MaxdOut 1 point ago +1 / -0

Excuse me Ron for noticing, but you and your cronies control the power of the purse.

Stop talking and start actively correcting the problems.

Start by putting all remote offices of the FBI under their associated state police and eliminate senior management in DC.

Then, stop the needless fucking construction of the pentagon sized FBI headquarters.

MaxdOut 2 points ago +2 / -0

It took 30 comments before someone(you) declared that Jesus and our belief in, faith in, and following him is the only way to be saved from the deserved eternal punishment for our innate shortcoming (sins).

I do believe trump is a good man, even a godly man, but have yet to hear him outwardly confess and declare Jesus as the way the truth and the life.

Certainly we are never given a perfect choice of candidates but are reminded also that God can use anyone to bring about his will.

Thanks for your post.

MaxdOut 1 point ago +1 / -0

Joe would need to release it and then it would be theirs.

MaxdOut 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well those two are the c.nts running the show on site, while obama is offsite.

Is that what they'll run on.

Hey we are the wizzards behind the curtain anyway, so why not give us the job officially.

MaxdOut 1 point ago +1 / -0

nope. Turned his head to the right and the bullet came from in front of him. All three passed between him and the stage side where it clipped his right ear. Also the photograph showed the vapor trail as it passed behind him.

MaxdOut 3 points ago +3 / -0

I guess it's true.

The demoncrats always stick together when they vote.

MaxdOut 4 points ago +4 / -0

Haven't inks evolved over time?

More vivid? Longer lasting?

MaxdOut 2 points ago +2 / -0

Like anything else what may have been relatively safe in the past, may not be today.

Tattoo coverage has increased and who knows what new and 'better' inks are being injected into the largest organ on one's body.

Certainly I would want the most vivid and lasting ink for the pain I would have to endure. Maybe they aren't causing problems, but to ignore the cautions or off-handedly blame it on covid is not real smart.

Live and let live, but let's hope this isn't a hidden poison that will cause people additional problems.

MaxdOut 2 points ago +2 / -0


It's a cycle of indifference.

I think it goes something like-

We become strong as we overcome calamity, but become weak as we are lulled with comforts into a false sense of security.

MaxdOut 5 points ago +5 / -0

Wow finally another voice of clarity.

I beat that dead horse to the point of exhaustion.

MaxdOut 2 points ago +2 / -0

Still can't fathom how this ginormous secret is being kept.

There would be so many people involved and many with access who are merely trusted employees. Wouldn't AG garland have access considering he decides which will be pursued?

Besides, why even use the std database at all when this may not even play out in the conventional court system?

MaxdOut 5 points ago +5 / -0

I hope that includes tabulators and networking of results as well.

It's more than an individual machine manipulation.

MaxdOut 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm stunned by just how deliberate joe moves about.

Watch how unnaturally slow he lowers his hands after putting on his sunglasses.

Then I noticed some coincidental arm crossing by a couple others. Is there any significance to how the they are positioning themselves?

MaxdOut 1 point ago +1 / -0

And all those who signed off that the laptop was russian disinformation.

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