It’s not a coincidence, and don’t call me Shirley.
Get some silver, but listen to the rest of the people here and don't totally lose your shit over this.
Mr. Chateau Marmount
Guy oversells everything too much.
Great! Can’t wait to see them go done in 2046!!!
Go back to the UK bastard.
So many hours of programming down the drain. DS robot got neutralized.
They have to tap this market to stay afloat? 🤷♂️
I am starting to hate that “community.”
Sounds interesting but I was struggling to find any information through the ads of all the bizarre physical aliments
Even that chart is a supporter of Ukraine
This chick makes W sounds like Winston Churchill
No. Not this many people.
This fuckin' Monster's ball cabinet is a nightmare.
This is so fake. Seriously? Who would sit down with “Patriot Street fighter.” Why would anyone care what he said? The comment sections on GAW are just as informative and usually more interesting.
I had a friend that was in semi-pro and knew some mlbers. Mentioned the same thing to me about roids. Not everyone took them. It seems like people in better shape are getting hit harder with heart issues. I am glad so many passed on this garbage.
Get out those tendis
Sounds very fake.
It should be called SHAME month
We probably overdo it with evil because of the egregious evil that is prevalent on the left. It would probably be a good idea to apply the HR before posting. We all heave relatives that aren’t evil, but espouse leftist ideology. It probably falls more in the category of ignorance or I’m competent reasoning.
Yeah, it’s called liberalism.
🤖 Must. Increase. Fear.
Liked his since I heard jim and Pete Correale on Sirius,
What if? The more “what ifs” the father we get away from reality. There are enough actual facts that we don’t need an army of “what ifs”