make_CA_GreatAgain 5 points ago +5 / -0

Getting our "Carters" back, they took our Carters? And another emphasized CHECK. Also the speech ended at 10:07. Promptly.

There were some oddities in the speech.

Make_CA_GreatAgain 3 points ago +3 / -0

Based Pillow Merchant, no rocks and dimes in a MyPillow folks, use promo code RSBN

Make_CA_GreatAgain 2 points ago +2 / -0

Q is either going to handle all this shit and the transition will be far less disruptive to the average citizen and civilization in general or they're giving us time to form networks, stock up and prepare ourselves while simultaneously sabotaging every institution and process working against us ahead of bigger much more disruptive events to come.

Preparing for both scenarios.

Either scenario is good. LFG

Make_CA_GreatAgain 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't eat popcorn. I don't hate it, I just don't see any point to eating it or buying it. It is expensive for a food that doesn't offer anything in terms of nutrition or substance. If I buy a dozen eggs and 1 box of popcorn, both equally priced, then I should have bought 2 dozen eggs and no popcorn.

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