MikelovesTrump 1 point ago +1 / -0

That is some great advice!

Networking is so underrated. Even reaching out through is will create opportunities.

MikelovesTrump 2 points ago +2 / -0

The skills set and personality needed to sell cars is almost exact opposite as that of an IT guy.

MikelovesTrump 2 points ago +2 / -0

There’s many people who moved to Mexico and other third world countries who are now working remotely and may not need a large salary. The younger generation is a hard one to wrap your head around.

MikelovesTrump 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’d tend to agree. Ditch the recruiter. Identify 10 companies that he’d like to work for and then start calling an emailing them. Some people have given up searching for employees even though they have open spots available. The IT industry is going to be flooded with folks who’ve been laid off but it sounds like you folks are a little older and some companies will embrace having a person from an older generation with a robust work ethic.

I think that your prayers will be answered if your husband tries several of the ideas in this thread,

MikelovesTrump 5 points ago +5 / -0

Rewatch the video the guy on the left was holding onto the stock of his weapon and the other guy had his weapon between the two Ukrainians he did reach towards it.

Let’s be honest they were enemy combatants in an active war zone. They could have been eliminated without asking for their surrender

MikelovesTrump 2 points ago +2 / -0

What does any of this matter? Do you really think that he’ll be prosecuted?

They stole 2 elections that we know about and most likely a dozen before that and the R party was complicit. Hillary had a home brew server with classified documents on it and gave the Chinese access to the server and that bitch is still walking around and running her mouth.

MikelovesTrump 1 point ago +1 / -0

Kamala sucked them all off as well.

MikelovesTrump 3 points ago +4 / -1

This is theatrics. The bill won’t pass the senate and PedoJoe won’t sign it.

MikelovesTrump 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not sure what area of the country that you’re in but the Midwest isn’t like what you’ve described. There is the occasional maskhole.

MikelovesTrump 7 points ago +7 / -0

Hannity is a straight piece of dogshit.

MikelovesTrump 4 points ago +4 / -0

After the bullshit that just went on in Arizona it really looks bleak. Maybe I’m black pilled but it takes all my energy to get up and keep a positive attitude to run my business. I believe the fatigue that me and others are feelings is probably intentional, part of the DS plan to wear us down. Well it’s working.

Fucking Sean Hannity and his sheep, fucking Fox News and their sheep, face diaper sheep. Everywhere you turn it’s more dumb fucks and it’s almost to much to bear.

MikelovesTrump 2 points ago +2 / -0

If the GOP has evidence of election wrong doing you can’t bet their out digging a big hole to bury it.

MikelovesTrump 1 point ago +1 / -0

Don’t sweat it these people will be begging for you clean blood and clean cum...

MikelovesTrump 1 point ago +1 / -0

I seriously doubt that 300lb land whales and a bunch of crotch goblins fit the definition of a military force designed to take on the deep state.

by BQnita
MikelovesTrump 24 points ago +24 / -0

So dems get to shove through their bail out for journalists and the Rinos get to take away an unconstitutional mandate? That’s not a win, that’s the rinos folding like a cheap lawn chair

MikelovesTrump 2 points ago +2 / -0

Reich whose never been right with any economic prediction telling Elon how business works is rich.

by BQnita
MikelovesTrump 3 points ago +3 / -0

The D parties backup plan when they lost was this asshole special council.

All I know is that when we get back in control fuck being nice. Fuck optics, fuck their unwritten rules. Everyone of these criminal fucks needs to be prosecuted, every slimy judge, crooked politician and deep state thug needs to be held accountable. Justice demands it and our country won’t survive if it doesn’t happen.

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