Too bad. So sad. NOT!!!!!!!!!
Some things you never forget.
Praying for all of you. A parent’s tears never go unheeded in Heaven.
It had to happen this way.
I was thinking the same thing.
👋🏼 Buh bye. Don’t let the door hit you on the 🫏 on the way out😘
Come and get it 🫏🕳️
Better yet spend a weekend there.
Love this statement!
They’re in matching outfits☺️
When I observe how Palestinian parents are raising their children maybe something needs to change on their end.
WHAT is THAT?!?!
And while you’re at it move the knife up a couple of feet and gender affirm his jugular too.
She should know. That’s the best they have?!? Hey idiot you put lipstick on a 🐖 you’re still a 🐖.
Who voted for Squinty Eyes?
That is fugly.
I’ll wager these protestors are going to be plenty mad when the check bounces….
Thank you! Additionally “Day One” is an expression commonly used to indicate High Priority.
I was just asking that very same question.