Apparently "The buck stops here" is a phrase both Bush Senior & Junior would use frequently. May be fitting for such a scenario.
Wonder how hysterically they acted towards those who didn't wear a face muzzle or get the gene-therapy jab.
Fetterman was correct when he referred to Biden as a "collapsed bridge".
Make America Great Britain Again.
Wonder what the painting is. I haven't been able to find it.
Trump posts on Facebook though? Or is that just his campaign team?
The West can't meme.
Dementia is a convenient cover.
Rein as in putting the reins on a horse.
Keith Olbermann is AFRAID.
Allowing Fear's Rein And Inevitably Dying
Also - Pentagon Building New Secret Courtroom at Guantánamo Bay
The concept is to permit two military judges to hold proceedings simultaneously starting in mid-2023.
There's a lot of misleading & conflicting information going around, such as that Mel Gibson is "producing" the docuseries, contrary to what was said by Tim Ballard.
31 December 2012...
How can we be sure that Mel Gibson is involved with this?
SNP wanted Scotland to become "Independent" so they could then re-join the European Union.
The Scottish National Party are a shill group controlled by British Intelligence who's job is to prevent the people of Scotland voting for Independence. I think there is a much deeper rabbit hole to this than what was done with the donations from activists.
Note that this video is from 2015.
I'm not defending Boris. He must have a mountain of dirt on him, and is thus compromised by multiple different parties (no pun intended).
Boris is a national hero; almost single-handedly destroyed the Covid narrative by repeatedly partying it up. Otherwise who knows how much longer the lockdowns, face muzzles & Crazy Passes would have lasted?
The Doctrine Of Monroe depicts President James Monroe and his cabinet meeting in the White House on December 2, 1823
12 + 2 + 18 + 23 = 55
Working for whom? Multiculturalism is doing exactly what those responsible for it intended it to do.
Has the timestamp of the truth changed? I see at as 26 minutes past the hour.
A computer model. Just like the insane Climate predictions and Covid doom-mongering.