MewThat 1 point ago +1 / -0

so basically what we all kinda knew right?...that under the phizer mask is actually the DOD? The government is just using Phizer as a shield to experiment or do something to the citizens?

MewThat 1 point ago +1 / -0

the j6 debacle...everything about it.... from day one...is so nauseating to think about I've forced myself not to. false flags aside, I don't want to have to argue that patriots weren't entitled to overthrow a government that was elected fraudulently for one thing. funding and protecting Epstein Islanders and obvious rigging of elections removes their legitimacy.

So Pence piling on the j6ers who are our greatest patriots, and who have committed suicide, lost their rights to speedy trials, and have been overcharged....Pence piling on these people???..that's is villainous to the max.

MewThat 4 points ago +4 / -0

I hope you're right. I'm growing old.

MewThat 1 point ago +1 / -0

You drink every night? Sorry man..but if I was your wife..I'd fake marriage you as well. You gotta wake up and do life better than that. Sorry for the harsh judgment. but you're a grown up and you posted this. handle it.

MewThat 6 points ago +6 / -0

this is kinda a no sh#t sherlock article....the real question is the nature, capability, and extent of the cheating. And...was the cheating "disabled" in 2016? Can it ever be again? is each state cheating environment different? where are the vulnerable bottlenecks? it's really oh so tiresome and clown world.

MewThat 1 point ago +1 / -0

good post

MewThat 3 points ago +3 / -0

I disagree with cablez. I've always considered parenthood with someone over "marriage" as being the real commitment. Therefore, I think your marriage is secondary to what your son needs. Even if you have a somewhat "fake" marriage. Give your son till at least like 15 or 16 years of a nuclear family illusion. (and I didn't hear you describe terrible fighting that you're doing in front of your son like cablez assumed).

I'm not against divorce (when children are involved) in all cases. Just most of the time so long as no abuse is occurring or dangers from addiction/alcoholism/mental illnes etc..

MewThat 9 points ago +9 / -0

Wow..if Trump wins...and Sotomayor, Thomas and Alito all retire during his term...than Trump will have 6/9 on the Supreme Court. amazing.

MewThat 2 points ago +2 / -0

lol...no...i'm saying i heard on some podcast...maybe Rogan...where some scientists or people tried infiltrating into some simian group and were successful.

MewThat 7 points ago +7 / -0

that judge is soooo icky. making sure he gets published with his shirt off is off the charts "ick".

MewThat 3 points ago +4 / -1

I heard somewhere that some humans made themselves up like apes err something and were able to trick the apes into thinking they were apes.

This alone gives me pause not to dismiss this ridiculous at first glance theory out of hand.

Because: A) I certainly believe there are more advanced life forms than humans that exist. B) I certainly believe that more advanced life forms could trick humans into thinking they are other humans.

However, if they were so advanced, it is hard to imagine a motive for them to do this seemingly pointless exercise.

MewThat 9 points ago +9 / -0

The toughest "patriots are in control" pill for me is how we had most of humanity on Earth injected with a DS mystery juice. Basically the laws on Earth apparently allow a tiny few people to inject everyone on planet Earth and the ingredients don't even have to be revealed.

MewThat 2 points ago +2 / -0

I read all your comments in this thread. Are you sure you're not getting ahead of yourself? There's plenty of people claiming God while being leftists. Heck look at the Vatican. Many lefty churches as well.

MewThat 1 point ago +2 / -1

family of four here. been very healthy 2019 thu till this Winter. this winter the family finally has started getting lots of colds. one such illness that i think we passed around, wife and mother are convinced was "covid" of some sort because it lasted a while and they did lose their tasted. but everyone is through it now, including my 80 plus year old mother. Our D-levels are all 50-80 btw. plus we do vit C, EGCG, quercetin, etc..

Overall, very happy about our health results, but this winter definitely was different.

MewThat 10 points ago +10 / -0

i was thinking Xi was good and ccp is bad.

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