The Trump administration is running psyops against the deep state. That includes disinformation. Q told us this. It means they will tells us things that don't end up happening. They aren't lying and they aren't incompetent. They are running operations.
Trump is very much against telling the enemy what he will do. Keep that in mind.
Why do you assume they would tell us or it can't be happening? Or is this s/
I use to work for a huge corporation. Sometimes huge happenings would simply be announced as done deals. No big lead ins. No projects announced. No meetings. And you'd realize that if they announced this today, it had to have been in the works for months, maybe years. But nobody knew. The big cheeses just did it. Boom.
I'm more and more inclined to believe that one day we'll awaken to a new world. The deep state will just be gone, seemingly over night. No booms. No crashes. Just gone. We might not see the big storm we're expecting. That could be misdirection. It's possible it's ALL HAPPENING RIGHT NOW and we just don't know it. The deep state goes out with a whimper, not a bang, not a storm. That would be the stable genius way. Just musing over the possibilities.
People can stop worrying about the NATO treaty dragging us into WWIII. Do you think Trump would set the world on fire because of a treaty? He'd ignore it before he'd do that. Which is worse? Breaking a treaty or setting the world on fire? If you had to pick one?
But, we really don't have to. I'm not concerned at all.
Europe is weak because of their dependence on the US. They haven't been grown-up nations for generations, if ever. They can't do anything on their own.
We can't talk about that here. The you know who will get upset if you use that word. Shhhh.
Well spotted.
They are willing to sacrifice your life for what they want. Let them all march to the front with rifle in hand, or shut up and make peace.
It wasn't a lone gunman. They tried to make his head explode live on TV. And I'm sure they would have celebrated that, forever. But with that failed murder attempt, any thoughts of mercy, kindness and compassion Trump might have harbored were destroyed.
He knows far more than we know, and has for decades. I don't believe he will stop short.
"Bailiff, wack his pee pee." So, sorry. It's just such a great line.
BFD. Less than nothing. It probably gives him street cred. See what a bad ass I am? Them honky bitches can't touch me.
Kids for sale. But they call it a fee.
I think this is where we're going. Also, I believe this is the Trump card. Obama and Biden wiped away, as if they never existed. And the Democrat leadership KNEW.
Can Q team pull this off?
There's no chance Trump drags us into war.
Russia should liberate England. Haha.
Yes. He thinks he's a hero and all the Trump haters do too. The problem isn't the politicians, it's the people. Their people. We have hardcore anti-Americans amongst us. Many. They keep the deep state alive.
Sadly, they'll be fine. I've talked to their supporters. They think they are bravely standing against a tyrant, a dictator, literally Hiltler, and a new one I heard yesterday, Mousilini.
They are insane. And that's not a figure of speech. The brainwashing and propaganda have destroyed them.
They think they are bravely facing down a tyrant. Delusion is an ugly thing. It should be avoided.
Someone said, the Democrat Party will cease to exist.
This is their big gun?
When I was a child, the Democrat Party had people like JFK and Tip O'Neil. Now they have Lateefah, AOC and Tim Walz.
Nothing like this will happen tonight.
The Supreme Court? Shirley, you jest. They're too busy being Supreme. Retired on place.
We must keep these things in mind.
(1) Operations are being run by all sides against all sides. Q calls it moves and counter moves. Everything is fluid.
(2) The media loves to ask President Trump questions about what he's going to do. "If China does xyz, what will you do?" Trump, incredulously, must explain to them that he not going to tell the enemy what he's going to do. That's what others have done and it's stupid.
(3) This implies that you also can't tell YOUR FRIENDS what you're going to do, either. This is key. You can't even tell your friends, because telling your friends tells your enemies, too.
(4) This means that when Kash and Bondi announce what they are going to do, they are also telling the enemy what they are going to do. According to Trump, this is stupid. That tells me that what Kash and Bondi say they are going to do is NOT what they are going to do. They can't tell us what they are actually going to do because they'll also be telling the enemy.
So, we get disinformation. Q TOLD US THIS. Disinformation is necessary. This is what he was talking about.
So, in a sense, Q read us into the program. He told us the 40,000 foot view, but also explained that we should expect to be lied to in various ways. It's necessary because if you tell your friends in a news conference, you're also telling the enemy.
So, if we trust the plan, the best we can conclude is that NCSWIC. Forget about knowing details. It ain't gone happen.
He will say what needs to be said to the people who need to hear it. We might not be his primary audience. You might not hear what you hope to hear. But Trump knows our enemies and will be talking to them, too.
After the speech, I suggest we all follow the 72 hour rule and wait to get our panties in a knot, at least that long.
And if he hasn't done or in two days, people here will lose it. Haha.