Video is from over a year ago and is out of context.
Rainier Luftwaffe Wolfcastle.
These are people who cannot wrap their heads around the notion of Disinformation Agents, who purposely attach themselves to a movement in order to hijack and discredit it.
I don't believe it was ever a case of first having to say "Iraq has WMD" and then later having to say "Oopsie poopsie! Turns out Iraq didn't have WMD". It would make more sense if there was a plan to smuggle WMDs in and plant them on Iraq, but that somehow got botched.
Charge of the rainbow brigade.
I don't know who James the Asshole is or whether he himself is trustworthy, but what he says within the first 2 minutes is exactly what I've been trying to warn people about Russell Brand these past few years.
Yes Brand does speak a lot of truth, but the likelihood was always that a scandal would eventually break out and be used to discredit him, his followers and those who defend him. If Brand was truly a threat to the regime he wouldn't simultaneously have his videos promoted by YouTube or be appearing on mainstream TV talk shows on BBC.
If all of the world's problems were to be solved (e.g free/unlimited energy), could what we currently call third-world countries begin to prosper and see migrants return home to them?
Not sure it's a dog. Could be a pig.
This statement may have a double-meaning.
Tory government pretending to be populist now we're entering election year.
Dan Andrews (another Covid dictator) just resigned as Premier of Victoria.
Could just be that certain information all being revealed at once would lead to widespread societal chaos & unrest, triggering surface warfare against the populace.
They're just throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks.
You don't have to sell me.
At least they got a free Krispy Kreme.
Is 6.6 million subscribers not a red flag?
Wonder if Bill took a special shot.
The same Russell Brand who as recently as the last 2 years would appear on mainstream television talk shows and have his videos promoted by YouTube?
I've always thought of Brand as controlled opposition and suspect this is a ploy to discredit the truth movement.
Good thing he was vaccinated, or imagine how much worse the infection would have been?
Speaking last month at his Fatah party’s Revolutionary Council, Abbas outlined the baseless theory that Ashkenazi Jews are not descended from ancient Israelites but an ancient Turkish people known as the Khazars, who according to a discredited theory converted to Judaism en masse.
"Discredited theory"
So true then.
Klaus does a pretty good job of red-pilling by himself without us having to spread false material. In the original video Klaus isn't even talking about Elon.