This needs to BA a forever sticky.....
Yesterday was March 29.......
So aliens now have thick British accents? You fucking people are going off the deep end....
As the father of an aquatic child I’ve got to say that this whole thing is misleading. Genetics are involved. My wife’s dad had never been diagnosed with autism but he’s definitely autistic. I think that autism was under diagnosed and just recently in the last 10 years has it been studied and understood. I’m not saying vaccines don’t contribute but the suggested correlation doesn’t represent all the facts.
I’d like to see the raw video and not have to listen to that DB. The messenger destroys the message
John Kerry’s kid is also one of the founders of Rosemont
Give me a break. Russia still has state controlled TV. They’re just out in the open about their propaganda
A lot of Missourians in this group. From JC and thank God we’ve never had to deal with the mask bullshit going on in the big cities.
That looks like allergies. Give her a couple Benadryl.
All those folks parked need to eat and they’re not making money. If you can’t be there then support them financially
Peaceful for now but there may come a time that peace is not the answer.
There may come a time when they can’t walk down the street because they are hanging from a rope.
Bullshit. The Amish don’t have trucks that they “Jump in and drive 2.5 hours”. The Amish don’t drive.
What’s the name of the song playing?
Imagine banning dyeing your hair....
Grow a set and fight....
Play dumb and when you get there start dropping red pills. Ask her how many new horns have passed away from CV. Kids up to age 5? Start spitting facts. Make this a TG to remember. Don’t leave until they call the cops.
They weren’t burning the bodies one at a time, they had 4 ovens in Auchwitz that could handle 1200 bodies at a time, processing 8000 bodies daily. Auchwitz alone was responsible burning 1.6 million per year.
It’s sad that you think you are so damn smart because you can do some basic math but can’t do a little critical thinking.
Breath of fresh air not to see a politician rubbing his dick on a small child.
This bald headed fuck is just jumping on the band wagon. Probably was never sick.
Only people paying on tax day are the ones shouldering the majority of the weight. Small Business owners. Johnny paycheck is getting his taken out weekly,bi-weekly or monthly. They’re the ones begging the government for their money back in the form of a refund.
Go get some “Airborne”. It’s got loads of Zinc and Vitamin C. Everyone should have some horse paste on hand just in case.
Trump won even bigger in 2020 and here we are
Even the little ones seem enthralled