Mister_Winston 6 points ago +6 / -0

The only way to play this investment is to not gamble on short term plays or date-based predictions. The stock market is a chaotic ocean of lies, and this stock is one of many being tossed around on the currents of illegal suppression and short-squeeze breakouts. The only play here is the long one. Buy some and forget about it. In time, you'll know when to sell.

Mister_Winston 4 points ago +4 / -0

Good to see Mr Truthbomb is active on X. He played a huge role in my post-awakening education, and I'm certain I'm not the only one.

Mister_Winston -1 points ago +1 / -2

JFK pissed off every cabal organization and agent so much that Isreal, if they were involved, would be at the bottom of the list of suspects.

Mister_Winston 2 points ago +3 / -1

At one time I tried watching this guy but he's so insufferably lib-normie ignorant that he recorded a trigger warning before his interview with Tucker. Total NPC.

Mister_Winston 2 points ago +2 / -0

So the emails become official DOJ property. Trump wins, and his DOJ has the discretion to release everything Assange possessed, including unreleased emails.

Mister_Winston 6 points ago +6 / -0

It's true they have little shame, and their standards change with the wind, but they cannot handle being laughed at. Here's how it plays out:

Dem: "That isn't true!"

MAGA: "Here's proof."

Dem: "Ok it's true but it doesn't matter because hurr duur hurrrrrrr!"

MAGA: "Well then here's your 1000 memes."

Mister_Winston 5 points ago +5 / -0

The way this movie has played with our expectations for so many years, you're probably right.

But I still expect the banks to collapse and America to be repulsed by Michelle's disgusting schlong.

Mister_Winston 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think this finding is huge. You should post a thread on it.

Mister_Winston 36 points ago +36 / -0

We're about to enter the artillery phase of the information war. In the peak of election season, JA will be releasing Hillary emails and Seth Rich info. Banks will begin collapsing, inflation will skyrocket as the petrodollar is dumped, Democrats and RINO's will drag us into war, and there will be a barrage of embarrassments for Dems, likely including the big reveal of Michelle's junk. Even Obama's core of black supporters will abandon him. I've been waiting too long for the public emasculation of that CIA Manchurian cuck-prince.

Mister_Winston 4 points ago +4 / -0

There's an above average amount. That's not a lie. It's not nearly as bad as public schools, and I'm sure Disney is even worse, but it's a problem that can affect any heirarchical structure, Christian or not. If it's centralized, it can be infiltrated. Which leads to the other problem: Good Catholics have their faith tarnished by the sins of corrupted leadership.

Mister_Winston 5 points ago +5 / -0

He was never supposed to win. He was supposed to always serve as a bogeyman for the globalist left. The left needs their bogeymen. They are nothing without them.

Mister_Winston 5 points ago +5 / -0

I could never be a woman. I would stay home and play with my breasts all day.

-- Steve Martin

Mister_Winston 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's amazing to me that people don't believe there was a conspiracy after Oswald was shot. Allen Dulles could have looked right into the camera and said "We did it" and people still wouldn't believe it.

Mister_Winston 4 points ago +6 / -2

This is from The People's Voice.

I do enjoy their content, but they are careless with their sources. Which is why they're banned on GAW.

Mister_Winston 2 points ago +2 / -0

The reason I don't think Obama's motivation is blackmail pressure is he was groomed as a CIA asset from childhood. This is his life's mission.

Mister_Winston 2 points ago +2 / -0

Interesting how they all depict the American/Columbia version of a pagan goddess.

Mister_Winston 1 point ago +1 / -0

Scripted conversation.

"Don't bother suing me everyone, I have nothing left."

The subscript is criminals may lose everything, but they can still buy their freedom.

Mister_Winston 9 points ago +9 / -0

I analyzed a copy of the drive in late 2019. I confirmed the email meta data containing the IP addresses of every recipient and the email servers the emails passed through. This self-authenticating data was why the Bidens never denied the laptop was real.

My main conclusion was that Rudy Guiliani curated the copy of the drive that he and Bannon disseminated to the media, which is the copy I accessed. He removed all illegal content involving minors. He may have removed evidence of some other crimes for legally strategic reasons. The original version of the drive that he turned over to the FBI probably contained the unredacted and explicit evidence of all the serious crimes, the inclusion of which I suspect was a strategic move to entrap a corrupted FBI branch and chain of leadership who he knew would not act. This means the FBI committed a serious crime by not acting to protect a minor who was in danger at that time.

Mister_Winston 27 points ago +27 / -0

Ask your friend how the Russian collusion special investigation worked out, and why Igor Danchenko admitted he made up the entire pee dossier.

Then ask him why Hunter admitted the laptop was his, and the thousands of emails were authenticated according by the embedded meta data which includes the IP addresses of every recipient and email server the messages passed through. Then call your friend a conspiracy theorist for good measure.

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